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Paloma F. Cariello
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Paloma F. Cariello, MD, MPH

Languages spoken: English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Paloma F Cariello, MD, MPH is an Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She is a clinical educator who graduated from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2003 and obtained a Master’s Degree in Public Health from University of Massachusetts in 2013. Dr. Cariello’s clinical work is focused on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of transplant-related infections and immunocompromised hosts, with dedicated training and expertise in caring for that patient population. She believes teamwork is the best approach to patient care, with the patient being the key element of the team.

    Dr. Cariello is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. In addition to clinical work, she is highly dedicated to medical education and serves as the Associate Dean for the Office of Academic Culture and Community. During her free time, Dr. Cariello enjoys cooking, puzzles, hiking and outdoor activities.

    Board Certification

    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Infectious Disease)
  • Paloma F Cariello, MD, MPH is an Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at the University of Utah School of Medicine. She is a clinical educator who graduated from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) in 2003 and obtained a Master’s Degree in Public Health from University of Massachusetts in 2013. Dr. Cariello’s clinical work is focused on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of transplant-related infections and immunocompromised hosts, with dedicated training and expertise in caring for that patient population. She believes teamwork is the best approach to patient care, with the patient being the key element of the team.

    Dr. Cariello is board certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. In addition to clinical work, she is highly dedicated to medical education and serves as the Associate Dean for the Office of Academic Culture and Community. During her free time, Dr. Cariello enjoys cooking, puzzles, hiking and outdoor activities.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Primary
    Academic Divisions Infectious Diseases
    Board Certification
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Infectious Disease)

    Education history

    Fellowship Transplant Infectious Diseases - University of Pittsburgh Fellow
    Graduate Training University of Massachusetts M.P.H.
    Fellowship Infectious Diseases - University of Massachusetts Fellow
    Chief Resident MetroWest Medical Center Chief Resident
    Residency Internal Medicine - MetroWest Medical Center Resident
    Internship Internal Medicine - MetroWest Medical Center Intern
    Professional Medical Medicine - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Medical School M.D.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Nguyen QT, Cabal V, Debbink M, Acosta D, Flattes VJ, Baluchi D, Ovuoba N, Cariello PF, Watts BT, Clouse ER, Nyman H, Taylor E, Kemeyou L, Lucero JE, Washington JC, Figueroa E, Campbell KM, Barbaar A, Ogbeide SA, Rodrguez JE (2024). Building an Equity-Centered Ecosystem: University of Utah Health as a Microcosm. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. (Read full article)
    2. Cariello PF, Figueroa E, Harris CM, Eldridge DR, Hooten M, Cuevas GE, Jones JL, Hightower M, Campbell KM, Martineau M, Rodrguez JE, Oquendo LA (2023). Future Doctors From Underrepresented in Medicine Communities at the University of Utah. PRiMER, 7, 25. (Read full article)
    3. Luther VP, Barsoumian AE, Konold VJL, Vijayan T, Balba G, Benson C, Blackburn B, Cariello P, Perloff S, Razonable R, Acharya K, Azar MM, Bhanot N, Blyth D, Butt S, Casanas B, Chow B, Cleveland K, Cutrell JB, Doshi S, Finkel D, Graber CJ, Hazra A, Hochberg NS, James SH, Kaltsas A, Kodiyanplakkal RPL, Lee M, Marcos L, Mena Lora AJ, Moore CC, Nnedu O, Osorio G, Paras ML, Reece R, Salas NM, Sanasi-Bhola K, Schultz S, Serpa JA, Shnekendorf R, Weisenberg S, Wooten D, Zuckerman RA, Melia M, Chirch LM (2023). Inclusion, Diversity, Access, and Equity in Infectious Diseases Fellowship Training: Tools for Program Directors. Open Forum Infect Dis, 10(6), ofad289. (Read full article)
    4. Pippitt KA, Moore KB, Lindsley JE, Cariello PF, Smith AG, Formosa T, Moser K, Morton DA, Colbert-Getz JM, Chow CJ (2022). Assessment for Learning with Ungraded and Graded Assessments. Med Sci Educ, 32(5), 1045-1054. (Read full article)
    5. Yee J, Unger L, Zadravecz F, Cariello P, Seibert A, Johnson MA, Fuller MJ (2020). Novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19): Emergence and implications for emergency care. J Am Coll Emerg Physicians Open, 1(2), 63-69. (Read full article)
    6. Melia MT, Paez A, Reid G, Chirch LM, Luther VP, Blackburn BG, Perez F, Abdoler E, Kaul DR, Rehm S, Harik N, Barsoumian A, Person AK, Yun H, Beckham JD, Boruchoff S, Cariello PF, Cutrell JB, Graber CJ, Lee DH, Maziarz E, Paras ML, Razonable RR, Ressner R, Chen A, Chow B, Escota G, Herc E, Johnson A, Maves RC, Nnedu O, Clauss H, Kulkarni P, Pottinger PS, Serpa JA, Bhowmick T, Bittner M, Wooten D, Casanas B, Shnekendorf R, Blumberg EA (2020). The Struggling Infectious Diseases Fellow: Remediation Challenges and Opportunities. Open Forum Infect Dis, 7(3), ofaa058. (Read full article)
    7. Filkins LM, Gaston DC, Mathison B, Smith T, Couturier MR, Murphy RD, Ciarkowski C, Hanson KE, Cariello PF (2017). Biliary Strongyloides stercoralis With Cholecystitis and Extensive Portal Vein Thrombosis. Open Forum Infect Dis, 4(4), ofx217. (Read full article)
    8. Cariello PF, Kwak EJ, Abdel-Massih RC, Silveira FP (2015). Safety and tolerability of clofazimine as salvage therapy for atypical mycobacterial infection in solid organ transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis, 17(1), 111-8. (Read full article)
    9. Cariello PF, Wickes BL, Sutton DA, Castlebury LA, Levitz SM, Finberg RW, Thompson EH, Daly JS (2013). Phomopsis bougainvilleicola prepatellar bursitis in a renal transplant recipient. J Clin Microbiol, 51(2), 692-5. (Read full article)
    10. Soares M, Fontes F, Dantas J, Gadelha D, Cariello P, Nardes F, Amorim C, Toscano L, Rocco JR (2004). Performance of six severity-of-illness scores in cancer patients requiring admission to the intensive care unit: a prospective observational study. Crit Care, 8(4), R194-203. (Read full article)

