Board Certification
American Board of Pediatrics (Sub: Pediatric Cardiology)Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of CanadaLicentiate of the Medical Council of Canada -
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Pediatrics -Primary Academic Divisions Cardiology
Board Certification American Board of Pediatrics (Sub: Pediatric Cardiology)Fellow of Royal College of Physicians of CanadaLicentiate of the Medical Council of CanadaEducation history
Graduate Training University of Utah M.S.C.I Fellowship Pediatric Heart Failure and Transplantation - Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford University Clinical Fellow Fellowship Pediatric Cardiology - Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital Stanford University Clinical Fellow Residency Pediatrics - University of Calgary Resident Professional Medical Medical Education - University of Calgary M.D. Undergraduate Zoology - University of Calgary B.Sc. (Hons) Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Edelson JB, Raskin A, Absi M, Adachi I, Aljohani O, Alzubi A, Amdani S, Asante-Korang A, Auerbach S, Bansal N, Bearl D, Boucek K, Butto A, Butts R, Byrnes J, Castleberry C, Conway J, Do N, Dykes J Friedland-Little J, Greiten L, Henderson H, Hsu D, Jeewa A, Joong A, Khan S, Knoll C, Lantz J, Law S, Lorts A, Maeda K, Martinez H, May LJ, Mehegan M, Mokshagundam D, Montgomery C, OConnor M, Parent JJ, Peng DM, Rosenthal DN, Sheybani A, Shezad M, Shugh L, Shwaish N, Spinner J, Su J, Sutcliffe D, Tunuguntla H, Vanderpluym C, Vaughn G, Wallis G, Wilkens S, Zinn M, Niebler R, on behalf of the ACTION collaborators (2025). The ACTION VAD Registry: A Collective Five-Year Experience. J Heart Lung Transplant.
- Chen S, Simpson KE, Adachi LKJ, Amdani S, Bansal N Bearl DW, Bleiweis M, Boston U, Castleberry C, Cedars A, Conway J, Davies R, Dykes J, Joong A, Law S, Maeda KM, May L, Lorts A, Morales D, OConnor M, Bennet PF, Schumacher K, Shezad MF, Shugh SB, Singh NM, Spinner J, Su JA, Sutcliffe DL, VanderPluym C, Wilde M, Ybarra A, Zangwill S, Zinn M (2024). Over 100 Fontan Patients on Systemic Ventricular Assist Device Support: An ACTION Update. ASAIO J.
- May LJ, Stehlik J, Ou Z, Lambert LM, Chen C, Rosenthal DN, Machado DS, Lopez-Colon D, Shih R, Gibbons T, Madden B, Watanabe K, Presson AP, Cizik AM, HT Keenan (2024). PROMIS Fatigue Scores are Moderately Correlated with Heart Failure Severity in Pediatrics. Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation Open, 6.
- Chubb H, Mah DY, Shah M, Lin KY, Peng DM, Hale BW, May L, Etheridge S, Goodyer W, Ceresnak SR, Motonaga KS, Rosenthal DN, Almond CS, McElhinney DB, Dubin AM (2024). Multicenter Study of Survival Benefit of Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy in Pediatric and Congenital Heart Disease. JACC Clin Electrophysiol, 10(3), 539-550. (Read full article)
- Payne RM, Burns KM, Glatz AC, Male C, Donti A, Brando LR, Balling G, VanderPluym CJ, BuLock F, Kochilas LK, Stiller B, Cnota JF 2nd, Rahkonen O, Khan A, Adorisio R, Stoica S, May L, Burns JC, Saraiva JFK, McHugh KE, Kim JS, Rubio A, Cha-Vazquez NG, Meador MR, Dyme JL, Reedy AM, Ajavon-Hartmann T, Jarugula P, Carlson-Taneja LE, Mills D, Wheaton O, Monagle P (2023). Apixaban for Prevention of Thromboembolism in Pediatric Heart Disease. J Am Coll Cardiol, 82(24), 2296-2309. (Read full article)
