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Kristina I. Suorsa-Johnson
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Kristina I. Suorsa-Johnson, PhD

Languages spoken: English
  • Dr. Kristina Suorsa-Johnson received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Oklahoma State University with practicm training at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She completed internship at Hennepin Healthcare and her Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Psychology at the University of Michigan with a focus on patients with a difference of sex development (DSD). DSD are congenital conditions where the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomic sex is atypical.

    Dr. Suorsa-Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine and is in the Division of Pediatric Behavioral Health. Her specific clinical interests are in the delivery of psychoeducational and behavioral health services to children and adults with DSD, and their families. Her research interests include understanding and supporting patient and family decision making within DSD.

  • Dr. Kristina Suorsa-Johnson received her PhD in Clinical Psychology from Oklahoma State University with practicm training at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. She completed internship at Hennepin Healthcare and her Postdoctoral Fellowship in Pediatric Psychology at the University of Michigan with a focus on patients with a difference of sex development (DSD). DSD are congenital conditions where the development of chromosomal, gonadal, or anatomic sex is atypical.

    Dr. Suorsa-Johnson is an Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah School of Medicine and is in the Division of Pediatric Behavioral Health. Her specific clinical interests are in the delivery of psychoeducational and behavioral health services to children and adults with DSD, and their families. Her research interests include understanding and supporting patient and family decision making within DSD.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Pediatrics -Primary
    Academic Divisions Psychiatry & Behavioral Medicine

