Board Certification
American Board of Pediatrics (Pediatrics)American Board of Pediatrics (Sub: Pediatric Gastroenterology)Patient Rating
4.4 /5( out of 41 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
November 22, 2024EXTERNAL SITEForgets about you the second you leave his office! Won't send referrals until days late!!
November 22, 2024EXTERNAL SITEDr Patel has been my child's provider for many years. He is kind, understands teenagers don't always want to do what is ultimately best for their care and never talks down to my child. He is honest with them about what is necessary and what he recommends while giving my child a sense of choice and control, to a degree, in caring for a chronic condition they did not choose. We moved nearly 300 miles from his clinic and choose to drive to see him because prior to finding Dr Patel, we had some rough experiences and some doctors that really did not relate to the struggle heath issues have on children.
July 17, 2024EXTERNAL SITEDr. Patel was very kind and made me feel comfortable even though my son was frustrated and made the experience so easy, answered my concerns made me feel great all things considered, explained everything I had concerns about
July 17, 2024EXTERNAL SITEDr Patel was amazing! He listened carefully and asked questions to make sure he understood the whole situation. He shared his ideas with us and told us about various treatment options and was very transparent about the treatment plan. We felt heard and valued and confident he will help us figure this all out.
February 27, 2023EXTERNAL SITEI have had both my children seen by Dr. Patal. I have recommended him to family and friends.
February 27, 2023EXTERNAL SITEI have had both my children seen by Dr. Patal. I have recommended him to family and friends.
February 04, 2023RIVERTON CLINICSHe seemed irritated that Kurt has other health problems besides ones he can treat
February 04, 2023RIVERTON CLINICSHe seemed irritated that Kurt has other health problems besides ones he can treat
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Pediatrics -Primary Academic Divisions Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition
Board Certification American Board of Pediatrics (Pediatrics)American Board of Pediatrics (Sub: Pediatric Gastroenterology)Education history
Fellowship Pediatric Gastroenterology - SUNY at Buffalo Program Fellow Residency Pediatrics - SUNY at Buffalo Program Resident Professional Medical Medicine - University of Utah School of Medicine M.D. Graduate Training Public Health - University of Utah DFPM M.P.H. Undergraduate Human Development & Family Studies - University of Utah B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Segura S, Lowichik A, Patel R (2024). Intestinal spirochetosis in an immunocompetent pediatric patient. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 79(1), 191-192. (Read full article)
- Blaseg NA, Robson JO, Patel RA, Asfour F, Pohl JF (2024). Gastrointestinal Pathologies in Pediatric Patients With Cystic Fibrosis Undergoing Endoscopy: A Single-Center Retrospective Review Over 15 Years. Cureus, 16(4), e59018. (Read full article)
- Jaramillo C, Ermarth AK, Collier JS, Pohl JF, Patel RA (2023). Flexible Sigmoidoscopy Utility in the Diagnosis of Pediatric Gastrointestinal Disorders. Cureus, 15(5), e38553. (Read full article)
- Hoffman MR, Schiffer B, Patel RA, Smith ME (2022). "I've never been able to burp": Preliminary description of retrograde cricopharyngeal dysfunction in children. Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, 161, 111261. (Read full article)
- McClain A, OGorman M, Barbagelata C, Patel R, Lowichik A, Peterson K, Guthery S, Robson J (2019). Adherence to Biopsy and Follow-Up Guidelines in a Population-Based Cohort of Children With Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 18(11), 2620-2622. (Read full article)
- Catharine M Walsh 1, Douglas S Fishman 2, Diana G Lerner 3, NASPGHAN Endoscopy and Procedures Committee Najma N Ahmed, Jane Alookaran, Ayesha S Baig, Tavleen Bhatia, Samuel Bitton, Herbert Brill, Nicholas J Carman, Lillian J Choi, Ben Freiberg, Reinaldo Garcia, Roberto Gugig, Andrew S Huang-Pacheco, Clifton S Huang, Muhammad A Khan, Robert E Kramer, Petar Mamula, Michael A Manfredi, Randolph M McConnie, Cortney B Menchini, Ericka Montijo-Barrios, Kenneth Ng, Inna Novak, Pratikkumar Patel, Raza A Patel, Karen A Queliza, Albert M Ross, Ramy Sabe, Abdul R Shahein, Yamen Smadi, Kalpesh Thakkar, Elizabeth C Utterson, David S Vitale, Russell F Zwiener (2020). Pediatric Endoscopy in the Era of Coronavirus Disease 2019: A North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Position Paper. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 70(6), 741-750.
