Board Certification
American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 26 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
June 25, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERDr. Kastenberg took his time to explain everything and discuss all the possible options. He also allowed adequate time for us to ask all the questions we had.
May 22, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTEREs un doctor con mucha experiencia y paciencia con sus pacientes dios lo vendiga
May 28, 2023RIVERTON CLINICSWe love Dr. Kastenberg, he has taken the best care of our little man. He made us feel comfortable and cared for.
April 08, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERVery professional and kind, inspires confidence in quality of care being given
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Assistant Professor
Academic Divisions Pediatric Surgery
Board Certification American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)Education history
Fellowship Pediatric Surgery - University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow Chief Resident General Surgery - Stanford University School of Medicine Administrative Chief Resident Graduate Training Health Services Research - Stanford University School of Medicine M.S. Residency General Surgery - Stanford University School of Medicine Resident Internship General Surgery - Stanford University School of Medicine Intern Professional Medical Medicine - Harvard Medical School M.D. Undergraduate Biology - University of Minnesota B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Scaife JH, Hewes HA, Iantorno SE, Clinker CE, Fenton SJ, Skarda DE, Kastenberg ZJ, Swendiman RA, Russell KW (2024). Optimizing patient selection for ECMO after pediatric hypothermic cardiac arrest. Injury, 111731. (Read full article)
- Reiter AJ, Huang L, Craig BT, Davidoff AM, Talbot LJ, Coggins J, Smith J, Aldrink JH, Bergus KC, MacArthur TA, Polites SF, Boehmer C, Brungardt J, Malek MM, Rinehardt HN, Kastenberg ZJ, Arkin CM, Gourmel A, Piche N, Wallace M, Liang J, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Petroze RT, Gillies G, Marquart JP, Becktell K, Le HD, Favela J, Rich BS, Glick RD, Seemann NM, Davidson J, Wilson CA, Roach J, Brown EG, Doyle KE, Coakley BA, Emengo P, Merola P, Grant CN, Tirumani A, Tracy ET, Moya-Mendez ME, Dasgupta R, Lautz TB, Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative (2024). Survival outcomes in pediatric patients with metastatic Ewing sarcoma who achieve a rapid complete response of pulmonary metastases. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 71(7), e31026. (Read full article)
- Wallace MW, Kastenberg ZJ, Swendiman RA, Eckhauser AW, Rodriguez-Davalos M, Russell KW (2024). Two-Stage Liver Transplantation and Tricuspid Valve Replacement After Blunt Trauma in a Pediatric Patient. Am Surg, 90(6), 1781-1783. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Riehle KJ, Utria A, Lautz TB, Ott KC, Murphy AJ, Mansfield S, Lal DR, Hallis B, Murphy JT, Roach JP, Polites SF, Beckhorn C, Tracy ET, Fialkowski EA, Seemann NM, Btter AM, Rich BS, Glick RD, Bondoc AJ, Ofori-Atta BS, Presson AP, Chen SY, Zamora AK, Kim ES, Vasudevan S, Rinehardt HN, Malek MM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Superina RA, Langham MR, Meyers RL, Tiao G, Dasgupta R, Baertschiger R (2024). Management of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 71(6), e30975. (Read full article)
- Sanchez-Garcia J, Lopez-Verdugo F, Shorti R, Krong J, Kastenberg ZJ, Walters S, Gagnon A, Paci P, Zendejas I, Alonso D, Fujita S, Contreras AG, Botha J, Esquivel CO, Rodriguez-Davalos MI (2024). Three-dimensional Liver Model Application for Liver Transplantation. Transplantation, 108(2), 464-472. (Read full article)
