Board Certification
American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)Patient Rating
4.7 /5( out of 14 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
November 14, 2024EXTERNAL SITEDr Baumann was kind, understanding and knowledgeable! Highly recommend.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Primary Academic Divisions Pediatric Surgery
Board Certification American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)Education history
Fellowship Pediatric Surgery - Children's Hospital Los Angeles Fellow Fellowship Health Services and Outcomes - Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago Research Fellow Residency General Surgery - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Michigan State University College of Human Medicine M.D. Graduate Training Health Science - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health M.H.S. Undergraduate Public Health - Johns Hopkins University B.A. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Trybula M, Wang D, Baumann L, Pritts TA, Hambley BC (2021). Rhizopus microsporus typhlitis in a patient with acute myelogenous leukemia. Clin Case Rep, 9(6), e04290. (Read full article)
- Corkum KS, Baumann LM, Lautz TB (2019). Complication Rates for Pediatric Hepatectomy and Nephrectomy: A Comparison of NSQIP-P, PHIS, and KID. J Surg Res, 240, 182-190. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Williams K, Ghomrawi H, Abdullah F (2018). Current practice patterns for postoperative activity restrictions in children. J Pediatr Surg, 54(7), 1432-1435. (Read full article)
- Williams K, Baumann L, Abdullah F, Hendrickson RJ, Oyetunji TA (2019). Elective laparoscopic gastrostomy in children: potential for an enhanced recovery protocol. Pediatr Surg Int, 35(6), 643-647. (Read full article)
- Williams K, Baumann L, Grabowski J, Lautz TB (2018). Current Practice in the Management of Spontaneous Pneumothorax in Children. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 29(4), 551-556. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Williams K, Oyetunji TA, Grabowski J, Lautz TB (2018). Optimal Timing of Postoperative Imaging for Complicated Appendicitis. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 28(10), 1248-1252. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Barsness KA (2018). The Case for Simulation-Based Mastery Learning Education Courses for Practicing Surgeons. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A, 28(9), 1125-1128. (Read full article)
- Ghomrawi HM, Baumann LM, Kwon S, Hebal F, Hsiung G, Williams K, Reimann M, Stake C, Johnson EK, Abdullah F (2017). Using accelerometers to characterize recovery after surgery in children. J Pediatr Surg, 53(8), 1600-1605. (Read full article)
- Williams K, Baumann L, Shah A, Abdullah F, Johnson EK, Oyetunji TA (2017). Age at orchiopexy for undescended testis in the United States. J Pediatr Surg. (Read full article)
- Williams K, Baumann L, Abdullah F, St Peter SD, Oyetunji TA (2017). Variation in prophylactic antibiotic use for laparoscopic cholecystectomy: need for better stewardship in pediatric surgery. J Pediatr Surg. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Williams K, Abdullah F, Hendrickson RJ, Oyetunji TA (2017). Do-not-resuscitate orders and high-risk pediatric surgery: professional nuisance or medical necessity? J Surg Res, 217, 213-216. (Read full article)
- Checkley W, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Hansel NN, Romero KM, Pollard SL, Wise RA, Gilman RH, Mougey E, Lima JJ, PURA Study Investigators (2013). 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels are associated with childhood asthma in a population-based study in Peru. Clin Exp Allergy, 45(1), 273-82. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Romero KM, Robinson CL, Hansel NN, Gilman RH, Hamilton RG, Lima JJ, Wise RA, Checkley W, PURA Study Investigators (2014). Prevalence and risk factors for allergic rhinitis in two resource-limited settings in Peru with disparate degrees of urbanization. Clin Exp Allergy, 45(1), 192-9. (Read full article)
- Elmasri M, Romero KM, Gilman RH, Hansel NN, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Cabrera L, Hamilton RG, Checkley W, PURA Study Investigators (2014). Longitudinal assessment of high versus low levels of fractional exhaled nitric oxide among children with asthma and atopy. Lung, 192(2), 305-12. (Read full article)
