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Beacon of Hope White to Honor COVID-19 Front Line Medical Teams

Beacon of Hope lit up white during the sunset

This week, University of Utah Health began a campaign where employees are wearing white ribbons to express appreciation and support to our front-line staff, including our medical teams, facilities personnel, environmental services staff, parking attendants, and more.

Wearing a white ribbon also symbolizes our commitment to help keep each of our front-line staff members safe by practicing physical distancing and partnering with our teams to reduce the level of personnel in the buildings at the present time.

We are so deeply grateful to the work each of you are doing, providing compassionate cancer care to our patients. In an effort to express HCI’s support for those on the front lines of our COVID-19 challenge, HCI’s Beacon of Hope will run in white for the next several days.

This reflects our deep appreciation to the staff at HCI, University of Utah Health, Intermountain Healthcare, the Utah Department of Health, and many, many other organizations across our region, the nation, and the world. We appreciate the sacrifices each of you are making and want you to know we recognize your incredible service.

The critical research happening every day at Huntsman Cancer Institute is supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Cancer Institute, including cancer center support grant P30 CA042014, as well as Huntsman Cancer Foundation.

Cancer touches all of us.