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Richard E. Kanner
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Richard E. Kanner, MD

Languages spoken: English
  • Dr. Kanner has retired from clinical practice and is no longer seeing patients outside the research setting.

    Board Certification

    American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Pulmonary Disease)
  • Dr. Kanner has retired from clinical practice and is no longer seeing patients outside the research setting.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Internal Medicine -Emeritus
    Academic Divisions Public Health
    Board Certification
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)
    American Board of Internal Medicine (Sub: Pulmonary Disease)

    Education history

    Fellowship University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow
    Fellowship Pulmonary Medicine - Columbia - Presbyterian Medical Center of New York Fellow
    Residency Internal Medicine - University of Utah School of Medicine Resident
    Internship University of Utah School of Medicine Intern
    Professional Medical Medicine - SUNY at Brooklyn M.D.
    Undergraduate Premedical Sciences - University of Michigan B.A.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Rous JS, Lees PSJ, Koehler K, Buckley JP, Quirs-Alcal L, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Labaki W, Barr RG, Peters SP, Paine R 3rd, Pirozzi C, Cooper CB, Dransfield MT, Comellas AP, Kanner RE, Drummond MB, Putcha N, Hansel NN, Paulin LM (2023). Association of occupational exposures and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease morbidity. J Occup Environ Med. (Read full article)
    2. Fortis S, Quibrera PM, Comellas AP, Bhatt SP, Tashkin DP, Hoffman EA, Criner GJ, Han MK, Barr RG, Arjomandi M, Dransfield MB, Peters SP, Dolezal BA, Kim V, Putcha N, Rennard SI, Paine R 3rd, Kanner RE, Curtis JL, Bowler RP, Martinez FJ, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Woodruff PG, Barjaktarevic IZ, Couper D, Anderson WH, Cooper CB, Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Investigators (2022). Bronchodilator Responsiveness in Tobacco-Exposed People With or Without COPD. Chest, 163(3), 502-514. (Read full article)
    3. Weiss JR, Serdenes R, Madtha U, Zhao H, Kim V, Lopez-Pastrana J, Eakin MN, OToole J, Cooper CB, Woodruff P, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Iyer AS, Couper D, Morrison MF (2022). Association Among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Severity, Exacerbation Risk, and Anxiety and Depression Symptoms in the SPIROMICS Cohort. J Acad Consult Liaison Psychiatry, 64(1), 45-57. (Read full article)
    4. Tejwani V, Woo H, Liu C, Tillery AK, Gassett AJ, Kanner RE, Hoffman EA, Martinez FJ, Woodruff PG, Barr RG, Fawzy A, Koehler K, Curtis JL, Freeman CM, Cooper CB, Comellas AP, Pirozzi C, Paine R, Tashkin D, Krishnan JA, Sack C, Putcha N, Paulin LM, Zusman M, Kaufman JD, Alexis NE, Hansel NN (2022). Black carbon content in airway macrophages is associated with increased severe exacerbations and worse COPD morbidity in SPIROMICS. Respir Res, 23(1), 310. (Read full article)
    5. Han MK, Ye W, Wang D, White E, Arjomandi M, Barjaktarevic IZ, Brown SA, Buhr RG, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Criner GJ, Dransfield MT, Drescher F, Folz RJ, Hansel NN, Kalhan R, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Maddipati V, Martinez FJ, Mathews A, Meldrum C, McEvoy C, Nyunoya T, Rogers L, Stringer WW, Wendt CH, Wise RA, Wisniewski SR, Sciurba FC, Woodruff PG, RETHINC Study Group (2022). Bronchodilators in Tobacco-Exposed Persons with Symptoms and Preserved Lung Function. N Engl J Med, 387(13), 1173-1184. (Read full article)
    6. Buhr RG, Barjaktarevic IZ, Quibrera PM, Bateman LA, Bleecker ER, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Dolezal BA, Han MK, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, McKleroy W, Paine R 3rd, Rennard SI, Tashkin DP, Woodruff PG, Kanner RE, Cooper CB, SPIROMICS Investigators (2023). Reversible Airflow Obstruction Predicts Future Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Development in the SPIROMICS Cohort: An Observational Cohort Study. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 206(5), 554-562. (Read full article)
