Event Details
April 26, 2024
1-6 pm
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Research South Auditorium
Registration for the mini symposium is now closed
Sabrina Spencer, PhD
Topic: Mechanisms of sensitivity and resistance to CDK2 inhibitors
Jan Skotheim, PhD
Topic: How cell growth triggers cell division
Andrei Goga, MD, PhD
Topic: Understanding CDK1 Function and Cancer Vulnerabilities
Astrid Ruefli-Brasse, PhD
Topic: Targeting Cyclin Dependent Kinase in Breast Cancer and Beyond
Steven Cappell, PhD
Topic: Molecular mechanisms underlying cell cycle dynamics and heterogenous cell fate
The symposium is sponsored by the Experimental Therapeutics (ET), Cell Response and Regulation (CRR), and Nuclear Control of Cell Growth and Differentiation (NC) Programs in partnership with the Melanoma and Breast & Gynecological Cancers Disease Centers