Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Psychiatry -Primary Academic Divisions Child & Adolescent Psychiatry
Education history
Fellowship Psychology - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow Internship Clinical Psychology - University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Intern Doctoral Training Clinical Psychology - University of Utah Ph.D. Graduate Training Clinical Psychology - University of Utah M.S. Undergraduate Psychology - Whitman College B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Meddaoui B, Stewart J S, Kaufman E A (2025). Identity Disturbance and Emptiness as Novel Predictors of Suicidal Ideation. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior, 55(1), e13164.
- Westlund Schreiner M, Jacobsen AM, Farstead B, Miller RH, Jacobs RH, Thomas LR, Bessette KL, Pazdera M, Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Feldman DA, Roberts H, Welsh RC, Watkins ER, Langenecker SA (2025). Rumination induction task in fMRI: Effects of rumination focused cognitive behavioral therapy and stability in youth. Journal of Affective Disorders, 372, 608-615.
- Bouwmeister D R, Chung J J, Kaufman E A (2025). Identity-related problems: Direct and indirect associations with emotional intelligence and childhood environment. Advances in Mental Health, 1-14.
- Rasmussen S, Kaufman E A, Kaniuka A, Meddaoui B M, Miller R H, Kinnard R, Stage D L, Cramer R J (2025). “I wanted to be proud of myself, not ashamed”: A qualitative investigation of suicide and self-injury inflection points. Death Stud, 1, 1-16.
- DiBlasi E, Kaufman, EA, Webster S, Hagn EE, Shabalin AA, Chen D, Han S, Jawish R, Monson ET, Staley M, Keeshin BR, Docherty AR, Bakian AV, Okifuji A, Coon H (2024). Phenome-wide diagnostic comparison among suicide deaths and living individuals with chronic pain diagnoses. BMC Med, 22, 568.
- Kaufman EA, Coon H, Shabalin AA, Monson ET, Chen D, Staley M, Keeshin BR, Docherty AR, Bakian AV, DiBlasi ED (2024). Diagnostic profiles among suicide decedents with and without borderline personality disorder. . Psychol Med, 1-10.
- Hare C, Leslie AC, Bodell LP, Kaufman EA, Morton JB, Nicolson R, Kelley E, Jones J, Ayub M, Crosbie J, Schachar R, Anagnostou E, Segers M, Stevenson RA (2024). Sex and intelligence quotient differences in age of diagnosis among youth with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. Br J Clin Psychol, 63(4), 627-645. (Read full article)
- Coon H, Shabalin A, DiBlasi E, Monson ET, Han S, Kaufman EA, Chen D, Kious B, Molina N, Yu Z, Staley M, Crockett DK, Colbert SM, Mullins N, Bakian AV, Docherty AR, Keeshin B (2024). Absence of nonfatal suicidal behavior preceding suicide death reveals differences in clinical risks. medRxiv. (Read full article)
- Roberts H, Schreiner MW, Pocius S, Dillahunt AK, Farstead B, Feldman D, Bessette KL, Kaufman EA, Slattery W, Jacobs RH, Jago D, Crowell SE, Watkins ER, Langenecker SA (2024). State rumination predicts inhibitory control failures and dysregulation of default, salience, and cognitive control networks in youth at risk of depressive relapse: Findings from the RuMeChange trial. J Affect Disord Rep, 16. (Read full article)
- Roberts, H, Westlund Schreiner, M, Pocius, SL, Dillahunt, AK, Farstead, B, Feldman, D A, Bessette, K L, Kaufman, E A, Slatteryb, W, Rachel H Jacobs, R H, Jago D, Crowell, S E, Watkins, E R Langenecker, S A (2024). State rumination predicts inhibitory control failures and dysregulation of default, salience, and cognitive control networks in youth at risk of depressive relapse: Findings from the RuMeChange trial. J Affect Disord Rep, 16.
- Chung, J J Kaufman, E A (2024). Borderline personality features and self-injurious urges: The roles of self-concept clarity and bedtime self-criticism. Identity.
- Reisch AA, Bessette KL, Jenkins LM, Skerrett KA, Gabriel LB, Kling LR, Stange JP, Ryan KA, Schreiner MW, Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Langenecker SA (2023). Human emotion processing accuracy, negative biases, and fMRI activation are associated with childhood trauma. Front Psychiatry, 14, 1181785. (Read full article)
- Stewart JG, Meddaoui B, Kaufman EA, Bjrgvinsson T, Beard C (2023). Changes in suicide capability during short-term partial hospital treatment. . Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 12.
- Meddaoui B, Iddiols BC, Kaufman EA (2023). The Controllability of Suicidal Thoughts (CoST) Scale: Development, factor structure, and initial validation. . Psychol Assess, 35(10), 880-887.