    7. Belz DC, Woo H, Putcha N, Paulin LM, Koehler K, Fawzy A, Alexis NE, Barr RG, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper D, Dransfield M, Gassett AJ, Han M, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Peng RD, Peters S, Pirozzi CS, Woodruff PG, Kaufman JD, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS Investigators (2022). Ambient ozone effects on respiratory outcomes among smokers modified by neighborhood poverty: An analysis of SPIROMICS AIR. Sci Total Environ, 829, 154694. (Read full article)
    8. Ronish BE, Couper DJ, Barjaktarevic IZ, Cooper CB, Kanner RE, Pirozzi CS, Kim V, Wells JM, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Hoffman EA, Buhr RG, Dolezal BA, Tashkin DP, Liou TG, Bateman LA, Schroeder JD, Martinez FJ, Barr RG, Hansel NN, Comellas AP, Rennard SI, Arjomandi M, Paine Iii R (2022). Forced Expiratory Flow at 25%-75% Links COPD Physiology to Emphysema and Disease Severity in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis, 9(2), 111-121. (Read full article)
    9. OToole J, Woo H, Putcha N, Cooper CB, Woodruff P, Kanner RE, Paine R, Bowler RP, Comellas A, Hoth KF, Krishnan JA, Han M, Dransfield M, Iyer AS, Couper D, Peters SP, Criner G, Kim V, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Hansel NN, Eakin MN, SPIROMICS Investigators (2021). Comparative Impact of Depressive Symptoms and FEV(1)% on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 19(2), 171-178. (Read full article)
    10. Fortis S, Comellas AP, Bhatt SP, Hoffman EA, Han MK, Bhakta NR, Paine R 3rd, Ronish B, Kanner RE, Dransfield M, Hoesterey D, Buhr RG, Barr RG, Dolezal B, Ortega VE, Drummond MB, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Kim V, Curtis JL, Bowler RP, Martinez F, Labaki WW, Cooper CB, ONeal WK, Criner G, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Woodruff P, Couper D, Tashkin D, Barjaktarevic I (2021). Ratio of FEV1/Slow Vital Capacity of < 0.7 Is Associated With Clinical, Functional, and Radiologic Features of Obstructive Lung Disease in Smokers With Preserved Lung Function. Chest, 160(1), 94-103. (Read full article)
    11. Fawzy A, Woo H, Balasubramanian A, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper D, Criner GJ, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, McCormack M, Paine Iii R, Peters S, Wise R, Woodruff PG, Hansel NN, Putcha N (2021). Polycythemia is Associated with Lower Incidence of Severe COPD Exacerbations in SPIROMICS Study. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis. (Read full article)
    12. Zou C, Li F, Choi J, Haghighi B, Choi S, Rajaraman PK, Comellas AP, Newell JD, Lee CH, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han M, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, ONeal W, Paine R 3rd, Rennard SI, Smith BM, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, Lin CL (2021). Longitudinal Imaging-Based Clusters in Former Smokers of the COPD Cohort Associate with Clinical Characteristics: The SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS). Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 16, 1477-1496. (Read full article)
    13. Radicioni G, Ceppe A, Ford AA, Alexis NE, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Christenson SA, Cooper CB, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hastie AT, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Martinez FJ, Ozkan E, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, ONeal WK, Boucher RC, Kesimer M (2021). Airway mucin MUC5AC and MUC5B concentrations and the initiation and progression of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Lancet Respir Med, 9(11), 1241-1254. (Read full article)
    14. Woo H, Brigham EP, Allbright K, Ejike C, Galiatsatos P, Jones MR, Oates GR, Krishnan JA, Cooper CB, Kanner RE, Bowler RP, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Criner G, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Han MK, Ortega VE, Parekh TM, Christenson S, Belz D, Raju S, Gassett A, Paulin LM, Putcha N, Kaufman JD, Hansel NN (2021). Racial Segregation and Respiratory Outcomes among Urban Black Residents with and at Risk of COPD. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. (Read full article)
