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Kristin Akers
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Kristin Akers, ACNP-BC, ACHPN

Languages spoken: English
  • Kristin Knopf is a Nurse Practitioner with the University of Utah Palliative Care Service. She is board certified as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Kristin specializes in Palliative Care, Critical Care, and Oncology Care. Specifically Kristin enjoys helping patients and their families’ successfully navigate serious medical illness.

    Kristin, a Boston native, received her Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree with a minor in Oncology Studies from The University of Pennsylvania. She has worked previously with solid and hematologic malignancy as well bone marrow transplant patients. Kristin completed a 6-month residency in Oncology Critical Care through the Huntsman Cancer Hospital and has worked since 2011 in the Huntsman Cancer Hospital Intensive Care Unit honing primary palliative care skills.

  • Kristin Knopf is a Nurse Practitioner with the University of Utah Palliative Care Service. She is board certified as an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner. Kristin specializes in Palliative Care, Critical Care, and Oncology Care. Specifically Kristin enjoys helping patients and their families’ successfully navigate serious medical illness.

    Kristin, a Boston native, received her Acute Care Nurse Practitioner degree with a minor in Oncology Studies from The University of Pennsylvania. She has worked previously with solid and hematologic malignancy as well bone marrow transplant patients. Kristin completed a 6-month residency in Oncology Critical Care through the Huntsman Cancer Hospital and has worked since 2011 in the Huntsman Cancer Hospital Intensive Care Unit honing primary palliative care skills.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Midlevel
    Academic Divisions General Medicine

    Education history

    Graduate Training Acute Care Nurse Pracitioner with Oncology Minor - University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing M.S.N.
    Bachelor of Science of Nursing, Theology and Ethics dual major - Boston College William F. Connell School of Nursing BSN