- Langenecker SA, Westlund Schreiner M, Bessette KL, Roberts H, Thomas L, Dillahunt A, Pocius SL, Feldman DA, Jago D, Farstead B, Pazdera M, Kaufman EA, Galloway JA, Kerig PK, Bakian A, Welsh RC, Jacobs RH, Crowell SE, Watkins ER (2023). Rumination-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy reduces rumination and targeted cross-network connectivity in youth with a history of depression: Replication in a pre-registered randomized clinical trial. Biol Psychiatry Glob Open Sci.
- Kaufman EA, Meddaoui B, Seymour NE, Victor SE (2022). The Roles of Minority Stress and Thwarted Belongingness in Suicidal Ideation among Cisgender and Transgender/Nonbinary LGBTQ+ Individuals. Arch Suicide Res, 1-16. (Read full article)
- Godfrey DA, Kaufman EA, Crowell SE (2022). Non-suicidal Self-injury History Moderates the Association Between Maternal Emotional Support and Adolescent Affect During Conflict. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. (Read full article)
- Victor SE, Schleider JL, Ammerman BA, Bradford DE, Devendorf AR, Gruber J, Gunaydin LA, Hallion LS, Kaufman EA, Lewis SP, Stage DL (2022). Leveraging the Strengths of Psychologists With Lived Experience of Psychopathology. Perspect Psychol Sci, 17456916211072826. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Clerke AS, Meddaoui B (2022). Translating core intervention strategies into action: Interpersonal validation among self-injuring adolescents and their mothers. J Clin Psychol. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Beeney JE, Stepp SD (2022). Self-Report Response Style Bias and Borderline Personality Pathology. Curr Psychol.
- Mohamed Ali O, Gabel LN, Stanton K, Kaufman EA, Klein DN, Hayden EP (2021). Observational measures of early irritability predict children's psychopathology risk. Dev Psychopathol, 1-13. (Read full article)
- Bogaerts A, Luyckx K, Bastiaens T, Kaufman EA, Claes L (2021). Identity impairment as a central dimension in personality pathology. J Psychopathol Behav Assess, (43), 33-42.
- Kaufman EA, Graves JL, Wallace ML, Lazarus SA, Stepp SD, Pedersen SL (2021). Associations between physiological and self-reported indices of emotion dysregulation across varying levels of alcohol use among individuals with and without borderline personality disorder. Biol Psychol, 160, 108044. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Douaihy A, Goldstein TR (2021). Dialectical behavior therapy and motivational interviewing: Conceptual convergence, compatibility, and strategies for integration. Cogn Behav Pract, (28), 53-65.
- Kaufman EA, Victor SE, Hipwell AE, Stepp SD (2020). Reciprocal Influences of Parent and Adolescent Borderline Personality Symptoms Over 3 Years. J Pers Disord, 34(Suppl B), 130-145. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Perez J, Lazarus S, Stepp SD, Pedersen SL (2019). Understanding the association between borderline personality disorder and alcohol-related problems: An examination of drinking motives, impulsivity, and affective instability. Personal Disord, 11(3), 213-221. (Read full article)
- Scott LN, Victor SE, Kaufman EA, Beeney JE, Byrd AL, Vine V, Pilkonis PA, Stepp SD (2020). Affective Dynamics Across Internalizing and Externalizing Dimensions of Psychopathology. Clin Psychol Sci, 8(3), 412-427. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Puzia ME, Godfrey DA, Crowell SE (2019). Physiological and behavioral effects of interpersonal validation: A multilevel approach to examining a core intervention strategy among self-injuring adolescents and their mothers. J Clin Psychol, 76(3), 559-580. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Puzia ME, Crowell SE, Price CJ (2019). Replication of the Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM) Among a Treatment-Seeking Sample. Identity (Mahwah, N J), 19(1), 18-28. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Crowell SE (2018). Biological and behavioral mechanisms of identity pathology development: An integrative review. Rev Gen Psychol, 22(3), 245-263.
- Kaufman EA, Crowell SE, Coleman J, Puzia ME, Gray DD, Strayer DL (2018). Electroencephalographic and cardiovascular markers of vulnerability within families of suicidal adolescents: A pilot study. Biol Psychol, 136, 46-56. (Read full article)
- Bogaerts A, Claes L, Verschuern M, Bastiaens T, Kaufman EA, Luyckx K (2018). The Dutch Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM): Factor structure and associations with identity dimensions and psychopathology. Pers Individ Dif, 123, 56-64.
- Kaufman EA, Puzia ME, Mead HK, Crowell SE, McEachern A, Beauchaine TP (2016). Children's Emotion Regulation Difficulties Mediate the Association Between Maternal Borderline and Antisocial Symptoms and Youth Behavior Problems Over 1 Year. J Pers Disord, 31(2), 170-192. (Read full article)
- Verschueren M, Luyckx K, Kaufman EA, Vansteenkiste M, Moons P, Sleuwaegen E, Berens A, Schoevaerts K, Claes L (2016). Identity Processes and Statuses in Patients with and without Eating Disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev, 25(1), 26-35. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Xia M, Fosco G, Skidmore C, Yaptangco M, Crowell SE (2016). The Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale Short Form (DERS-SF): Validation and replication in adolescent and adult samples. J Psychopathol Behav Assess, 38, 443-455.