    Book Chapter

    1. Cariello PF, Muoz P (2017). Other Syndromes: Arthritis. In Sole A, Silveira F (Eds.), What to do in case of... A Reference Diagnostic Guide in Thoracic Organ Transplantation: Practical Approach to Frequent Scenarios (10). International Society for Heart & Lung Transplantation.
    2. Wooding FG, Cariello PF, Nilsen AM (2012). Histoplasmosis. In 5-Minute Clinical Consult. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
    3. Cariello PF, Madoff LC (2012). Emerging Infectious Diseases and Globalization. In Emerging Diseases. Brazil: Editora Atheneu.

    Conference Proceedings

    1. Debbink, M Cariello, P Kemeyou, L (2021). Increasing Diversity in Training Programs at the University of Utah. AAMC Group on Diversity and Inclusion Health Workforce Research Joint Conference.
    2. Cariello, PF Holaday, LW Wright, JB (2020). Pre-Faculty Development for Women. Conference Summary: Pre-Faculty Development for Diverse Trainees: Building the Next Generation of Academic Physicians.
    3. Cariello, P, Bares, S, Zimmer, A, Watts, K, Johnson, M, Rosenthal, K (2019). Contagion Theater - Teaching Microbiology with a Live In Class Sketch. AAMC 2019 Western Collaborative Meeting, Reno, NV.
    4. Goyal N, Gaskill E, Graves K, Sanders S, Benefield R, Elhalta D, Link N, Cariello PF (2018). Development of an Electronic Health Record Generated Alert for Prophylaxis Against Pneumocystis Jirovecii Pneumonia in the Setting of High Dose Steroids. ID Week, San Francisco, CA.
    5. Goyal N, Gaskill E, Graves K, Sanders S, Benefield R, Elhalta D, Link N, Cariello PF (2018). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Implementing PJP Prophylaxis in the Setting of High Dose Steroids on Discharge to Reduce Risk of Incidence of PJP. High Value Practice Academic Alliance National Conference, Baltimore, MD.
    6. Bliven K, Tsuha S, Benefield R, Cariello PF (2018). Successful treatment of native valve endocarditis due to VRE in an immunocompromised host with the combination of daptomycin and piperacillin-tazobactam followed by daptomycin and tigecycline. American College of Clinical Pharmacy 2018 Virtual Poster Symposium.
    7. Cariello PF, Daly JS, Fraire AE, Smith HL (2012). Mycobacterium bovis Aortic Aneurysm Following BCG Intravascular Instillation: A Misclassified Tuberculosis Diagnosis. ID Week, San Diego, CA.
    8. Cariello PF, Wickes BL, Sutton DA, Castlebury LA, Levitz SM, Finberg RW, Thompson EH, Daly JS (2012). Pre-Patellar Bursitis Secondary to Phomopsis bougainvilleicola in a Renal Transplant Recipient. The Immunocompromised Host Society Symposium, Genova, Italy.
    9. Cariello PF, Chimienti SN, Daly JS, Finberg RW, Jabbour N, Bozorgzadeh A (2012). Solid Organ Transplant Associated Graft-Versus-Host-Disease: A Reverse Rejection Mimicking Infection. The Immunocompromised Host Society Symposium, Genova, Italy.
    10. Cariello P, Treadwell T (2009). Apparent Virologic Failures and Blips in a Suburban HIV Clinic Caused by Laboratory Errors in a Commercial HIV-1 RNA PCR Assay. Interrnational Congress of Infectious Diseases, Miami, FL.

    Case Report

    1. Cariello, PF, Goyal, D, Tsuha, S (2019). Pericardial Effusion with Necrotic Ventricular Mass in a Kidney Transplant Recipient. Am J Transplant, 19(5), 1589-1591.
    2. Filkins LM, Gaston DC, Mathison B, Smith T, Couturier MR, Murphy RD, Ciarkowski C, Hanson KE, Cariello PF (2017). Biliary Strongyloides stercoralis with cholecystitis and extensive portal vein thrombosis. Open Forum Infect Dis, 4(4).


    1. Osborn JD, Cariello PF, Pena E, Lee CJ (2019). Nocardia thyroiditis after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation. [Letter to the editor]. Leuk Lymphoma, 61(4), 983-986. (Read full article)


    1. Cariello, PF (2020). Toward a Racially Just Workplace.
    2. Good, M Minoshima, S Okuyemi, K Cariello, P Rodrguez, J (2020). Continuing the Work of Anti-racism, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in the School of Medicine.