    Education history

    Fellowship Pediatric Psychology - University of Michigan Medical Center Fellow
    Professional Medical Clinical Psychology - Oklahoma State University Ph.D.
    Graduate Training Clinical Psychology - Oklahoma State University M.S.
    Undergraduate Psychology & French - University of Rhode Island B.A.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Weidler EM, Suorsa-Johnson KI, Baskin AS, Fagerlin A, Gardner MD, Rutter MM, Schafer-Kalkhoff T, van Leeuwen K, Sandberg DE (2023). "It became easier once I knew": Stakeholder perspectives for educating children and teenagers about their difference of sex development. Patient Educ Couns, 113, 107763. (Read full article)
    2. Moyer DN, Suorsa-Johnson KI, Weidler EM, Ernst MM, the DSD-Translational Research Network Psychosocial Workgroup (2023). Information sharing in Differences of Sex Development: The creation of a caregiver-support resource. Family Systems & Health, 41(2), 256-264.
    3. Suorsa-Johnson KI, Gardner MD, Brinkman W, Carley M, Gruppen L, Liang N, Lightfoot S, Pinkelman K, Speiser PW, VanderBrink B, Wisniewski J, Sandberg DE, Stacey D (2022). A survey of healthcare professionals' perceptions of the decisional needs of parents with an infant born with a disorder/difference of sex development. J Pediatr Urol, 19(1), 39-49. (Read full article)
    4. Lightfoot S, Carley M, Brinkman W, Gardner MD, Gruppen LD, Liang N, Pinkelman K, Speiser PW, Suorsa-Johnson KI, VanderBrink B, Wisniewski J, Sandberg DE, Stacey D (2023). Co-creating a suite of patient decision aids for parents of an infant or young child with differences of sex development: A methods roadmap. Front Urol, 2, 1-11. (Read full article)
    5. Weidler EM, Gardner M, Suorsa-Johnson KI, Schafer-Kalkhoff T, Rutter MM, Sandberg DE, van Leeuwen K (2023). Surgical decision-making for individuals with differences of sex development: Stakeholders' views. Front Urol, 3, 1-10. (Read full article)
    6. Gardner M, Brinkman WB, Carley M, Liang N, Lightfoot S, Pinkelman K, Speiser PW, Schafer-Kalkhoff T, Suorsa-Johnson KI, VanderBrink B, Weidler EM, Wisniewski J, Stacey D, Sandberg DE (2023). Decisional support needed when facing tough decisions: Survey of parents with children having differences of sex development. Front Urol, 3, 1-10. (Read full article)
    7. Sharkey CM, Bakula DM, Baraldi AN, Perez MN, Suorsa KI, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2017). Grit, illness-related distress, and psychosocial outcomes in college students with a chronic medical condition: A path analysis. J Pediatr Psychol, 43(5), 552-560. (Read full article)
    8. Sharkey M, Bakula DM, Tackett AP, Mullins AJ, Gamwell KL, Suorsa KI, Mayes S, McNall-Knapp R, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2018). Posttraumatic stress symptomology in parents of children with cancer: Implications related to criterion changes in DSM-IV-TR to DSM-5. Child Health Care, 47(4), 357-70.
    9. Junghans-Rutelonis AN, Tackett AP, Suorsa KI, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2017). Asthma-specific cognitions, self-focused attention, and fear of negative evaluation in adolescents and young adults diagnosed with childhood-onset asthma. Psychol Health Med, 23(1), 69-81. (Read full article)
    10. Mullins AJ, Gamwell KL, Sharkey CM, Bakula DM, Tackett AP, Suorsa KI, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2017). Illness uncertainty and illness intrusiveness as predictors of depressive and anxious symptomology in college students with chronic illnesses. J Am Coll Health, 65(5), 352-360. (Read full article)
    11. Mullins LL, Cushing CC, Suorsa KI, Tackett AP, Molzon ES, Mayes S, McNall-Knapp R, Mullins AJ, Gamwell KL, Chaney JM (2016). Parent illness appraisals, parent adjustment, and parent-reported child quality of life in pediatric cancer. Pediatr Hematol Oncol, 33(5), 314-326. (Read full article)
    12. Tackett AP, Cushing CC, Suorsa KI, Mullins AJ, Gamwell KL, Mayes S, McNall-Knapp R, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2015). Illness Uncertainty, Global Psychological Distress, and Posttraumatic Stress in Pediatric Cancer: A Preliminary Examination Using a Path Analysis Approach. J Pediatr Psychol, 41(3), 309-18. (Read full article)
    13. Suorsa KI, Cushing CC, Mullins AJ, Meier E, Tackett AP, Junghans AN, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2016). Adolescents and young adults with asthma and allergies: Physical activity, self-efficacy, social support, and subsequent psychosocial outcomes. Child Health Care, 45(4), 414-27.
    14. Gamwell KL, Mullins AJ, Tackett AP, Suorsa KI, Mullins LL, Chaney JM (2016). Caregiver demand and distress in parents of youth with juvenile rheumatic diseases: Examining illness intrusiveness and parenting stress as mediators. 28(6), 889-904.
    15. Suorsa KI, Mullins AJ, Tackett AP, Reyes KJ, Austin P, Baskin L, Bernab K, Cheng E, Fried A, Frimberger D, Galan D, Gonzalez L, Greenfield S, Kropp B, Meyer S, Meyer T, Nokoff N, Palmer B, Poppas D, Paradis A, Yerkes E, Wisniewski AB, Mullins LL (2015). Characterizing Early Psychosocial Functioning of Parents of Children with Moderate to Severe Genital Ambiguity due to Disorders of Sex Development. J Urol, 194(6), 1737-42. (Read full article)
    16. Junghans AJ, Suorsa KI, Tackett AP, Mullins LL, Burkley E, Chaney JM (2015). Adolescent and young adults with asthma: Self-identification, adjustment and psychological distress. J Dev Behav Pediatr, 36(2), S5-S5.
    17. Mullins LL, Molzon ES, Suorsa KI, Tackett AP, Pai ALH, Chaney JM (2015). Models of resilience: Developing psychosocial interventions for parents of children with chronic health conditions. Fam Relat, 64, 176-89.
    18. Junghans-Rutelonis AN, Suorsa KI, Tackett AP, Burkley E, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2015). Self-esteem, Self-focused Attention, and the Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation in College Students With and Without Asthma. J Am Coll Health, 63(8), 554-62. (Read full article)
    19. Molzon ES, Brannon EE, Fedele DA, Grant DM, Suorsa KI, Mullins LL (2014). Factor structure of the parent perception of uncertainty scale in parents of children with cancer. Psychooncology, 23(12), 1435-8. (Read full article)
    20. Cushing CC, Brannon EE, Suorsa KI, Wilson DK (2014). Systematic review and meta-analysis of health promotion interventions for children and adolescents using an ecological framework. J Pediatr Psychol, 39(8), 949-62. (Read full article)
    21. Reed-Knight B, Lobato D, Hagin S, McQuaid EL, Seifer R, Kopel SJ, Boergers J, Nassau JH, Suorsa K, Bancroft B, Shapiro J, Leleiko NS (2014). Depressive symptoms in youth with inflammatory bowel disease compared with a community sample. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 20(4), 614-21. (Read full article)
    22. Cushing CC, Suorsa KI (2014). Intensive treatments for pediatric obesity: An acceptability analogue study. Child Health Care, 43, 169-85.
    23. Reed-Knight B, Lobato D, Hagin S, McQuaid EL, Seifer R, Kopel SJ, Boergers J, Nassau JH, Suorsa K, Bancroft B, LeLeiko NS (2013). Stability of Emotional and Behavioral Functioning in Youth with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Child Health Care, 43(2), 151-168. (Read full article)
    24. LeLeiko NS, Lobato D, Hagin S, Hayes C, McQuaid EL, Seifer R, Kopel SJ, Boergers J, Nassau J, Suorsa K, Shapiro J, Bancroft B (2013). 6-Thioguanine levels in pediatric IBD patients: adherence is more important than dose. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 19(12), 2652-8. (Read full article)
    25. LeLeiko NS, Lobato D, Hagin S, McQuaid E, Seifer R, Kopel SJ, Boergers J, Nassau J, Suorsa K, Shapiro J, Bancroft B (2013). Rates and predictors of oral medication adherence in pediatric patients with IBD. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 19(4), 832-9. (Read full article)
    26. Molzon ES, Ramsey RR, Suorsa KI, Bonner MS, Grant DM, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2013). Factor structure of the illness intrusiveness ratings scale in young adults with allergies and asthma. 4, 71-6.
    27. Molzon ES, Bonner MS, Hullmann SE, Ramsey RR, Suorsa KI, Chaney JM, Mullins LL (2013). Differences in sleep quality and health-related quality of life in young adults with allergies and asthma and their healthy peers. J Am Coll Health, 61(8), 484-9. (Read full article)
    28. Molzon ES, Suorsa KI, Hullmann SE, Ryan JL, Mullins LL (2012). The relationship of allergy severity to depressive and anxious symptomatology: The role of attitude toward illness. ISRN Allergy, 2011, 765309. (Read full article)