- Lopez-Verdugo F, Sanchez-Garcia J, Baraki S, Kastenberg ZJ, Sanchez-Garavito JE, Zendejas I, Alonso D, Jensen MK, Fujita S, Meyers RL, Book L, Rodriguez-Davalos MI (2023). Utilization of Segmental Grafts Is Associated With Higher Transplant Rates in Pediatric Patients. J Surg Res, 290, 28-35. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Baertschiger RM, Cuenca AG, Galvan NTN, Lemoine CP, Roach JP, Walther AE, Dunn SP, Goss JA, Healey PJ, Karpelowsky J, Kim ES, Langham MR, Meyers RL, Superina RA, Tiao GM, Weldon CB, Bondoc AJ, Riehle KJ, Vasudevan SA (2023). Critical elements of pediatric liver cancer surgery. Semin Pediatr Surg, 32(5), 151340. (Read full article)
- Zeineddin S, Aldrink JH, Bering J, Hoyt DW, Kastenberg ZJ, Brungardt J, Dasgupta R, Rinehardt HN, Malek MM, Ziogas IA, Roach JP, Craig BT, Rothstein DH, Lautz TB (2023). Multi-institutional assessment of the prevalence of neuroendocrine tumors in children undergoing laparoscopic appendectomy for acute appendicitis in the United States. Pediatr Blood Cancer, e30620. (Read full article)
- Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Ehrlich PF, Aldrink JH, Murphy AJ, Lautz T, Dasgupta R, Short SS, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Kim ES, Newman E, Lal DR, Rich BS, Pich N, Kastenberg ZJ, Malek MM, Glick RD, Petroze RT, Polites SF, Whitlock R, Alore E, Sutthatarn P, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Romao RL, Al-Hadidi A, Rubalcava NS, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Johnson M, Boehmer C, Rinehardt H, Seemann NM, Davidson J, Polcz V, Lund SB, McKay KG, Correa H, Rothstein DH (2023). Management and Outcomes of Wilms Tumor with Suprarenal Intravascular Extension: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Ann Surg. (Read full article)
- Iantorno SE, Ulugia JG, Kastenberg ZJ, Skarda DE, Bucher BT (2022). Postdischarge Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Pediatric Appendicitis: A Mediation Analysis. J Surg Res, 282, 174-182. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Deneau MR, OBrien EA, Huynh K, Book LS, Srivastava R, Jensen MK, Jaramillo CM, Guthery SL (2023). Fractionated Bilirubin Among 252,892 Utah Newborns With and Without Biliary Atresia: A 15-year Historical Birth Cohort Study. J Pediatr, 257, 113339. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Arkin C, Wallis MC, Boemers T, Rollins MD (2022). Stapled neoappendicostomy: A novel technique. J Pediatr Surg, 57(12), 1029-1030. (Read full article)
- Russell KW, Katz MG, Phillips RC, Kelley-Quon LI, Acker SN, Shahi N, Lee JH, Fialkowski EA, Nacharaju D, Smith CA, Jensen AR, Mueller CM, Padilla BE, Ignacio RC, Ourshalimian S, Wang KS, Ostlie DJ, Fenton SJ, Kastenberg ZJ, Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium (2022). Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States. J Surg Res, 276, 251-255. (Read full article)
- Al-Hadidi A, Rinehardt HN, Sutthatarn P, Talbot LJ, Murphy AJ, Whitlock R, Condon S, Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Kim ES, Short SS, Meyers RL, Kastenberg ZJ, Johnston ME 2nd, Zens T, Dasgupta R, Malek MM, Calabro K, Pich N, Callas H, Lautz TB, McKay K, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Lund SB, Polites SF, Davidson J, Dhooma J, Seemann NM, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, Maloney L, Radu S, Fialkowski EA, Kwok PE, Romao RLP, Rubalcava N, Ehrlich PF, Newman E, Diehl T, Le HD, Polcz V, Petroze RT, Stanek J, Aldrink JH (2022). Incidence and management of pleural effusions in patients with Wilms tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Int J Cancer, 151, 1696-1702. (Read full article)
- Rich BS, Fishbein J, Lautz T, Rubalcava NS, Kartal T, Newman E, Wok PE, Romao RL, Whitlock R, Naik-Mathuria B, Polites SF, Lfberg K, Lascano D, Kim E, Davidson J, Btter A, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Mastropolo R, Malek MM, Weller J, Irfan A, Rhee DS, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Riehle K, Commander SJ, Tracy E, Becktell K, Hallis B, Lal D, Li O, Dal-Soglio DB, Pich N, Gomez Quevedo O, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Cooke Barber J, Watters E, Dasgupta R, Glick RD (2022). Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor: A Multi-Institutional Study from the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative. Int J Cancer, 151, 1059-1067. