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Jacob E. Pollard
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Jacob E. Pollard, MD

Languages spoken: English, Spanish
  • Specialties

    Board Certification

    American Board of Anesthesiology
    National Board of Medical Examiners
  • Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Anesthesiology -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Anesthesiology
    National Board of Medical Examiners

    Education history

    Residency Anesthesiology - University of Utah School of Medicine Resident
    Internship University of Washington/Boise Veterans Affairs Medical Center Intern
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Washington School of Medicine M.D.
    Undergraduate Molecular Biology - Brigham Young University B.S.
    Undergraduate Rick’s College

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Swenson JD, Pollard JE, Peters CL, Anderson MB, Pace NL (2019). Randomized controlled trial of a simplified adductor canal block performed for analgesia following total knee arthroplasty.LID - rapm-2018-100070 [pii]LID - 10.1136/rapm-2018-100070 [doi]. Reg Anesth Pain Med, 44(3), 348-353. (Read full article)
    2. Gu X, Jennings JD, Snarr J, Chaudhary V, Pollard JE, Savage PB (2013). Optimization of ceragenins for prevention of bacterial colonization of hydrogel contact lenses. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 54(9), 6217-23. (Read full article)
    3. Pollard JE, Snarr J, Chaudhary V, Jennings JD, Shaw H, Christiansen B, Wright J, Jia W, Bishop RE, Savage PB (2012). In vitro evaluation of the potential for resistance development to ceragenin CSA-13. J Antimicrob Chemother, 67(11), 2665-72. (Read full article)
    4. Epand RF, Pollard JE, Wright JO, Savage PB, Epand RM (2010). Depolarization, bacterial membrane composition, and the antimicrobial action of ceragenins. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 54(9), 3708-13. (Read full article)
    5. Pollard JE, Wright JO, Feng Y, Geng D, Genberg C, Savage PB (2009). Activities of Ceragenin CSA-13 Against Established Biofilms in an in vitro Model of Catheter Decolonization. Antiinfect Agents Med Chem, 8(4), 290-4.
    6. Rice CD, Pollard JE, Lewis ZT, McCleary WR (2009). Employment of a promoter-swapping technique shows that PhoU modulates the activity of the PstSCAB2 ABC transporter in Escherichia coli. Appl Environ Microbiol, 75(3), 573-82. (Read full article)
    7. Lai XZ, Feng Y, Pollard J, Chin JN, Rybak MJ, Bucki R, Epand RF, Epand RM, Savage PB (2008). Ceragenins: cholic acid-based mimics of antimicrobial peptides. Acc Chem Res, 41(10), 1233-40. (Read full article)

    Book Chapter

    1. Koniuch, K and Pollard, JE (2022). Anesthesiology In-Training Exam Review. In Anesthesiology In-Training Exam Review (1). Springer.

    Case Report

    1. Blake A Campbell, Adam Dziuba, Hunter Perala, Jacob E Pollard (2023). Awake endotracheal intubation using a hyperangulated video laryngoscope with a Total Control Introducer in a patient with a history of difficult intubation. BMJ Case Rep.
    2. Pollard JE, Smith DW, Morgan DE, Skaggs JD (2021). Combined use of a Total Control Introducer and a hyperangulated video laryngoscope to place a left-sided double lumen endotracheal tube in a patient with a history of difficult laryngoscopy. BMJ Case Rep, 14(10). (Read full article)
    3. Pollard J, Runnels S, Warrick C (2020). First Case Report of Intubation With a Total Control Introducer and a Hyperangulated Video Laryngoscope. A A Pract, 14(11), e01310. (Read full article)


    1. Runnels S, Ferranti D, Davis AN, Pollard J (2020). The Utah model: mental bandwidth and strategic risk generation in COVID-19 airway management. [Letter to the editor]. Anaesthesia, 75(7), 967-968. (Read full article)


    1. Pollard, J Brandenburg, J Piacenza, E Sindt, J Miles, LeeAnn Petersen, D (2021). Guideline: Pain Service Inpatient Intravenous Lidocaine. Pulse - Policies - Foundational Standards.