- Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Surgery
- Acute Care Surgery
- Surgery, General
- Surgical Critical Care
- Trauma Surgery
Board Certification
American Board of SurgeryAmerican Board of Surgery (Sub: Surgical Critical Care)Patient Rating
4.6 /5( out of 15 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
January 18, 2025SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERDr inspired my confidence, knowledgeable and helpful.
January 16, 2025SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERJoanna is a very pleasant, intelligent doctor with a beautiful smile and a warm heart...
January 16, 2025SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERShe is amazing. She listens to you
November 20, 2024SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERShe was supposed to put in an order for me to see a Nutritionist to help me lose weight, but I have yet to see it on My Chart. Maybe there was a mis-understanding
November 01, 2024SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERExcellent doctor. Provided me with the information needed to determine my care
October 09, 2024SOUTH JORDAN HEALTH CENTERI feel like she's a wonderful doctor I'm going to get surgery with her and I know everything's going to go just fine I feel safe in her care
July 26, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSVery nice and informative
April 28, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSI felt really comfortable with her. She explain everything very good. I would recommend her to other people. She knows her job
April 06, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSFabulous provider, who I plan to retain for my future care.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Assistant Professor (Clinical)
Academic Divisions General Surgery
Board Certification American Board of SurgeryAmerican Board of Surgery (Sub: Surgical Critical Care)Education history
Graduate Training Public Health Leadership Program - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill M.P.H. Professional Medical Medicine - Emory University School of Medicine M.D. Graduate Training English Literature - University of Pennsylvania M.A. Undergraduate English Literature - University of Pennsylvania B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Par K, Grudziak J, Lavin K, Sten MB, Huegerich A, Umble K, Twer E, Reid T (2021). Family Perceptions of Palliative Care and Communication in the Surgical Intensive Care Unit. J Patient Exp, 8, 23743735211033095. (Read full article)
- Bleicher J, Place A, Schoenhals S, Luppens CL, Grudziak J, Lambert LA, McCrum ML (2021). Drivers of Moral Distress in Surgical Intensive Care Providers: A Mixed Methods Study. J Surg Res, 266, 292-299. (Read full article)
- Grudziak J, Snock C, Zalinga T, Banda W, Gallaher J, Purcell L, Cairns B, Charles A (2018). Pre-burn malnutrition increases operative mortality in burn patients who undergo early excision and grafting in a sub-Saharan African burn unit: Methodological issues. [Letter to the editor]. Burns, 44(6), 1615-1616. (Read full article)
( out of 15 reviews )