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Kastenberg ZJ, Wei G, Bondoc A, Dasgupta R, Tiao GM, Watters E, Heaton TE, Lotakis D, La Quaglia MP, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Mansfield SA, Langham MR, Lautz TB, Superina RA, Ott KC, Malek MM, Morgan KM, Kim ES, Zamora A, Lascano D, Roach J, Murphy JT, Rothstein DH, Vasudevan SA, Whitlock R, Lal DR, Hallis B, Btter A, Baertschiger RM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Tracy ER, Aldrink JH, Apfeld J, Le HD, Park KY, Rich BS, Glick RD, Fialkowski EA, Utria AF, Meyers RL, Riehle KJ (2022). Histologic type predicts disparate outcomes in pediatric hepatocellular neoplasms: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Cancer, 128, 2786-2795. (Read full article)
- Morgan KM, Anderson KT, Johnston ME, Dasgupta R, Crowley JJ, Fahy AS, Lapidus-Krol E, Baertschiger RM, Lautz TB, Many BT, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, MacArthur TA, Polites SF, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Talbot L, Abdelhafeez A, Prajapati H, Davidoff AM, Rubaclava N, Newman E, Ehrlich PF, Rothstein DH, Roach JP, Ladd P, Janek KC, Le HD, Leraas HJ, Tracy ET, Bisset L, Mora MC, Warren P, Aldrink JH, Malek MM (2022). Interhospital variability in localization techniques for small pulmonary nodules in children: A pediatric surgical oncology research collaborative study. J Pediatr Surg, 57, 1013-1017. (Read full article)
- Russell KW, Acker SN, Ignacio RC, Lofberg KM, Garvey EM, Chao SD, Bliss DW, Smith CA, Nehra D, Anderson ML, Bunnell BL, Shahi N, Perry JM, Evans LL, Kwong JZ, Tobias J, Rohan A, Pickett KL, Kaar JL, Kastenberg ZJ, Laskey AL, Scaife ER, Jensen AR (2021). Child physical abuse and COVID-19: Trends from nine pediatric trauma centers. J Pediatr Surg, 57(2), 297-301. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Taylor MA, Durham MM, Calkins CM, Rentea RM, Wood RJ, Avansino JR, Levitt MA, van Leeuwen KD, Lewis KE, Reeder RW, Rollins MD (2021). Perioperative and long-term functional outcomes of neonatal versus delayed primary endorectal pull-through for children with Hirschsprung disease: A pediatric colorectal and pelvic learning consortium study. J Pediatr Surg, 56(8), 1465-1469. (Read full article)
- Acker SN, Diaz-Miron J, Ignacio RC, Russell KW, Lofberg K, Shew SB, Peterson PN, Kelley-Quon LI, Jensen AR, Lee J, Padilla B, Smith CA, Kastenberg ZJ, Azarow KS, Ostlie DJ, Wang KS, Inge TH, Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium (2021). Attitudes Affecting Decision-making for Use of Radiologic Enteral Contrast in the Management of Pediatric Adhesive Small Bowel Obstruction: A Survey Study of Pediatric Surgeons. J Surg Res, 267, 536-543. (Read full article)
- Pruitt LCC, Kastenberg ZJ, Fenton SJ, Short SS (2020). Early use of autologous blood patch pleurodesis in children is successful in resolving persistent air leaks. J Pediatr Surg, 56(3), 629-631. (Read full article)
- Taylor MA, Cutshall ZA, Eldredge RS, Kastenberg ZJ, Russell KW (2020). High ligation in adolescents: Is it enough? J Pediatr Surg, 56, 1865-1869. (Read full article)
- Wall N, Kastenberg Z, Zobell S, Mammen L, Rollins MD (2020). Use of an enterocolitis triage and treatment protocol in children with Hirschsprung disease reduces hospital admissions. J Pediatr Surg, 55(11), 2371-2374. (Read full article)
- Apfeld JC, Kastenberg ZJ, Gibbons AT, Carmichael SL, Lee HC, Sylvester KG (2020). Treating Center Volume and Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Outcomes in California. J Pediatr, 222, 146-153.e1. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Scaife ER (2020). Adrenocortical tumors in children. Semin Pediatr Surg, 29(3), 150927. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Wall N, Malhotra N, Zobell S, Mammen L, Short SS, Rollins MD (2019). The effect of multidisciplinary colorectal center development on short-term hospital readmissions for patients with anorectal malformations or Hirschsprung disease. J Pediatr Surg, 55(3), 541-544. (Read full article)
