Board Certification
American Board of Internal MedicineAmerican Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Geriatric Medicine)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Geriatric Medicine)National Board of Medical Examiners -
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Professor (Clinical)
Academic Divisions Geriatrics
Board Certification American Board of Internal MedicineAmerican Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Geriatric Medicine)American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Geriatric Medicine)National Board of Medical ExaminersEducation history
Chief Resident University of Kentucky Medical Center Chief Resident Internship/Residency University of Kentucky Medical Center Intern/Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Medical University of South Carolina M.D. Undergraduate Medicine - University of South Carolina B.S., M.D. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Scannell GA, Bevan DJ, Cowan A, Weiss RJ, Brenner RJ, Farrell TW, Yarbrough PM, Rupper RW, Eleazer GP (2024). A Clinical Pharmacist-Led Transitions of Care Program for Veterans with Two Planned Care Transitions (Hospital to Skilled Care and Skilled Care to Home) amid the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 105006. (Read full article)
- Farrell TW, Volden TA, Butler JM, Eleazer GP, Rupper RW, Echt KV, Shaughnessy M, Supiano MA (2023). Age-friendly care in the Veterans Health Administration: Past, present, and future. . J Am Geriatr Soc, 71(1), 18-25.
- Farrell TW, Volden TA, Butler JM, Eleazer GP, Rupper RW, Echt KV, Shaughnessy M, Supiano MA (2022). Age-friendly care in the Veterans Health Administration: Past, present, and future. J Am Geriatr Soc, 71(1), 18-25. (Read full article)
- Lowell Chang, Wade Brown, MD Jason Carr, MD Charles Lui, MD Kimberly A Selzman, MD Caroline Milne, MD John W Nord, MD Paul Eleazer (2020). MD A National Survey of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers' Cardiology Services. Fed Pract, 36(7), S32-S36.
- Sehgal M, Syed Q, Callahan KE, Powers BB, Eleazer GP, Gleason LL, Ramaswamy R, Sauvigne K, Leipzig RM, Shah A (2019). Introducing Aquifer Geriatrics, the American Geriatrics Society National Online Curriculum. J Am Geriatr Soc, 67(4), 811-817. (Read full article)
- Johnson SA, Eleazer GP, Rondina MT (2016). Pathogenesis, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Venous Thromboembolism in Older Adults. J Am Geriatr Soc, 64(9), 1869-78. (Read full article)
- Stepanikova I, Zhang Q, Wieland D, Eleazer GP, Stewart T (2012). Non-verbal communication between primary care physicians and older patients: how does race matter? J Gen Intern Med, 27(5), 576-81. (Read full article)
- Leone AF, Schumacher SM, Krotish DE, Eleazer GP (2012). Geriatricians' interest to learn bedside portable ultrasound (GEBUS) for application in the clinical practice and in education. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 13(3), 308.e7-10. (Read full article)
- Wiley MK, Granholm AC, Bachman D, Wieland D, Roberts E, Hardin R, Dever-Bumba M, Eleazer GP (2011). Use of seniors as mentors to medical students: a collaboration between the University of South Carolina School of Medicine and the Medical University of South Carolina. J S C Med Assoc, 107(1), 8-12. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Stewart TJ, Wieland GD, Anderson MB, Simpson D (2009). The national evaluation of senior mentor programs: older adults in medical education. J Am Geriatr Soc, 57(2), 321-6. (Read full article)
- Laditka JN, Laditka SB, Eleazer GP, Cornman CB, Porter CN, Davis DR (2008). High variation in Alzheimer's disease prevalence among South Carolina counties. J S C Med Assoc, 104(7), 215-8. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Laditka JN (2008). Setting the stage: the SeniorSMART Program and the Healthy Brain Initiative. J S C Med Assoc, 104(7), 214. (Read full article)
- Hirth VA, Eleazer GP, Dever-Bumba M (2008). A step toward solving the geriatrician shortage. Am J Med, 121(3), 247-51. (Read full article)
- Bernard MA, Eleazer GP, Leipzig RM (2008). Disciplinary convergence: the nexus of gerontology and geriatrics education. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 28(3), 1-3. (Read full article)
- Wieland D, Eleazer GP, Bachman DL, Corbin D, Oldendick R, Boland R, Stewart T, Richeson N, Thornhill JT (2008). Does it stick? Effects of an integrated vertical undergraduate aging curriculum on medical and surgical residents. J Am Geriatr Soc, 56(1), 132-8. (Read full article)
- Stewart TJ, Eleazer GP, Boland R, Wieland GD (2007). The middle of the road: results from the aging semantic differential with four cohorts of medical students. J Am Geriatr Soc, 55(8), 1275-80. (Read full article)
- Laditka SB, Jenkins CL, Eleazer GP, Kelsey SG (2007). Developing Geriatric Expertise among Medical School Faculty: Preparing to Meet the Health Care Challenges of an Aging Population. Educ Gerontol, 33(6), 469-482.