    15. Zusman M, Gassett AJ, Kirwa K, Barr RG, Cooper CB, Han MK, Kanner RE, Koehler K, Ortega VE, Paine Rd R, Paulin L, Pirozzi C, Rule A, Hansel NN, Kaufman JD (2020). Modeling residential indoor concentrations of PM2.5 , NO2 , NOx , and secondhand smoke in the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD (SPIROMICS) Air study. Indoor Air, 31(3), 702-716. (Read full article)
    16. Ejike CO, Woo H, Galiatsatos P, Paulin LM, Krishnan JA, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Kanner RE, Bowler RP, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Criner GJ, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Han MK, Martinez CH, Ortega VE, Parekh TM, Christenson SA, Thakur N, Baugh A, Belz DC, Raju S, Gassett AJ, Kaufman JD, Putcha N, Hansel NN (2022). Contribution of Individual and Neighborhood Factors to Racial Disparities in Respiratory Outcomes. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 203(8), 987-997. (Read full article)
    17. Turnier L, Eakin M, Woo H, Dransfield M, Parekh T, Krishnan JA, Kanner R, Cooper CB, Woodruff PG, Wise R, Han MK, Romero K, Paulin LM, Peters S, Drummond B, Bleecker ER, Bowler R, Comellas AP, Couper D, Paine R, Martinez F, Barr G, Putcha N, Hansel NN (2021). The influence of social support on COPD outcomes mediated by depression. PLoS One, 16(3), e0245478. (Read full article)
    18. Li F, Choi J, Zou C, Newell JD Jr, Comellas AP, Lee CH, Ko H, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Cooper CB, Abtin F, Barjaktarevic I, Couper D, Han M, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Kazerooni EA, Martinez FJ, ONeal W, Rennard SI, Smith BM, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, Lin CL (2021). Latent traits of lung tissue patterns in former smokers derived by dual channel deep learning in computed tomography images. Sci Rep, 11(1), 4916. (Read full article)
    19. Oh AL, Mularski RA, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Criner GJ, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Paine R 3rd, Parekh TM, Peters SP, Christenson SA, Woodruff PG, SPIROMICS Investigators (2021). Defining Resilience to Smoking Related Lung Disease: A Modified Delphi Approach from SPIROMICS. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 18(11), 1822-1831. (Read full article)
    20. Putcha N, Fawzy A, Matsui EC, Liu MC, Bowler RP, Woodruff PG, ONeal WK, Comellas AP, Han MK, Dransfield MT, Wells JM, Lugogo N, Gao L, Talbot CC Jr, Hoffman EA, Cooper CB, Paulin LM, Kanner RE, Criner G, Ortega VE, Barr RG, Krishnan JA, Martinez FJ, Drummond MB, Wise RA, Diette GB, Hersh CP, Hansel NN (2020). Clinical Phenotypes of Atopy and Asthma in COPD: A Meta-analysis of SPIROMICS and COPDGene. Chest, 158(6), 2333-2345. (Read full article)
    21. Stott-Miller M, Mllerov H, Miller B, Tabberer M, El Baou C, Keeley T, Martinez FJ, Han M, Dransfield M, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Woodruff P, Ortega VE, Comellas AP, Paine Iii R, Kanner RE, Anderson W, Drummond MB, Kim V, Tal-Singer R, Lazaar AL (2020). Defining Chronic Mucus Hypersecretion Using the CAT in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 15, 2467-2476. (Read full article)
    22. Leitao Filho FS, Mattman A, Schellenberg R, Criner GJ, Woodruff P, Lazarus SC, Albert RK, Connett J, Han MK, Gay SE, Martinez FJ, Fuhlbrigge AL, Stoller JK, MacIntyre NR, Casaburi R, Diaz P, Panos RJ, Cooper JA Jr, Bailey WC, LaFon DC, Sciurba FC, Kanner RE, Yusen RD, Au DH, Pike KC, Fan VS, Leung JM, Man SP, Aaron SD, Reed RM, Sin DD (2020). Serum IgG Levels and Risk of COPD Hospitalization: A Pooled Meta-analysis. Chest, 158(4), 1420-1430. (Read full article)
    23. Strand M, Austin E, Moll M, Pratte KA, Regan EA, Hayden LP, Bhatt SP, Boriek AM, Casaburi R, Silverman EK, Fortis S, Ruczinski I, Koegler H, Rossiter HB, Occhipinti M, Hanania NA, Gebrekristos HT, Lynch DA, Kunisaki KM, Young KA, Sieren JC, Ragland M, Hokanson JE, Lutz SM, Make BJ, Kinney GL, Cho MH, Pistolesi M, DeMeo DL, Sciurba FC, Comellas AP, Diaz AA, Barjaktarevic I, Bowler RP, Kanner RE, Peters SP, Ortega VE, Dransfield MT, Crapo JD (2020). A Risk Prediction Model for Mortality Among Smokers in the COPDGene® Study. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis, 7(4), 346-361. (Read full article)
