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Adam Barker
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Adam Barker, PhD

Languages spoken: English
  • Dr. Barker is interested in mycobacterial pathogenesis and improving early diagnosis of emerging pathogens in this area. He wants to lead the field in mass spectrometry in the clinical microbiology laboratory. In particular, rapid identification and classification of difficult pathogens for a fraction of the cost.

    Dr. Barker’s lab researches Mycobacterium abscessus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenesis. He is interested in identifying unknown, unclassified virulence factors that contribute to pathogenesis. He also is interested in the biochemistry of gamma interferon inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) in collaboration Dr. Peter Jensen.


    • Pathology, Clinical

    Board Certification

    American Board of Medical Microbiology
  • Dr. Barker is interested in mycobacterial pathogenesis and improving early diagnosis of emerging pathogens in this area. He wants to lead the field in mass spectrometry in the clinical microbiology laboratory. In particular, rapid identification and classification of difficult pathogens for a fraction of the cost.

    Dr. Barker’s lab researches Mycobacterium abscessus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenesis. He is interested in identifying unknown, unclassified virulence factors that contribute to pathogenesis. He also is interested in the biochemistry of gamma interferon inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) in collaboration Dr. Peter Jensen.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Pathology -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Medical Microbiology

    Education history

    Fellowship Medical Microbiology - University of Utah, Pathology Department Fellow
    Fellowship Harvard Medical School, Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Fellow
    Doctoral Training University of Colorado Health Sciences Center, Microbiology and Immunology Department Ph.D.
    Undergraduate Colorado State University, Department of Microbiology B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Pyne MT, Simmon KE, Mallory MA, Hymas WC, Stevenson J, Barker AP, Hillyard DR (2022). HIV-1 Drug Resistance Assay Using Ion Torrent Next Generation Sequencing and On-Instrument End-to-End Analysis Software. J Clin Microbiol, 60(7), e0025322. (Read full article)
    2. Bajaj AO, Slechta ES, Barker AP (2022). Rapid and Accurate Differentiation of Mycobacteroides abscessus Complex Species by Liquid Chromatography-Ultra-High-Resolution Orbitrap™ Mass Spectrometry. Front Cell Infect Microbiol, 12, 809348. (Read full article)
    3. Amol O Bajaj1, Suraj Saraswat1, Juha E A Knuuttila2, Joanna Freeke34, J Benjamin Stielow34 and Adam P Barker1 (2021). Accurate Identification of Closely Related Mycobacterium tuberculosisComplex Species by High Resolution Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Front Cell Infect Microbiol.
    4. Sobczyk J, Pyne MT, Barker A, Mayer J, Hanson KE, Samore MH, Noriega R (2021). Efficient and effective single-step screening of individual samples for SARS-CoV-2 RNA using multi-dimensional pooling and Bayesian inference. J R Soc Interface, 18(179), 20210155. (Read full article)
    5. Okoye NC, Barker AP, Curtis K, Orlandi RR, Snavely EA, Wright C, Hanson KE, Pearson LN (2021). Performance Characteristics of BinaxNOW COVID-19 Antigen Card for Screening Asymptomatic Individuals in a University Setting. J Clin Microbiol, 59(4). (Read full article)
    6. Hanson KE, Barker AP, Hillyard DR, Gilmore N, Barrett JW, Orlandi RR, Shakir SM (2020). Self-Collected Anterior Nasal and Saliva Specimens versus Health Care Worker-Collected Nasopharyngeal Swabs for the Molecular Detection of SARS-CoV-2. J Clin Microbiol, 58(11). (Read full article)
    7. Reyes-Vargas E, Barker AP, Zhou Z, He X, Jensen PE (2020). HLA-DM catalytically enhances peptide dissociation by sensing peptide-MHC class II interactions throughout the peptide-binding cleft. J Biol Chem, 295(10), 2959-2973. (Read full article)
    8. Forde BM, Roberts LW, Phan MD, Peters KM, Fleming BA, Russell CW, Lenherr SM, Myers JB, Barker AP, Fisher MA, Chong TM, Yin WF, Chan KG, Schembri MA, Mulvey MA, Beatson SA (2019). Population dynamics of an Escherichia coli ST131 lineage during recurrent urinary tract infection. Nat Commun, 10(1), 3643. (Read full article)
    9. Ravkov EV, Charlton CM, Barker AP, Hill H, Peterson LK, Slev P, Tebo A, Voelkerding KV, Wittwer CT, Heikal N, Delgado JC, Lzr-Molnr E, Kumnovics A (2019). Evaluation of Mass Cytometry in the Clinical Laboratory. Cytometry B Clin Cytom, 96(4), 266-274. (Read full article)
    10. Rasmussen NN, Barker A, Strathmann FG (2017). Lowering the Bar for Mass Spectrometry: A Comparison between Immunoassay and Rapid Time-of-Flight for Presumptive Screening of Drugs in Urine. J Appl Lab Med, 2(4), 535-542. (Read full article)


    1. Shakir SM, Barker AP, Hillyard DR, Gilmore N, Barrett JW, Orlandi RR, Hanson KE (2020). Combined Self-Collected Anterior Nasal and Oropharyngeal Specimens versus Provider-Collected Nasopharyngeal Swabs for the Detection of SARS-CoV-2. [Letter to the editor]. J Clin Microbiol, 59(1). (Read full article)


    1. Tardiff KD, Barker AP (2013). Identification of Rapidily Growing Mycobacteria by MALDI-TOF Mass Spectrometry. [Abstract]. 53rd ICAAC Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Denver CO.
    2. Barker AP, Nguyen AP, Smith GL, Cohen S, Hanson KE (2011). Differentiation of M. Chelonae from M. abscessus using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight. [Abstract]. 111th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology.
    3. Hansen J, Barker AP, Johnson S, Case K, Slechta ES, Meary B, Bauman S, Hanson KE (2012). Evaluation of a newly developed lateral flow and enzyme-linked immunoassay (EIA) for detection of cryptococcal antigen. [Abstract]. 112th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA.
    4. Barker AP, Siady SH, Slechta ES, Cohen S, Hanson KE (2012). Differentiation of the Species in the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption lonization Time of Flight. [Abstract]. Presented at the 112th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, San Francisco, CA.
    5. Hamula CLA, Slechta ES, Barker AP, Hanson KE (2012). Development of a novel high-resolution melt PCR assay for detection of inducible macrolide resistance in bacteria from the Mycobacterium chelonae-abscessus complex. [Abstract]. 113th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Denver, CO.
    6. Slechta ES, Hamula C, Barker AP, Hanson KE (2012). Differentiation of Mycobacterium abscessus group isolates by sequence analysis of the Inducible Macrolide Resistance Gene erm. [Abstract]. 113th General Meeting, American Society for Microbiology, Denver, CO.