- Eleazer GP, Wieland D, Roberts E, Richeson N, Thornhill JT (2006). Preparing medical students to care for older adults: the impact of a Senior Mentor Program. Acad Med, 81(4), 393-8. (Read full article)
- Roberts E, Richeson N, Thornhill JT, Corwin SJ, Eleazer GP (2006). The Senior Mentor Program at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine: an innovative geriatric longitudinal curriculum. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 27(2), 11-23. (Read full article)
- Corwin SJ, Frahm K, Ochs LA, Rheaume CE, Roberts E, Eleazer GP (2006). Medical student and senior participants' perceptions of a mentoring program designed to enhance geriatric medical education. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 26(3), 47-65. (Read full article)
- McFarland K, Rhoades D, Roberts E, Eleazer P (2006). Teaching communication and listening skills to medical students using life review with older adults. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 27(1), 81-94. (Read full article)
- Stewart TJ, Roberts E, Eleazer GP, Boland R, Wieland D (2006). Reliability and Validity Considerations for Two Common Measures of Medical Students' Attitudes toward Older Adults. Educ Gerontol, 32, 409-421.
- Eleazer GP, Wieland D (2006). Senior Mentorship in Basic Medical Education: New Programmatic Approaches. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 27(2), 1-2.
- Eleazer GP, Laditka SB, Roberts E, Hirth VA, Wieland D (2005). Geriatrics training and education for nongeriatrician faculty: the Dean's Faculty Scholars in Aging Program. J Am Geriatr Soc, 53(10), 1806-10. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Doshi R, Wieland D, Boland R, Hirth VA (2005). Geriatric content in medical school curricula: results of a national survey. J Am Geriatr Soc, 53(1), 136-40. (Read full article)
- Hajjar I, Catoe H, Sixta S, Boland R, Johnson D, Hirth V, Wieland D, Eleazer P (2005). Cross-sectional and longitudinal association between antihypertensive medications and cognitive impairment in an elderly population. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 60(1), 67-73. (Read full article)
- Roberts E, Richeson N, Thornhill J, Eleazer GP (2004). University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Acad Med, 79(7 Suppl), S161-7. (Read full article)
- Matthews M, Lucas A, Boland R, Hirth V, Odenheimer G, Wieland D, Williams H, Eleazer GP (2004). Use of a questionnaire to screen for frailty in the elderly: an exploratory study. Aging Clin Exp Res, 16(1), 34-40. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Liken M, Hirth VA, Johnson D, Lucas A, Egbert J, Boland RH, Wieland D (2004). Assessing geriatrics in undergraduate medical education: two different approaches. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 24(3), 1-8. (Read full article)
- Carrero JM, Williams HG, Eleazer GP (2003). The case for physician assessment of balance in older adults. J S C Med Assoc, 99(12), 356-9. (Read full article)
- Hajjar I, Schumpert J, Hirth V, Wieland D, Eleazer GP (2002). The impact of the use of statins on the prevalence of dementia and the progression of cognitive impairment. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 57(7), M414-8. (Read full article)
- Brooks SL, Eleazer GP, Reuben DB, Thompson BL, Sullivan G (2002). Guideline for Promotion of Clinician Educators in Geriatric Medicine. J Am Geriatr Soc, 50, 963-965.