    24. Burkes RM, Ceppe AS, Couper DJ, Comellas AP, Wells JM, Peters SP, Criner GJ, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Christenson SA, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic IZ, Krishnan JA, Labaki WW, Han MK, Curtis JL, Hansel NN, Wise RA, Drummond MB, SPIROMICS collaborators (2020). Plasma Cathelicidin is Independently Associated with Reduced Lung Function in COPD: Analysis of the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Cohort. Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis, 7(4), 370-381. (Read full article)
    25. Cooper CB, Paine R, Curtis JL, Kanner RE, Martinez CH, Meldrum CA, Bowler R, ONeal W, Hoffman EA, Couper D, Quibrera M, Criner G, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Hansel NN, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Peters SP, Barr RG, Martinez FJ, Woodruff PG, SPIROMICS investigators (2020). Novel Respiratory Disability Score Predicts COPD Exacerbations and Mortality in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 15, 1887-1898. (Read full article)
    26. Keller T, Spece LJ, Donovan LM, Udris E, Coggeshall SS, Griffith M, Bryant AD, Casaburi R, Cooper JA Jr, Criner GJ, Diaz PT, Fuhlbrigge AL, Gay SE, Kanner RE, Martinez FJ, Panos RJ, Shade D, Sternberg A, Stibolt T, Stoller JK, Tonascia J, Wise R, Yusen RD, Au DH, Feemster LC (2020). Association of Guideline-Recommended COPD Inhaler Regimens With Mortality, Respiratory Exacerbations, and Quality of Life: A Secondary Analysis of the Long-Term Oxygen Treatment Trial. Chest, 158(2), 529-538. (Read full article)
    27. Ortega VE, Li X, ONeal WK, Lackey L, Ampleford E, Hawkins GA, Grayeski PJ, Laederach A, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Cooper C, Couper D, Han MK, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Pirozzi C, Rennard SI, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, NHLBI Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcomes Measures in COPD Study SPIROMICS (2019). The Effects of Rare SERPINA1 Variants on Lung Function and Emphysema in SPIROMICS. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 201(5), 540-554. (Read full article)
    28. Paulin LM, Gassett AJ, Alexis NE, Kirwa K, Kanner RE, Peters S, Krishnan JA, Paine R 3rd, Dransfield M, Woodruff PG, Cooper CB, Barr RG, Comellas AP, Pirozzi CS, Han M, Hoffman EA, Martinez FJ, Woo H, Peng RD, Fawzy A, Putcha N, Breysse PN, Kaufman JD, Hansel NN, for SPIROMICS investigators (2019). Association of Long-term Ambient Ozone Exposure With Respiratory Morbidity in Smokers. JAMA Intern Med, 180(1), 106-115. (Read full article)
    29. Barjaktarevic IZ, Buhr RG, Wang X, Hu S, Couper D, Anderson W, Kanner RE, Paine Iii R, Bhatt SP, Bhakta NR, Arjomandi M, Kaner RJ, Pirozzi CS, Curtis JL, ONeal WK, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Hansel N, Wells JM, Ortega VE, Hoffman EA, Doerschuk CM, Kim V, Dransfield MT, Drummond MB, Bowler R, Criner G, Christenson SA, Ronish B, Peters SP, Krishnan JA, Tashkin DP, Cooper CB, NHLBI SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study SPIROMICS (2019). Clinical Significance of Bronchodilator Responsiveness Evaluated by Forced Vital Capacity in COPD: SPIROMICS Cohort Analysis. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis, 14, 2927-2938. (Read full article)
    30. Arjomandi M, Zeng S, Barjaktarevic I, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Bowler RP, Buhr RG, Criner GJ, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Rennard SI, Woodruff PG, SPIROMICS Investigators (2019). Radiographic lung volumes predict progression to COPD in smokers with preserved spirometry in SPIROMICS. Eur Respir J, 54(4). (Read full article)
