- Cancer Anesthesia
- Anesthesiology
- Liver Transplant
- Thoracic Anesthesia
Board Certification
American Board of Anesthesiology -
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Anesthesiology -Primary
Board Certification American Board of AnesthesiologyEducation history
Fellowship Anesthesiology - Huntsman Cancer Hospital Clinical Research Fellow Residency Anesthesiology - University of Utah Resident Internship Transitional Year - St. Josephs Hospital in Syracuse New York Transitional Internship Professional Medical Medicine - State University of New York, Upstate Medical University M.D. Undergraduate University of Utah B.S. Undergraduate Brigham Young University Hawaii/Provo Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Boesl MA, Brown N, Bleicher J, Call T, Lambert DH, Lambert LA (2024). Continuous Wound Irrigation and Intraoperative Methadone Decreases Opioid Use and Shortens Length of Stay After CRS/HIPEC. Ann Surg Oncol, 31(6), 3742-3749. (Read full article)
- Campsen J, Call T, Allen CM, Presson AP, Martinez E, Rofaiel G, Kim RD (2019). Prospective, double-blind, randomized clinical trial comparing an ERAS pathway with ketorolac and pregabalin versus standard of care plus placebo during live donor nephrectomy for kidney transplant. Am J Transplant, 19(6), 1777-1781. (Read full article)