- Drusini AG, Eleazer GP, Caiazzo M, Veronese E, Carrara N, Ranzato C, Businaro F, Boland R, Wieland D (2002). One-leg standing balance and functional status in an elderly community-dwelling population in northeast Italy. Aging Clin Exp Res, 14(1), 42-6. (Read full article)
- Covinsky KE, Eng C, Lui LY, Sands LP, Sehgal AR, Walter LC, Wieland D, Eleazer GP, Yaffe K (2001). Reduced employment in caregivers of frail elders: impact of ethnicity, patient clinical characteristics, and caregiver characteristics. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, 56(11), M707-13. (Read full article)
- Wieland D, Lamb VL, Sutton SR, Boland R, Clark M, Friedman S, Brummel-Smith K, Eleazer GP (2000). Hospitalization in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): rates, concomitants, and predictors. J Am Geriatr Soc, 48(11), 1373-80. (Read full article)
- Wieland D, Lamb V, Wang H, Sutton S, Eleazer GP, Egbert J (2000). Participants in the Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) demonstration: developing disease-impairment-disability profiles. Gerontologist, 40(2), 218-27. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Mcrae T, Kneble J, Rueben D, Sullivan G, Thompson B, Dupee R (2000). Core Competencies for the Care of Older Patients: Recommendations of the American Geriatrics Society. Acad Med, 75(1), 252-255.
- Hornung CA, Eleazer GP, Strothers HS 3rd, Wieland GD, Eng C, McCann R, Sapir M (1998). Ethnicity and decision-makers in a group of frail older people. J Am Geriatr Soc, 46(3), 280-6. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Giles V, Wieland GD (1998). Evaluation of an Undergraduate Medical Geriatric Curriculum Through Use of Test Question Analysis. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 19(1), 89-96.
- Henderson D, Eleazer GP, Oldendick, R (1998). The Adequacy of Preparation and Importance of Geriatrics in a Sample of Primary Care Physicians. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 19(2), 57-65.
- Reuben DB, Brangman SA, Brooks SB, Eleazer GP, Granieri E, Grossberg GT, Jahnigen D, Mims A, Mulligan T, Osterweil D, Thompson BL (1998). Guidelines for Fellowship Training in Geriatrics. J Am Geriatr Soc, 46, 1473-1477.
- Hornung CA, Brewer BM, Stein MD, Eleazer GP, Brown TE, Byrd MD (1997). The South Carolina Geriatric Rural Initiative Project: the paraprofessional geriatric technician in care coordination. J S C Med Assoc, 93(7), 248-54. (Read full article)
- Eng C, Pedulla J, Eleazer GP, McCann R, Fox N (1997). Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE): an innovative model of integrated geriatric care and financing. J Am Geriatr Soc, 45(2), 223-32. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Humphries JO, Bevilacqua J, Faulkner LR (1997). Expanding Resources for Geriatric Education and Research: A Public-Academic-Private Approach. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 18(1), 33-46.
- Eleazer GP, Hornung CA, Egbert CB, Egbert JR, Eng C, Hedgepeth J, McCann R, Strothers H 3rd, Sapir M, Wei M, Wilson M (1996). The relationship between ethnicity and advance directives in a frail older population. J Am Geriatr Soc, 44(8), 938-43. (Read full article)
- Hornung CA, Oldendick RW, Feigley CE, Macera CA, Wei M, Draheim LA, Eleazer GP, Olsen GN (1996). Reliability of proxy information about the health effects of exposure to hazardous waste incineration. Toxicol Ind Health, 12(2), 245-54. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Bryant ES, Crow S, Ryan C, Rowen R, Valleni D, Hedgepeth J, Weinrich S (1996). A New Geropsychiatric Approach: Assertive Community-Based Case Management. 2(2), 129-40.