    31. Labaki WW, Gu T, Murray S, Curtis JL, Yeomans L, Bowler RP, Barr RG, Comellas AP, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Barjaktarevic I, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, McDonald MN, Krishnan JA, Peters SP, Woodruff PG, ONeal WK, Diao W, He B, Martinez FJ, Standiford TJ, Stringer KA, Han MK (2019). Serum amino acid concentrations and clinical outcomes in smokers: SPIROMICS metabolomics study. Sci Rep, 9(1), 11367. (Read full article)
    32. Haghighi B, Choi S, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell JD Jr, Lee CH, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han ML, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, ONeal W, Paine R 3rd, Rennard SI, Smith BM, Woodruff PG, Lin CL (2019). Imaging-based clusters in former smokers of the COPD cohort associate with clinical characteristics: the SubPopulations and intermediate outcome measures in COPD study (SPIROMICS). Respir Res, 20(1), 153. (Read full article)
    33. Cho HB, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi J, Lin CL, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain SB, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Barr RG, Hansel N, Cooper CB, Kleerup EC, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Kanner RE, Bleecker ER, Peters SP, Moore WC, Lee CH, Choi S, National Heart Lung and Blood Institutes SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study SPIROMICS and Severe Asthma Research Program SARP (2019). Structural and Functional Features on Quantitative Chest Computed Tomography in the Korean Asian versus the White American Healthy Non-Smokers. Korean J Radiol, 20(7), 1236-1245. (Read full article)
    34. Fawzy A, Putcha N, Aaron CP, Bowler RP, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Dransfield MT, Han MK, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Labaki WW, Paine R 3rd, Paulin LM, Peters SP, Wise R, Barr RG, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS Investigators (2018). Aspirin Use and Respiratory Morbidity in COPD: A Propensity Score-Matched Analysis in Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study. Chest, 155(3), 519-527. (Read full article)
    35. Moy ML, Harrington KF, Sternberg AL, Krishnan JA, Albert RK, Au DH, Casaburi R, Criner GJ, Diaz P, Kanner RE, Panos RJ, Stibolt T, Stoller JK, Tonascia J, Yusen RD, Tan AM, Fuhlbrigge AL, LOTT Research Group (2019). Characteristics at the time of oxygen initiation associated with its adherence: Findings from the COPD Long-term Oxygen Treatment Trial. Respir Med, 149, 52-58. (Read full article)
    36. Paulin LM, Smith BM, Koch A, Han M, Hoffman EA, Martinez C, Ejike C, Blanc PD, Rous J, Barr RG, Peters SP, Paine R 3rd, Pirozzi C, Cooper CB, Dransfield MT, Comellas AP, Kanner RE, Drummond MB, Putcha N, Hansel NN (2018). Occupational Exposures and Computed Tomographic Imaging Characteristics in the SPIROMICS Cohort. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 15(12), 1411-1419. (Read full article)
    37. Pirozzi CS, Gu T, Quibrera PM, Carretta EE, Han MK, Murray S, Cooper CB, Tashkin DP, Kleerup EC, Barjaktarevic I, Hoffman EA, Martinez CH, Christenson SA, Hansel NN, Graham Barr R, Bleecker ER, Ortega VE, Martinez FJ, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, NHLBI SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study SPIROMICS (2018). Heterogeneous burden of lung disease in smokers with borderline airflow obstruction. Respir Res, 19(1), 223. (Read full article)
    38. Haghighi B, Choi S, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell JD Jr, Graham Barr R, Bleecker E, Cooper CB, Couper D, Han ML, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, ONeal W, Rennard SI, Woodruff PG, Lin CL (2018). Imaging-based clusters in current smokers of the COPD cohort associate with clinical characteristics: the SubPopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS). Respir Res, 19(1), 178. (Read full article)
    39. Li X, Ortega VE, Ampleford EJ, Graham Barr R, Christenson SA, Cooper CB, Couper D, Dransfield MT, Han MLK, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, Hawkins GA, Bleecker ER, Meyers DA, SPIROMICS Research Group (2018). Genome-wide association study of lung function and clinical implication in heavy smokers. BMC Med Genet, 19(1), 134. (Read full article)