- Crowell SE, Kaufman EA (2016). Development of self-inflicted injury: Comorbidities and continuities with borderline and antisocial personality traits. Dev Psychopathol, 28(4pt1), 1071-1088. (Read full article)
- Chou WP, Ko CH, Kaufman EA, Crowell SE, Hsiao RC, Wang PW, Lin JJ, Yen CF (2015). Association of stress coping strategies with Internet addiction in college students: The moderating effect of depression. Compr Psychiatry, 62, 27-33. (Read full article)
- Kaufman E A, Cundiff JM, Crowell SE (2015). The development, factor structure, and validation of the Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM): A self-report assessment of clinical identity disturbance. J Psychopathol Behav Assess, 9(1), 122-133.
- Bride DL, Crowell SE, Baucom BR, Kaufman EA, OConnor CG, Skidmore CR, Yaptangco M (2014). Testing the effectiveness of 3D film for laboratory-based studies of emotion. PLoS One, 9(8), e105554. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Montgomery MJ, Crowell SE (2014). Identity-related dysfunction: Integrating clinical and developmental perspectives. Identity, 14(4), 297-311.
- Kaufman EA, Baucom KJW (2014). Treating comorbid social anxiety and major depression: The challenge of diagnostic overshadowing. Clin Case Stud, 13, 265-282.
- Voss WD, Kaufman E, OConnor SS, Comtois KA, Conner KR, Ries RK (2013). Preventing addiction related suicide: a pilot study. J Subst Abuse Treat, 44(5), 565-9. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, McDonell MG, Cristofalo MA, Ries RK (2012). Exploring barriers to primary care for patients with severe mental illness: frontline patient and provider accounts. Issues Ment Health Nurs, 33(3), 172-80. (Read full article)
- Kaufman EA, Wiese DL (2012). Skin tone preferences and personal-representation in Hispanic children. Early Child Development and Care, 182, 277-290.
- McDonell MG, Kaufman EA, Srebnik DS, Ciechanowski PS, Ries RK (2012). Barriers to metabolic care for adults with serious mental illness: provider perspectives. Int J Psychiatry Med, 41(4), 379-87. (Read full article)
- Chung J, Heaks M, Kaufman EA (In press). The Role of Cognitive Flexibility in Self-Injurious Thoughts and Behaviors: A Systematic Review. [Review]. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice.
- Kaufman EA, Meddaoui B (2020). Identity pathology and borderline personality disorder: an empirical overview. [Review]. Curr Opin Psychol, 37, 82-88. (Read full article)
- Skidmore CR, Kaufman EA, Crowell SE (2016). Substance Use Among College Students. [Review]. Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am, 25(4), 735-53. (Read full article)
- Crowell SE, Kaufman EA (2016). Borderline personality disorder and the emerging field of developmental neuroscience. [Review]. Personal Disord, 7(4), 324-333. (Read full article)
Book Chapter
- Chapman AL, Kaufman EA (In Press). Theory of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy. In Crips H, Gabbard GO (Eds.), Gabbard’s Textbook of Psychotherapeutic Treatments (2nd Edition). American Psychiatric Association Publishing.
- Kaufman EA, Chung JJ, Meddaoui B (In Press). The Personality Disorders. In Dozois DAJ (Ed.), Abnormal Psychology: Perspectives in Psychopathology (7th Edition). Pearson.
- Vlisides-Henry RD, Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Lin B (2020). Social processes and dyadic designs. In Wright AGC, Hallquist MN (Eds.), Handbook of research methods in clinical psychology. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
- Kaufman EA, Crowell SE (2018). Emotion dysregulation and self-inflicted injury. In Beauchaine TP, Crowell SE (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of emotion dysregulation. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Kaufman EA, Crowell SE, Lenzenweger M (2017). The development of borderline personality disorder and self-inflicted injury. In Beauchaine TP, Hinshaw SP (Eds.), Child and adolescent psychopathology (3rd Edition, pp. 642-679). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Kaufman EA, Crowell SE, Stepp SD (2015). Self-injury, borderline personality development, and the externalizing spectrum. In Beauchaine TP, Hinshaw SP (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of externalizing spectrum disorders (pp. 61-78). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Beauchaine TB (2014). A biosocial model of borderline personality disorder: Theory and empirical evidence. In Sharp C, Tackett JL (Eds.), Handbook of borderline personality disorder in children and adolescents (pp. 143-157). New York, NY: Springer.
- Crowell SE, Kaufman EA, Lenzenweger MF (2013). The development of borderline personality disorder and self-inflicted injury. In Beauchaine TP, Hinshaw SP (Eds.), Child and adolescent psychopathology (2nd Edition, pp. 577-609). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.
- Lind M, Folmo EJ, Kaufman EA (2024). Editorial: Self-understanding and other-understanding in personality pathology. Front Psychiatry, 15, 1328860. (Read full article)
Clinical Trials