- Romero KM, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Gilman RH, Hamilton RG, Hansel NN, Checkley W, PURA Study Investigators (2013). Role of exhaled nitric oxide as a predictor of atopy. Respir Res, 14(1), 48. (Read full article)
- Checkley W, Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Romero K, Combe JM, Gilman RH, Wise RA, Hamilton RG, Gonzalvez G, Cama V, Hansel NN, PURA study investigators (2012). Effect of urbanisation on the relationship between total serum IgE and asthma. Eur Respir J, 41(5), 1074-81. (Read full article)
- Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Gilman RH, Romero K, Combe JM, Cabrera L, Hansel NN, Barnes K, Gonzalvez G, Wise RA, Breysse PN, Checkley W (2012). The Peru Urban versus Rural Asthma (PURA) Study: methods and baseline quality control data from a cross-sectional investigation into the prevalence, severity, genetics, immunology and environmental factors affecting asthma in adolescence in Peru. BMJ Open, 2(1), e000421. (Read full article)
- Robinson CL, Baumann LM, Romero K, Combe JM, Gomez A, Gilman RH, Cabrera L, Gonzalvez G, Hansel NN, Wise RA, Barnes KC, Breysse PN, Checkley W (2011). Effect of urbanisation on asthma, allergy and airways inflammation in a developing country setting. Thorax, 66(12), 1051-7. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM, Robinson CL, Combe JM, Gomez A, Romero K, Gilman RH, Cabrera L, Hansel NN, Wise RA, Breysse PN, Barnes K, Hernandez JE, Checkley W (2011). Effects of distance from a heavily transited avenue on asthma and atopy in a periurban shantytown in Lima, Peru. J Allergy Clin Immunol, 127(4), 875-82. (Read full article)
- McEwen LN, Coelho RB, Baumann LM, Bilik D, Nota-Kirby B, Herman WH (2010). The cost, quality of life impact, and cost-utility of bariatric surgery in a managed care population. Obes Surg, 20(7), 919-28. (Read full article)
- Haider A, Scott JW, Gause CD, Mehe M, Hsiung G, Prelvukaj A, Yanocha D, Baumann LM, Ahmed F, Ahmed N, Anderson S, Angate H, Arfaa L, Asbun H, Ashengo T, Asuman K, Ayala R, Bickler S, Billingsley S, Bird P, Botman M, Butler M, Buyske J, Capozzi A, Casey K, Clayton C, Cobey J, Cotton M, Deckelbaum D, Derbew M, deVries C, Dillner J, Downham M, Draisin N, Echinard D, Elneil S, ElSayed A, Estelle A, Finley A, Frenkel E, Frykman PK, Gheorghe F, Gore-Booth J, Henker R, Henry J, Henry O, Hoemeke L, Hoffman D, Ibanga I, Jackson EV Jr, Jani P, Johnson W, Jones A, Kassem Z, Kisembo A, Kocan A, Krishnaswami S, Lane R, Latif A, Levy B, Linos D, Linz P, Listwa LA, Magee D, Makasa E, Marin ML, Martin C, McQueen K, Morgan J, Moser R, Neighbor R, Novick WM, Ogendo S, Omigbodun A, Onajin-Obembe B, Parsan N, Philip BK, Price R, Rasheed S, Ratel M, Reynolds C, Roser SM, Rowles J, Samad L, Sampson J, Sanghvi H, Sellers ML, Sigalet D, Steffes BC, Stieber E, Swaroop M, Tarpley J, Varghese A, Varughese J, Wagner R, Warf B, Wetzig N, Williamson S, Wood J, Zeidan A, Zirkle L, Allen B, Abdullah F (2017). Development of a Unifying Target and Consensus Indicators for Global Surgical Systems Strengthening: Proposed by the Global Alliance for Surgery, Obstetric, Trauma, and Anaesthesia Care (The G4 Alliance). [Review]. World J Surg, 41(10), 2426-2434. (Read full article)
- Baumann LM (2024). Utah family warning of dangers of button batteries and magnetic toys: 'It's the worst feeling in the world'. Fox 13 News Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. [Web]. Available: https://www.fox13now.com/news/local-news/northern-utah/utah-family-warning-of-dangers-of-button-batteries-and-magnetic-toys-its-the-worst-feeling-in-the-world#google_vignette.
- Baumann LM (2024). Toys can excite children, worry parents as more children are hospitalized. Studio 5 KSL, Salt Lake City, UT. [Web]. Available: https://www.ksl.com/article/51205187/toys-can-excite-children-worry-parents-as-more-children-are-hospitalized.
- Baumann LM (2024). Avoid dangerous toys this holiday season. Fox 13 News Utah, Salt Lake City, UT. [Web]. Available: https://www.fox13now.com/wellness-wednesday/avoid-dangerous-toys-this-holiday-season#google_vignette.