- Apfeld JC, Kastenberg ZJ, Gibbons AT, Phibbs CS, Lee HC, Sylvester KG (2019). The disproportionate cost of operation and congenital anomalies in infancy. Surgery, 165(6), 1234-1242. (Read full article)
- Grendar J, Jutric Z, Leal JN, Ball CG, Bertens K, Dixon E, Hammill CW, Kastenberg Z, Newell PH, Rocha F, Visser B, Wolf RF, Hansen PD (2017). Validation of Fistula Risk Score calculator in diverse North American HPB practices.LID - S1365-182X(17)30057-6 [pii]LID - 10.1016/j.hpb.2017.01.021 [doi]. HPB (Oxford), 19, 508-514. (Read full article)
- Sylvester KG, Kastenberg ZJ, Moss RL, Enns GM, Cowan TM, Shaw GM, Stevenson DK, Sinclair TJ, Scharfe C, Ryckman KK, Jelliffe-Pawlowski LL (2017). Acylcarnitine Profiles Reflect Metabolic Vulnerability for Necrotizing Enterocolitis in Newborns Born Premature. J Pediatr, 181, 80-85.e1. (Read full article)
- Apfeld JC, Wren SM, Macheka N, Mbuwayesango BA, Bruzoni M, Sylvester KG, Kastenberg ZJ (2015). Infant, maternal, and geographic factors influencing gastroschisis related mortality in Zimbabwe. Surgery, 158(6), 1475-80. (Read full article)
- Bruzoni M, Jaramillo JD, Kastenberg ZJ, Wall JK, Wright R, Dutta S (2015). Long-term follow-up of laparoscopic transcutaneous inguinal herniorraphy with high transfixation suture ligature of the hernia sac. J Pediatr Surg, 50(10), 1767-71. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Hurley MP, Weiser TG, Cole TS, Staudenmayer KL, Spain DA, Ratliff JK (2015). Adding insult to injury: discontinuous insurance following spine trauma. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 97(2), 141-6. (Read full article)
- Kim D, Fu C, Ling XB, Hu Z, Tao G, Zhao Y, Kastenberg ZJ, Sylvester KG, Wang SX (2015). Pilot Application of Magnetic Nanoparticle-Based Biosensor for Necrotizing Enterocolitis. J Proteomics Bioinform, Suppl 5. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Lee HC, Profit J, Gould JB, Sylvester KG (2015). Effect of deregionalized care on mortality in very low-birth-weight infants with necrotizing enterocolitis. JAMA Pediatr, 169(1), 26-32. (Read full article)
- Sylvester KG, Ling XB, Liu GY, Kastenberg ZJ, Ji J, Hu Z, Peng S, Lau K, Abdullah F, Brandt ML, Ehrenkranz RA, Harris MC, Lee TC, Simpson J, Bowers C, Moss RL (2014). A novel urine peptide biomarker-based algorithm for the prognosis of necrotising enterocolitis in human infants. Gut, 63(8), 1284-92. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Wall JK, Bruzoni M (2014). Thoracoscopic repair of esophageal atresia with a proximal H-type tracheoesophageal fistula. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 2(9), 232-5.
- Sylvester KG, Ling XB, Liu GY, Kastenberg ZJ, Ji J, Hu Z, Wu S, Peng S, Abdullah F, Brandt ML, Ehrenkranz RA, Harris MC, Lee TC, Simpson BJ, Bowers C, Moss RL (2014). Urine protein biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of necrotizing enterocolitis in infants. J Pediatr, 164(3), 607-12.e1-7. (Read full article)
- Ji J, Ling XB, Zhao Y, Hu Z, Zheng X, Xu Z, Wen Q, Kastenberg ZJ, Li P, Abdullah F, Brandt ML, Ehrenkranz RA, Harris MC, Lee TC, Simpson BJ, Bowers C, Moss RL, Sylvester KG (2014). A data-driven algorithm integrating clinical and laboratory features for the diagnosis and prognosis of necrotizing enterocolitis. PLoS One, 9(2), e89860. (Read full article)
- Cloyd JM, Kastenberg ZJ, Visser BC, Poultsides GA, Norton JA (2014). Postoperative serum amylase predicts pancreatic fistula formation following pancreaticoduodenectomy. J Gastrointest Surg, 18(2), 348-53. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Hurley MP, Luan A, Vasu-Devan V, Spain DA, Owens DK, Goldhaber-Fiebert JD (2013). Cost-effectiveness of preoperative imaging for appendicitis after indeterminate ultrasonography in the second or third trimester of pregnancy. Obstet Gynecol, 122(4), 821-829. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Dutta S (2013). Ventral abdominal wall defects. Neoreviews, 14(8), e402-11.