    40. Burkes RM, Gassett AJ, Ceppe AS, Anderson W, ONeal WK, Woodruff PG, Krishnan JA, Barr RG, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Comellas AP, Lambert AA, Kaufman JD, Dransfield MT, Wells JM, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Bleecker ER, Paulin LM, Hansel NN, Drummond MB, Current and former investigators of the SPIROMICS sites and reading centers (2018). Rural Residence and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Exacerbations. Analysis of the SPIROMICS Cohort. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 15(7), 808-816. (Read full article)
    41. Labaki WW, Xia M, Murray S, Curtis JL, Barr RG, Bhatt SP, Bleecker ER, Hansel NN, Cooper CB, Dransfield MT, Wells JM, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Ortega VE, Peters SP, Krishnan JA, Bowler RP, Couper DJ, Woodruff PG, Martinez FJ, Martinez CH, Han MK (2018). NT-proBNP in stable COPD and future exacerbation risk: Analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Respir Med, 140, 87-93. (Read full article)
    42. Putcha N, Fawzy A, Paul GG, Lambert AA, Psoter KJ, Sidhaye VK, Woo J, Wells JM, Labaki WW, Doerschuk CM, Kanner RE, Han MK, Martinez C, Paulin LM, Martinez FJ, Wise RA, ONeal WK, Barr RG, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS investigators (2019). Anemia and Adverse Outcomes in a Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Population with a High Burden of Comorbidities. An Analysis from SPIROMICS. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 15(6), 710-717. (Read full article)
    43. Putcha N, Paul GG, Azar A, Wise RA, ONeal WK, Dransfield MT, Woodruff PG, Curtis JL, Comellas AP, Drummond MB, Lambert AA, Paulin LM, Fawzy A, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Han MK, Martinez FJ, Bowler RP, Barr RG, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS investigators (2018). Lower serum IgA is associated with COPD exacerbation risk in SPIROMICS. PLoS One, 13(4), e0194924. (Read full article)
    44. Smith BM, Traboulsi H, Austin JHM, Manichaikul A, Hoffman EA, Bleecker ER, Cardoso WV, Cooper C, Couper DJ, Dashnaw SM, Guo J, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hughes EW, Jacobs DR Jr, Kanner RE, Kaufman JD, Kleerup E, Lin CL, Liu K, Lo Cascio CM, Martinez FJ, Nguyen JN, Prince MR, Rennard S, Rich SS, Simon L, Sun Y, Watson KE, Woodruff PG, Baglole CJ, Barr RG, MESA Lung and SPIROMICS investigators (2018). Human airway branch variation and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 115(5), E974-E981. (Read full article)
    45. Fawzy A, Putcha N, Paulin LM, Aaron CP, Labaki WW, Han MK, Wise RA, Kanner RE, Bowler RP, Barr RG, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS and COPDGene Investigators (2018). Association of thrombocytosis with COPD morbidity: the SPIROMICS and COPDGene cohorts. Respir Res, 19(1), 20. (Read full article)
    46. Morris MA, Jacobson SR, Kinney GL, Tashkin DP, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Cooper CB, Drummond MB, Barr RG, Oelsner EC, Make BJ, Han MK, Hansel NN, ONeal WK, Bowler RP (2018). Marijuana Use Associations with Pulmonary Symptoms and Function in Tobacco Smokers Enrolled in the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study (SPIROMICS). Chronic Obstr Pulm Dis, 5(1), 46-56. (Read full article)
    47. Yusen RD, Criner GJ, Sternberg AL, Au DH, Fuhlbrigge AL, Albert RK, Casaburi R, Stoller JK, Harrington KF, Cooper JAD Jr, Diaz P, Gay S, Kanner R, MacIntyre N, Martinez FJ, Piantadosi S, Sciurba F, Shade D, Stibolt T, Tonascia J, Wise R, Bailey WC, LOTT Research Group, LOTT Research Group (2017). The Long-Term Oxygen Treatment Trial for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: Rationale, Design, and Lessons Learned. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 15(1), 89-101. (Read full article)
    48. Hastie AT, Martinez FJ, Curtis JL, Doerschuk CM, Hansel NN, Christenson S, Putcha N, Ortega VE, Li X, Barr RG, Carretta EE, Couper DJ, Cooper CB, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup E, ONeal WK, Paine R 3rd, Peters SP, Alexis NE, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Meyers DA, Bleecker ER, SPIROMICS investigators (2017). Association of sputum and blood eosinophil concentrations with clinical measures of COPD severity: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Lancet Respir Med, 5(12), 956-967. (Read full article)
