Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Obstetrics & Gynecology -Primary Education history
Certification Biomedical Informatics - University of Utah Postgraduate Certificate Fellowship Family Planning and Contraception - Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Fellow Graduate Training Public Health - Northwestern University M.P.H. Residency Obstetrics and Gynecology - Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Biology - Wayne State University B.S. Undergraduate Biological Sciences and Nursing - St. Clair County Community College A.D.N. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Gawron LM, Simmons RG, Sanders JN, Myers K, Gundlapalli AV, Turok DK (2019). The effect of a no-cost contraceptive initiative on method selection by women with housing insecurity. Contraception, 101(3), 205-209. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Sanders JN, Sward K, Poursaid AE, Simmons R, Turok DK (2019). Multi-morbidity and Highly Effective Contraception in Reproductive-Age Women in the US Intermountain West: a Retrospective Cohort Study. J Gen Intern Med, 35(3), 637-642. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Pettey WBP, Redd AM, Suo Y, Turok DK, Gundlapalli AV (2019). Distance Matters: Geographic barriers to long acting reversible and permanent contraception for homeless women Veterans. J Soc Distress Homeless, 28(2), 139-148. (Read full article)
- Sanders JN, Adkins DE, Kaur S, Storck K, Gawron LM, Turok DK (2018). Bleeding, cramping, and satisfaction among new copper IUD users: A prospective study. PLoS One, 13(11), e0199724. (Read full article)
- Turok DK, Simmons RG, Cappiello B, Gawron LM, Saviers-Steiger J, Sanders JN (2018). Use of a novel suction cervical retractor for intrauterine device insertion: a pilot feasibility trial. BMJ Sex Reprod Health. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Mohanty AF, Kaiser JE, Gundlapalli AV (2019). Impact of Deployment on Reproductive Health in U.S. Active-Duty Servicewomen and Veterans. Semin Reprod Med, 36(6), 361-370. (Read full article)
- Sanders JN, Myers K, Gawron LM, Simmons RG, Turok DK (2018). Contraceptive Method Use During the Community-Wide HER Salt Lake Contraceptive Initiative. Am J Public Health, 108(4), 550-556. (Read full article)
- Sanders JN, Higgins JA, Adkins DE, Stoddard GJ, Gawron LM, Turok DK (2018). The Impact of Sexual Satisfaction, Functioning, and Perceived Contraceptive Effects on Sex Life on IUD and Implant Continuation at 1 Year. Womens Health Issues, 28(5), 401-407. (Read full article)
- Turok DK, Leeman L, Sanders JN, Thaxton L, Eggebroten JL, Yonke N, Bullock H, Singh R, Gawron LM, Espey E (2017). Immediate postpartum levonorgestrel intrauterine device insertion and breast-feeding outcomes: a noninferiority randomized controlled trial. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 217(6), 665.e1-665.e8. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Redd A, Suo Y, Pettey W, Turok DK, Gundlapalli AV (2017). Long-acting Reversible Contraception Among Homeless Women Veterans With Chronic Health Conditions: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Med Care, 55 Suppl 9 Suppl 2, S111-S120. (Read full article)
- Sanders JN, Turok DK, Royer PA, Thompson IS, Gawron LM, Storck KE (2017). One-year continuation of copper or levonorgestrel intrauterine devices initiated at the time of emergency contraception. Contraception, 96(2), 99-105. (Read full article)
- Sanders JN, Gawron LM, Friedman S (2016). Sexual satisfaction and inflammatory bowel diseases: an interdisciplinary clinical challenge. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 215(1), 58-62. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Goldberger A, Gawron AJ, Hammond C, Keefer L (2014). The impact of hormonal contraception on disease-related cyclical symptoms in women with inflammatory bowel diseases. Inflamm Bowel Dis, 20(10), 1729-33. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Gawron AJ, Kasper A, Hammond C, Keefer L (2014). Contraceptive method selection by women with inflammatory bowel diseases: a cross-sectional survey. Contraception, 89(5), 419-25. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Hammond C, Keefer L (2014). Documentation of reproductive health counseling and contraception in women with inflammatory bowel diseases. Patient Educ Couns, 94(1), 134-7. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Kiley JW (2013). Labor induction outcomes in third-trimester stillbirths. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 123(3), 203-6. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Hammond C, Ernst LM (2013). Perinatal pathologic examination of nonintact, second-trimester fetal demise specimens: the value of standardization. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 137(8), 1083-7. (Read full article)
- Mody SK, Kiley J, Gawron L, Garcia P, Hammond C (2013). Team-based learning: a novel approach to medical student education in family planning. Contraception, 88(2), 239-42. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Cameron KA, Phisuthikul A, Simon MA (2013). An exploration of women's reasons for termination timing in the setting of fetal abnormalities. Contraception, 88(1), 109-15. (Read full article)
- Mody SK, Kiley J, Rademaker A, Gawron L, Stika C, Hammond C (2012). Pain control for intrauterine device insertion: a randomized trial of 1% lidocaine paracervical block. Contraception, 86(6), 704-9. (Read full article)
- Ernst LM, Gawron L, Fritsch MK (2013). Pathologic examination of fetal and placental tissue obtained by dilation and evacuation. [Review]. Arch Pathol Lab Med, 137(3), 326-37. (Read full article)
Case Report
- Gawron LM, Goldman KN, Kiley J (2013). A gravid development: should the desire to maintain fertility determine treatment for profuse bleeding in pregnancy? Am J Obstet Gynecol, 208(4), 332.e1-2. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Gero A, Kushner KL, Turok DK, Sanders JN (2019). Unprotected intercourse in the 2 weeks prior to quick-start initiation of an etonogestrel contraceptive implant with and without use of oral emergency contraception. [Letter to the editor]. Am J Obstet Gynecol, 222(4S), S891-S892. (Read full article)
- Gawron LM, Goldberger AR, Gawron AJ, Hammond C, Keefer L (2014). The Effect of Hormonal Contraceptives on Menstrual-Related Inflammatory Bowel Disease Symptoms [Abstract]. Gastroenterol, 146(5), S-552.
- Kasper A, Keefer L, Gawron AJ, Gossett, DR, Hahn EA, Gawron LM (2014). Fertility-Related Knowledge in Women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Abstract]. Gastroenterol, 146(5), S-370.
- Gawron LM, Goldberger AR, Gawron AJ, Hammond C, Keefer L (2014). Disease-related Pregnancy Concerns and Reproductive Planning in Women with Inflammatory Bowel Disease [Abstract]. Gastroenterol, 146(5), S-195.
- Gawron LM, Hammond C, Keefer L (2013). Documentation of reproductive health counseling and contraception in women with inflammatory bowel disease [Abstract]. Gastroenterol, 155(5), S-198.
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Clinical Trials