- Ryan C, Eleazer GP, Egbert J (Nov-Dec 1995). Vitamin D in the Elderly: An Overlooked Nutrient. Nutr Today, 30(6), 228-33.
- Eleazer GP (1995). Elder abuse. J S C Med Assoc, 91(10), 431-4. (Read full article)
- Scott WK, Huang Y, Cornman C, Neff LJ, Torres ME, Otterness C, Eleazer P, Macera CA (1995). Alzheimer's disease in South Carolina, 1994. J S C Med Assoc, 91(6), 257-9. (Read full article)
- Weinrich S, Coker AL, Weinrich M, Eleazer GP, Greene FL (1995). Predictors of Pap smear screening in socioeconomically disadvantaged elderly women. J Am Geriatr Soc, 43(3), 267-70. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Bird L, Egbert J, Ryan C, Wei M, Guest K (1995). Appropriate protocol for zinc therapy in long term care facilities. J Nutr Elder, 14(4), 31-8. (Read full article)
- Ryan C, Byrd J, Eleazer P (1995). Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy Tubes Placement In Elderly Patients from a South Carolina Long Term Care Facility: Outcomes. J Nutr Elder, 14(213), 89-96.
- Ryan C, Bryant E, Eleazer P, Rhodes A, Guest K (1995). Unintentional Weight Loss In Long-Term Care: Predictor Of Mortality In The Elderly. South Med J, 88(7), 721-4.
- McClenaghan BA, Williams HG, Dickerson J, Dowda M, Thombs L, Eleazer GP (1995). Spectral Characteristics of Aging: Postural Control. Gait Posture, 3, 123-31.
- Eleazer GP, Baskins JP, Egbert J, Johnson CD, Wilson L (1994). Managed care for the frail elderly: the PACE Project. J S C Med Assoc, 90(12), 586-91. (Read full article)
- Eleazer GP, Brown T, Hornung CA, Brewer B, Whitney B (1994). Paraprofessional Health Providers In A Rural Setting. Gerontologist, 34(SI), 56-57.
- Eleazer GP (1994). Rural Primary Care Physicians' Knowledge of Dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc, 42(SI), SA71.
- Eleazer GP, Egbert CR, Caskey S, Egbert JR, Hornung CA (1994). Incorporating Geriatrics in a Medical School Curriculum. Gerontol Geriatr Educ, 14(3), 65-76.
- Powell FM, Eleazer GP (1993). The need for physical activity in older adults. J S C Med Assoc, 89(8), 387-90. (Read full article)
- Egbert JR, Baskins J, Eleazer GP (1993). Use of a Nontraditional Site for Training Multiple Disciplines in Geriatrics. Educ Gerontol, 20, 221-720.
- Clair WK, Eleazer GP, Hazlett LJ, Morales BA, Sercy JM, Woodbury LV (1989). Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus in mental health patients. J S C Med Assoc, 85(3), 103-6. (Read full article)
- Sloane PD, Eleazer GP, Phillips SL, Batchelor F (2022). Removing the Financial Barriers to Home-Based Medical Care for Frail Older Persons. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 23(10), 1611-1613. (Read full article)
- Mandi Sehgal, Quratulain Syed, Kathryn E Callahan, Becky B Powers, G Paul Eleazer, Lauren L Gleason, Ravishankar Ramaswamy, Karen Sauvigne, Rosanne M Leipzig, Amit Shah (2019). Introducing Aquifer Geriatrics, the American Geriatrics Society National Online Curriculum. 67(4), 811-817.