    Book Chapter

    1. Mullins LL, Tackett AP, Suorsa KI (2015). Psychotherapeutic Modalities for Children with Cancer. In Abrams AN, Muriel AC, Weiner L (Eds.), Pediatric Psychosocial Oncology: Textbook for Multi-disciplinary Care (pp. 81-106). Springer International Publishing.


    1. Suorsa-Johnson KI, Sandberg DE, Stacey D (2022). Response to commentary re a survey of healthcare professionals' perceptions of the decisional needs of parents with an infant born with a disorder/difference of sex development. [Letter to the editor]. J Pediatr Urol, 19(1), 51-52. (Read full article)


    1. Suorsa-Johnson KI, Gardner MD, Baskin A, Gruppen LD, Rose A, Rutter MM, Schafer-Kalkhoff T, Stacey D, van Leeuwen KD, Weidler EM, Sandberg DE (2021). Defining successful outcomes and preferences for clinical management in differences/disorders of sex development: Protocol overview and a qualitative phenomenological study of stakeholders' perspectives. J Pediatr Urol (18(1), pp. 36.e1-36.e17). England. (Read full article)


    1. Crerand CE, Suorsa-Johnson KI, Hansen-Moore J, Ernst M, Pennesi C, DeLozier A, Fei F, Johnson J, Jewell T, Lanphier E, Jaffal N, Umbaugh H, James LN, Saylor KM, Sandberg DE (2021). Stigma and differences of sex development: A scoping review protocol [Web]. Deep Blue, University of Michigan Library.
    2. Suorsa-Johnson KI, Poquiz JL, Papadakis J, James LN, Saylor KM, Sandberg DE (2021). How is psychosocial adaptation and cognitive function assessed in differences/disorders of sex development? A scoping review protocol [Web]. Deep Blue, University of Michigan Library.