Patient Rating
4.8 /5( out of 89 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety.
Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.July 21, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERKnowledgeable, compassionate, thorough, and professional. Unfortunately, there are no answers to my wife's condition.
July 17, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERUna Doctora 100% Profesional en su trabajo con mi Esposa
July 10, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERShe was wonderfull. Worth the wait, I am looking forward to our next meeting. I have so much to learn.
July 01, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTEREs una Dra con un gran sentimiento profesional humano y sensillo
June 14, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERIt was such a pleasure to meet Dr. Brown. I am so grateful it was good news. She advised a few things and it was all very positive. Thank you so very much! She's a keeper!!
June 08, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERDr. Brown was kind, realistic, put up with my tears and scheduled a direction to determine the actual problem going on. I could not be more grateful for her in my life right now.
June 02, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERShe provided a confident and caring demeanor, going the extra mile to answer questions and help.
June 02, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERSee my first response. Dr. Brown was perfect in every way.
May 15, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERFantastic, caring service. Thoughtful and patient
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Neurology -Primary Education history
Fellowship Behavioral Neurology - Mayo Clinic Fellow Neurology - University of Utah School of Medicine Resident Professional Medical Medicine - University of Colorado School of Medicine M.D. Major: Biology; Minors: Chemistry, History - University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown B.S. -
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