- Kastenberg ZJ, Rhoads KF, Melcher ML, Wren SM (2013). The influence of intern home call on objectively measured perioperative outcomes. JAMA Surg, 148(4), 347-51. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Sylvester KG (2013). The surgical management of necrotizing enterocolitis. Clin Perinatol, 40(1), 135-48. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Morton JM, Visser BC, Norton JA, Poultsides GA (2013). Hospital readmission after a pancreaticoduodenectomy: an emerging quality metric? HPB (Oxford), 15(2), 142-8. (Read full article)
- Lin SR, Kastenberg ZJ, Bruzoni M, Albanese CT, Dutta S (2012). Chest wall reconstruction using implantable cross-linked porcine dermal collagen matrix (Permacol). J Pediatr Surg, 47(7), 1472-5. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg Z, Bruzoni M, Dutta S (2011). A modification of the laparoscopic transcutaneous inguinal hernia repair to achieve transfixation ligature of the hernia sac. J Pediatr Surg, 46(8), 1658-64. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg Z, Dutta S (2011). Guidelines for innovation in pediatric surgery. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 21(4), 371-4. (Read full article)
- Qadan M, Kastenberg Z, Carvalho B, Sultan P (2011). Crossing the pond: applying to train in the USA. Br J Hosp Med (Lond), 72(4), M50-2. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Odorico JS (2008). Alternative sources of pluripotency: science, ethics, and stem cells. Transplant Rev (Orlando), 22(3), 215-22. (Read full article)
- Vincent R, Treff N, Budde M, Kastenberg Z, Odorico J (2006). Generation and characterization of novel tetracycline-inducible pancreatic transcription factor-expressing murine embryonic stem cell lines. Stem Cells Dev, 15(6), 953-62. (Read full article)
- Rickers C, Gallegos R, Seethamraju RT, Wang X, Swingen C, Jayaswal A, Rahrmann EP, Kastenberg ZJ, Clarkson CE, Bianco R, OBrian T, Verfaillie C, Bolman RM 3rd, Wilke N, Jerosch-Herold M (2004). Applications of magnetic resonance imaging for cardiac stem cell therapy. J Interv Cardiol, 17(1), 37-46. (Read full article)
Book Chapter
- Kastenberg ZJ, Bruzoni M (2015). Management of Abdominal Wall Defects. In Stevenson DK, Cohen RS, Sunshine P (Eds.), Neonatology: Clinical Practice and Procedures (pp. 1159-1166). New York: McGraw-Hill.
- Kastenberg ZJ, Dutta S (2015). Gastroschisis and Omphalocele. In Stevenson DK, Cohen RS, Sunshine P (Eds.), Neonatology: Clinical Practice and Procedures (pp. 509-518). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Case Report
- Wood LS, Kastenberg Z, Sinclair T, Chao S, Wall JK (2016). Endoscopic Division of Duodenal Web Causing Near Obstruction in 2-Year-Old with Trisomy 21. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 26(5), 413-7. (Read full article)
- Salles A, Kastenberg ZJ, Wall JK, Visser BC, Bruzoni M (2013). Complete resection of a rare intrahepatic variant of a choledochal cyst. J Pediatr Surg, 48(3), 652-4. (Read full article)
- Russell KW, Katz MG, Phillips RC, Kelley-Quon LI, Acker SN, Shahi N, Lee JH, Fialkowski EA, Nacharaju D, Smith CA, Jensen AR, Mueller CM, Padilla BE, Ignacio RC, Ourshalimian S, Wang KS, Ostlie DJ, Fenton SJ, Kastenberg ZJ, Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium (2023). Corrigendum to Adolescent Vaping-Associated Trauma in the Western United States [J Surg Res. 2022 Aug;276:251-255]. J Surg Res (294, pp. 247-248). United States. (Read full article)
( out of 26 reviews )