    49. Choi S, Haghighi B, Choi J, Hoffman EA, Comellas AP, Newell JD, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain SB, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Barr RG, Han MK, Bleecker ER, Cooper CB, Couper D, Hansel N, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Kleerup EAC, Martinez FJ, ONeal WK, Woodruff PG, Lin CL (2017). Differentiation of quantitative CT imaging phenotypes in asthma versus COPD. BMJ Open Respir Res, 4(1), e000252. (Read full article)
    50. Anderson WH, Ha JW, Couper DJ, ONeal WK, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Carretta EE, Cooper CB, Doerschuk CM, Drummond MB, Han MK, Hansel NN, Kim V, Kleerup EC, Martinez FJ, Rennard SI, Tashkin D, Woodruff PG, Paine R 3rd, Curtis JL, Kanner RE, SPIROMICS Research Group (2017). Variability in objective and subjective measures affects baseline values in studies of patients with COPD. PLoS One, 12(9), e0184606. (Read full article)
    51. Kesimer M, Ford AA, Ceppe A, Radicioni G, Cao R, Davis CW, Doerschuk CM, Alexis NE, Anderson WH, Henderson AG, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Christenson SA, Cooper CB, Han MK, Hansel NN, Hastie AT, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Martinez F, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, ONeal WK, Boucher RC (2017). Airway Mucin Concentration as a Marker of Chronic Bronchitis. N Engl J Med, 377(10), 911-922. (Read full article)
    52. Han MK, Quibrera PM, Carretta EE, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Bowler RP, Cooper CB, Comellas A, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Criner G, Dransfield MT, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Krishnan JA, Martinez CH, Pirozzi CB, ONeal WK, Rennard S, Tashkin DP, Wedzicha JA, Woodruff P, Paine R 3rd, Martinez FJ, SPIROMICS investigators (2017). Frequency of exacerbations in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: an analysis of the SPIROMICS cohort. Lancet Respir Med, 5(8), 619-626. (Read full article)
    53. Martinez CH, Murray S, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Bowler RP, Christenson SA, Comellas AP, Cooper CB, Couper D, Criner GJ, Curtis JL, Dransfield MT, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup E, Krishnan JA, Lazarus SC, Leidy NK, ONeal W, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Rennard SI, Tashkin DP, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Investigators (2017). Respiratory Symptoms Items from the COPD Assessment Test Identify Ever-Smokers with Preserved Lung Function at Higher Risk for Poor Respiratory Outcomes. An Analysis of the Subpopulations and Intermediate Outcome Measures in COPD Study Cohort. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 14(5), 636-642. (Read full article)
    54. Martinez CH, Diaz AA, Meldrum C, Curtis JL, Cooper CB, Pirozzi C, Kanner RE, Paine R 3rd, Woodruff PG, Bleecker ER, Hansel NN, Barr RG, Marchetti N, Criner GJ, Kazerooni EA, Hoffman EA, Ross BD, Galban CJ, Cigolle CT, Martinez FJ, Han MK, SPIROMICS Investigators (2016). Age and Small Airway Imaging Abnormalities in Subjects with and without Airflow Obstruction in SPIROMICS. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 195(4), 464-472. (Read full article)
    55. Keene JD, Jacobson S, Kechris K, Kinney GL, Foreman MG, Doerschuk CM, Make BJ, Curtis JL, Rennard SI, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Hansel NN, Woodruff PG, Han MK, Paine R 3rd, Martinez FJ, Bowler RP, ONeal WK, COPDGene and SPIROMICS Investigators (2016). Biomarkers Predictive of Exacerbations in the SPIROMICS and COPDGene Cohorts. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 195(4), 473-481. (Read full article)
    56. Sieren JP, Newell JD Jr, Barr RG, Bleecker ER, Burnette N, Carretta EE, Couper D, Goldin J, Guo J, Han MK, Hansel NN, Kanner RE, Kazerooni EA, Martinez FJ, Rennard S, Woodruff PG, Hoffman EA, SPIROMICS Research Group (2016). SPIROMICS Protocol for Multicenter Quantitative Computed Tomography to Phenotype the Lungs. Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 194(7), 794-806. (Read full article)