- Robson J, Korgenski K, Parsons K, McClain A, Barbagelata C, Allen-Brady K, Patel R, OGorman M, Peterson K, Guthery S (2019). Sensitivity and Specificity of Administrative Medical Coding for Pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 69(2), e49-e53. (Read full article)
- Robson J, OGorman M, McClain A, Mutyala K, Davis C, Barbagelata C, Wheeler J, Firszt R, Smith K, Patel R, Peterson K, Lowichik A, Guthery S (2018). Incidence and Prevalence of Pediatric Eosinophilic Esophagitis in Utah Based on a 5-Year Population-Based Study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 17(1), 107-114.e1. (Read full article)
- McClain A, Jaramillo C, Patel RA, Robson J (2017). Evaluation of Esophagitis Using Endoscopic Narrow Band Imaging. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 67(6), e123. (Read full article)
- Lansing AH, McDonald C, Patel RA, Meihls S, Crowell K, Chatfield B, Pohl JF (2015). Vitamin D deficiency in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis: associated risk factors in the northern United States. South Med J, 108(3), 164-9. (Read full article)
- Crowell KR, Patel RA, Fluchel M, Lowichik A, Bryson S, Pohl JF (2013). Endoscopy in the diagnosis of intestinal graft-versus-host disease: is lower endoscopy with biopsy as effective in diagnosis as upper endoscopy combined with lower endoscopy? Pediatr Blood Cancer, 60(11), 1798-800. (Read full article)
- Patel R, Baker SS, Liu W, Desai S, Alkhouri R, Kozielsi R, Mastrandrea L, Sarfraz A, Cai W, Vlassara H, Patel MS, Baker RD, ZHU L (2012). Effect of dietary advanced glycation end products on mouse liver. PLoS One.
- Ansari F, Baker RD, Patel RA, Baker SS (2011). Varicella immunity in inflammatory bowel disease. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 53(4), 386-388.
- Pohl JF, Patel R, Zobell JT, Lin E, Korgenski EK, Crowell K, MacKay MW, Richman A, Larsen C, Chatfield BA (2011). Clostridium difficile Infection and Proton Pump Inhibitor Use in Hospitalized Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2011, Article ID 3450.
- Patel RA, Baker SS, Sayej WN, Baker RD (2011). Two Cases of Helicobacter pylori-Negative Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Children. Case Rep Gastrointest Med, 2011, Article ID 7498.
- Sayej WN, AlKhouri R, Baker RD, Patel R, Baker SS (05/24/2011). Esophagitis in Children with Celiac Disease. Gastroenterology, 2011.
- Pohl JF, Patel R, Zobell JT, Lin E, Korgenski EK, Crowell K, Mackay MW, Richman A, Larsen C, Chatfield BA (2011). Clostridium difficile Infection and Proton Pump Inhibitor Use in Hospitalized Pediatric Cystic Fibrosis Patients. Gastroenterol Res Pract, 2011, 345012. (Read full article)
- Zhi L, Baker SS, Liu W, Tao MH, Patel R, Nowak NJ, Baker RD (2010). Lipid in the livers of adolescents with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis: combined effects of pathways on steatosis. PMID: 21075404. Metabolism.