- Cousino MK, May LJ, Smyth L, McQueen M, Thompson K, Hunter T, Ventresco C, Fields K, Murray J, Machado DS, Shezad M, Zafar F, Rosenthal DN, Lorts A, Blume ED co-first authors (2023). Patient and parent-reported outcomes in paediatric ventricular assist device support: a multi-center ACTION learning network feasibility and pilot experience. Cardiol Young, 19(33), 2258-2266. (Read full article)
- Chen CY, Montez-Rath ME, May LJ, Maeda K, Hollander SA, Rosenthal DN, Krawczeski CD, Sutherland SM (2022). Hemodynamic Predictors of Renal Function After Pediatric Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation. ASAIO J, 67(12), 1335-1341. (Read full article)
- Daugherty J, Heyrend C, Profsky M, Kay B, VanderPluym C, Griffiths ER, May LJ (2020). Time in Therapeutic Range for Bivalirudin Among Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device Recipients. ASAIO J, 67(5), 588-593. (Read full article)
- McFarland CA, Truong DT, Pinto NM, Minich LL, Burch PT, Eckhauser AW, Lal AK, Molina KM, Ou Z, Presson AP, May LJ (2020). Implications of Left Ventricular Dysfunction at Presentation for Infants with Coarctation of the Aorta. Pediatr Cardiol, 42(1), 72-77. (Read full article)
- Villa CR, VanderPluym CJ, Lorts A, Morales DLS, Zafar F, Krack P, Smyth L, Fields K, Rosenthal DN, Murray J, Hawkins B, Peng DM, Sutcliffe DL, Lantz J, Auerbach SR, Williams M, OConnor M, White R, Robert A Niebler RA, Pearce FB, Hubbard M, Zinn M, Reichhold A, Joong J, Bearl D, Nandi D, Gajarski R, Ploutz M, May LJ, Mehegan M, Simpson K, Conway J, Dubyk N, Tunuguntla H, Elias B, Jeewa A, Gossett JG, Gowen M (2020). ABCs of Stroke Prevention: Improving Stroke Outcomes in Children Supported With a Ventricular Assist Device in a Quality Improvement Network. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes, 13(12), e006663.
- McCallen LM, Ameduri RK, Denfield SW, Dodd DA, Everitt MD, Johnson JN, Lee TM, Lin AE, Lohr JL, May LJ, Pierpont ME, Stevenson DA, Chatfield KC (2019). Cardiac transplantation in children with Noonan syndrome. Pediatr Transplant, 23(6), e13535. (Read full article)
- May LJ, Lorts A, VanderPluym C, Conway J, Massicotte MP, Millar MM, Steiner ME, Rosenthal DN (2018). Marked Practice Variation in Antithrombotic Care with the Berlin Heart EXCOR Pediatric Ventricular Assist Device. ASAIO J, 65(7), 731-737. (Read full article)
- May LJ, Liu X, Tesoro T, Yang J, Lo C, Chen S, Murray J, Rosenthal DN, Massicotte P, Michelson AD, Almond CS (2019). Usefulness of anti-platelet therapy testing in children supported with a ventricular assist device. J Heart Lung Transplant, 38(7), 781-783.
- Chen S, Motonaga KS, Hollander SA, Almond CS, Rosenthal DN, Kaufman BD, May LJ, Avasarala K, Dao DT, Dubin AM, Ceresnak SR (2016). Electrocardiographic repolarization abnormalities and increased risk of life-threatening arrhythmias in children with dilated cardiomyopathy. Heart Rhythm, 13(6), 1289-96. (Read full article)
- May LJ, Montez-Rath ME, Yeh J, Axelrod DM, Chen S, Maeda K, Almond CS, Rosenthal DN, Hollander SA, Sutherland SM (2015). Impact of ventricular assist device placement on longitudinal renal function in children with end-stage heart failure. J Heart Lung Transplant, 35(4), 449-56. (Read full article)
- Heyrend C, Chen S, Lee J, Ensign R, Profsky M, Murray J, Griffiths E, May LJ (2020). Cost Comparison of Bivalirudin versus Unfractionated Heparin for Children on Left Ventricular Assist Devices [Abstract]. 39(4S), S467.