    57. Sun W, Kechris K, Jacobson S, Drummond MB, Hawkins GA, Yang J, Chen TH, Quibrera PM, Anderson W, Barr RG, Basta PV, Bleecker ER, Beaty T, Casaburi R, Castaldi P, Cho MH, Comellas A, Crapo JD, Criner G, Demeo D, Christenson SA, Couper DJ, Curtis JL, Doerschuk CM, Freeman CM, Gouskova NA, Han MK, Hanania NA, Hansel NN, Hersh CP, Hoffman EA, Kaner RJ, Kanner RE, Kleerup EC, Lutz S, Martinez FJ, Meyers DA, Peters SP, Regan EA, Rennard SI, Scholand MB, Silverman EK, Woodruff PG, ONeal WK, Bowler RP, SPIROMICS Research Group, COPDGene Investigators (2016). Common Genetic Polymorphisms Influence Blood Biomarker Measurements in COPD. PLoS Genet, 12(8), e1006011. (Read full article)
    58. Woodruff PG, Barr RG, Bleecker E, Christenson SA, Couper D, Curtis JL, Gouskova NA, Hansel NN, Hoffman EA, Kanner RE, Kleerup E, Lazarus SC, Martinez FJ, Paine R 3rd, Rennard S, Tashkin DP, Han MK, SPIROMICS Research Group (2016). Clinical Significance of Symptoms in Smokers with Preserved Pulmonary Function. N Engl J Med, 374(19), 1811-21. (Read full article)
    59. Martinez CH, Diaz AA, Parulekar AD, Rennard SI, Kanner RE, Hansel NN, Couper D, Holm KE, Hoth KF, Curtis JL, Martinez FJ, Hanania NA, Regan EA, Paine R 3rd, Cigolle CT, Han MK, COPDGene and SPIROMICS Investigators (2015). Age-Related Differences in Health-Related Quality of Life in COPD: An Analysis of the COPDGene and SPIROMICS Cohorts. Chest, 149(4), 927-35. (Read full article)
    60. Putcha N, Barr RG, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Bleecker ER, Kanner RE, Martinez FJ, Smith BM, Tashkin DP, Bowler RP, Eisner MD, Rennard SI, Wise RA, Hansel NN, SPIROMICS Investigators (2016). Understanding the impact of second-hand smoke exposure on clinical outcomes in participants with COPD in the SPIROMICS cohort. Thorax, 71, 411-420. (Read full article)
    61. Stoller JK, Aboussouan LS, Kanner RE, Wilson LA, Diaz P, Wise R, LOTT Research Group (2015). Characteristics of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin-Deficient Individuals in the Long-term Oxygen Treatment Trial and Comparison with Other Subjects with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 12(12), 1796-804. (Read full article)
    62. Kadunce DP, Burr R, Gress R, Kanner R, Lyon JL, Zone JJ (1991). Cigarette smoking: risk factor for premature facial wrinkling. Ann Intern Med, 114(10), 840-4. (Read full article)


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    Edited Book

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    1. Barjaktarevic I, Cooper CB, Shing T, Buhr RG, Hoffman EA, Woodruff PG, Drummond MB, Kanner RE, Han MK, Hansel NN, Bowler RP, Kinney GL, Jacobson S, Morris MA, Martinez FJ, Ohar J, Couper D, Tashkin DP (2022). Effect of marijuana smoking on lung function change in older ever tobacco smokers. [Letter to the editor]. Eur Respir J, 60(3). (Read full article)
    2. Iyer AS, Parekh TM, OToole J, Bhatt SP, Eakin MN, Krishnan JA, Yohannes AM, Woodruff PG, Cooper CB, Kanner RE, Hanania NA, Dransfield MT, Regan EA, Hoth KF, Kim V, COPDGene and SPIROMICS Investigators (2021). Clinically Significant and Comorbid Anxiety and Depression Symptoms Predict Severe Respiratory Exacerbations in Smokers: A Post Hoc Analysis of the COPDGene and SPIROMICS Cohorts. [Letter to the editor]. Ann Am Thorac Soc, 19(1), 143-146. (Read full article)


    1. Cho HB, Chae KJ, Jin GY, Choi J, Lin CL, Hoffman EA, Wenzel SE, Castro M, Fain SB, Jarjour NN, Schiebler ML, Barr RG, Hansel N, Cooper CB, Kleerup EC, Han MK, Woodruff PG, Kanner RE, Bleecker ER, Peters SP, Moore WC, Lee CH, Choi S, National Heart Lung and Blood Institutes SubPopulations and InteRmediate Outcome Measures In COPD Study SPIROMICS and Severe Asthma Research Program SARP (2020). Erratum: Structural and Functional Features on Quantitative Chest Computed Tomography in the Korean Asian versus the White American Healthy Non-Smokers. Korean J Radiol (21(1), p. 117). Korea (South). (Read full article)