- Baker SS, Faden H, Sayej W, Patel R, Baker RD (2010). Increasing Incidence of Community-Associated Atypical Clostridium difficile Disease in Children. PubMed PMID: 20150212. Clin Pediatr (Phila).
- Srivastava R, Stone BL, Patel R, Swenson M, Davies A, Maloney CG, Young PC, James BC (2009). Delays in discharge in a tertiary care pediatric hospital. J Hosp Med, 4(8), 481-5. (Read full article)
- Sayej W, Patel R, Baker R, Tron E, Baker S (2009). Treatment with High Dose Proton Pump Inhibitors Helps Distinguish Eosinophilic Esophagitis from Non-Eosinophilic Esophagitis. (*Co-Author). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 49(4), 393-399.
Book Chapter
- Patel, RA, Deneau M (2014). Infectious Colitis. In Pohl, J, Gelfond, D. (Eds.), A Colour Handbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology (1). London: Manson Publishing.
- Patel RA, Bambach B (2011). Graft vs Host Disease. In Sondheimer JM, Waasdrop-Hurtado C (Eds.), The NASPGHAN Fellows Concise Review of Pediatric Gastroenterology , Hepatology and Nutrition (First, pp. 591-596). New York: Castle Connolly Graduate Medical Publishing.
Case Report
- Patel RA, Baker SS, Sayej WN, Baker RD (2011). Two Cases of Helicobacter pylori-Negative Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Children. Case Rep Gastrointest Med, 2011, 749850. (Read full article)
- N Blaseg, J Robson, R Patel, J Pohl (2024). Gastrointestinal pathologies in children with cystic fibrosis undergoing endoscopy: A single-center retrospective review [Abstract]. 23(S@), S351.
- Brian A Cohn, Austin Lamb, Pavle Medvidovic, Jamie Chen, Melissa K Trieu, Nikki Jamshidbaigi, Jaya Punati, Hillel Naon, Tanaz F Danialifar, Raza A Patel, Susan Dallabrida (2021). Automatic Image Segmentation to Preprocess Pediatric Stool Photos, DIA Global Annual Meeting, June 27 2021, Virtual, abstract available at https://www.diaglobal.org/en/flagship/dia-2021/program/about-our-offerings/posters/Poster-Presentations/Poster-Presentations-Details?ParentProductID=9136341&ProductID=9582526&AbstractID=95199 [Abstract].
- Susan Dallabrida, Melissa K Trieu, Nikki Jamshidbaigi, Jamie Chen, Pavle Medvidovic, Austin Lamb, Hillel Naon, Raza A Patel, Jaya Punati, Tanaz F Danialifar, and Brian A Cohn (2021). Clinician Versus Caregiver Ratings of Pediatric Stool Consistency, DIA Global Annual Meeting, June 27-July 01, Virtual [Abstract].
- Sayej WN, Patel RA, Baker RD, Tron ED, Crawley AM, Baker SS (2008). High dose acid suppression distinguishes severe reflux esophagitis from eosinophilic esophagitis Gastroenterology 134:A-58, 2008. (Presented as a Poster) [Abstract]. 134, A-58.
- Jennifer Goldman-Luthy, MD, MRP, FAAP Reviewer Raza Patel, MD, MPH (2021). Constipation: Medical Home Portal A comprehensive document on Description, Clinical Assessment, Treatment and Management of constipation. In addition the report features resources for clinicians and families. Report available at: https://www.medicalhomeportal.org/diagnoses-and-conditions/constipation#Authorstagless. Medical Home Portal.
- Patel R (Nov/Dec 2008). JPGN Podcast November/December 2008 [Podcast]. Available: http://download.lww.com/downloads/eJP/jpgn/podcasts/NovemberDecember_2008.mp3.
- Patel R (2008). JPGN Podcast October 2008 [Podcast]. Available: http://download.lww.com/downloads/eJP/jpgn/podcasts/October_2008.mp3.