Board Certification
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 48 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
November 01, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERI'm grateful for her curious nature. That is part of her makeup as a fantastic doctor.
October 17, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERShe's amazing! She diagnosed my condition 8 years ago and has been an expert and friend ever since.
September 05, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERIf you are with her, you are in a unique situation, she will tell you things that you didn't know that they knew
June 19, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERDr. Clardy is very knowledgeable and competent. I can sense her frustration that there is nothing more that she can do to relieve my pain or cure my very rare illness. I appreciate that she cares about me.
June 06, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERI love Dr. Clardy, I searched for nine months, trying to find a Doctor Who could help me with the medical problems that I was having. Through research with my husband, we found her at the University of Utah, and received a referral to get into her. I know the help that she is given to me has made a world of difference in my life. Thank you!
March 24, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERShe explained things well and spent time with me.
February 26, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERI honestly feel so fortunate to have been led to Dr. Clardy for my medical care. She is an outstanding provider and is truly at the top of her field. I can't recommend her enough.
January 27, 2024CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERDr. Clardy is caring and thorough. She does all she can to get answers for you. Dr. Clardy is clearly one of, if not the best, neuroimmunologists in the country.
October 26, 2023CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCES CENTERI tried for 9 months to get answers regarding my health. My husband and I did our own research. We found Doctor Clardy at the U. We encouraged our Family Doctor to make a referral. After waiting several months to get in to her and many, many tests and blood work later, we finally received sone answers. I have been seeing Dr. Clardy since 2016. She has helped me tremendously. I would greatly recommend her for your medical needs.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Neurology -Primary Board Certification American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)Education history
Fellowship Autoimmune Neurology - Mayo Clinic Fellow Research Fellow ALS - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Postdoctoral Research Fellow Internship Medicine - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Intern Residency Neurology - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Resident Professional Medical Medicine/Cell and Molecular Biology - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine M.D., Ph.D. Research Fellow Neurology - Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine Research Fellow Undergraduate Major: Biology; Minor: Psychology - Elizabethtown College B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Hoshina Y, Wong KH, Galli J, Bacharach R, Klein J, Lebiedz-Odrobina D, Rose JW, Trump B, Hull C, Greenlee JE, Clardy SL (2023). Neurologic involvement in seronegative primary Sjögren's syndrome with positive minor salivary gland biopsy: a single-center experience. Front Neurol, 14, 1174116. (Read full article)
- De Almeida BI, Smith TL, Delic A, Esquibel L, Galli J, Millsap L, Paz Soldn MM, Cortez MM, Rose J, Greenlee JE, Gundlapalli AV, Hill HR, Wong KH, Clardy SL (2023). Neurologic Manifestations of Common Variable Immunodeficiency: Impact on Quality of Life. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 10(3). (Read full article)
- Flanagan EP, Geschwind MD, Lopez-Chiriboga AS, Blackburn KM, Turaga S, Binks S, Zitser J, Gelfand JM, Day GS, Dunham SR, Rodenbeck SJ, Clardy SL, Solomon AJ, Pittock SJ, McKeon A, Dubey D, Zekeridou A, Toledano M, Turner LE, Vernino S, Irani SR (2022). Autoimmune Encephalitis Misdiagnosis in Adults. JAMA Neurol, 80(1), 30-39. (Read full article)
- Poon JT, Salzman K, Clardy SL, Paz Soldan MM (2022). Adrenal Crisis Presenting as Recurrent Encephalopathy Mimicking Autoimmune, Infectious Encephalitis, and Common Variable Immune Deficiency: A Case Report. Neurologist, 27(4), 206-210. (Read full article)
- Kadish R, Clardy SL, Royston M, Tanvir I, Parker T, Biskupiak J, Kielhorn A (2021). Clinical burden of relapses in aquaporin-4 immunoglobulin G-positive neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorder: A single center cohort analysis. J Neuroimmunol, 362, 577761. (Read full article)
- Di Sera T, Velinder M, Ward A, Qiao Y, Georges S, Miller C, Pitman A, Richards W, Ekawade A, Viskochil D, Carey JC, Pace L, Bale J, Clardy SL, Andrews A, Botto L, Marth G (2021). Gene.iobio: an interactive web tool for versatile, clinically-driven variant interrogation and prioritization. Sci Rep, 11(1), 20307. (Read full article)
- Villani LA, Stulberg EL, Abbatemarco JR, Davidson CJ, Kadish R, Renner DR, Soldan MMP, Rose JW, Clardy SL, Greenlee JE (2021). Biopsy-proven PML in an HIV-negative patient with discoid lupus: Failure to detect JC virus in CSF. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 209, 106843. (Read full article)
- Williams JP, Abbatemarco JR, Galli JJ, Rodenbeck SJ, Peterson LK, Haven TR, Street M, Rose JW, Greenlee JE, Soldan MMP, Clardy SL (2021). Aquaporin-4 Autoantibody Detection by ELISA: A Retrospective Characterization of a Commonly Used Assay. Mult Scler Int, 2021, 8692328. (Read full article)
- Abbatemarco JR, Galli JR, Sweeney ML, Carlson NG, Samara VC, Davis H, Rodenbeck S, Wong KH, Paz Soldan MM, Greenlee JE, Rose JW, Delic A, Clardy SL (2021). Modern Look at Transverse Myelitis and Inflammatory Myelopathy: Epidemiology of the National Veterans Health Administration Population. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 8(6). (Read full article)
- Guidon AC, Burton LB, Chwalisz BK, Hillis J, Schaller TH, Amato AA, Betof Warner A, Brastianos PK, Cho TA, Clardy SL, Cohen JV, Dietrich J, Dougan M, Doughty CT, Dubey D, Gelfand JM, Guptill JT, Johnson DB, Juel VC, Kadish R, Kolb N, LeBoeuf NR, Linnoila J, Mammen AL, Martinez-Lage M, Mooradian MJ, Naidoo J, Neilan TG, Reardon DA, Rubin KM, Santomasso BD, Sullivan RJ, Wang N, Woodman K, Zubiri L, Louv WC, Reynolds KL (2021). Consensus disease definitions for neurologic immune-related adverse events of immune checkpoint inhibitors. J Immunother Cancer, 9(7). (Read full article)
- Rodenbeck SJ, Clardy SL (2021). Thyroid antibodies: the end of an era? Brain Commun, 3(2), fcab030. (Read full article)
- Webb LM, Chen JJ, Aksamit AJ, Bhattacharyya S, Chwalisz BK, Balaban D, Manzano GS, Ali AS, Lord J, Clardy SL, Samudralwar RD, Mao-Draayer Y, Garrity JA, Bhatti MT, Turner LE, Flanagan EP (2020). A multi-center case series of sarcoid optic neuropathy. J Neurol Sci, 420, 117282. (Read full article)
- Lord J, Paz Soldan MM, Galli J, Salzman KL, Kresser J, Bacharach R, DeWitt LD, Klein J, Rose J, Greenlee J, Clardy SL (2020). Neurosarcoidosis: Longitudinal experience in a single-center, academic healthcare system. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 7(4). (Read full article)
- Galli JR, Austin SD, Greenlee JE, Clardy SL (2018). Stiff person syndrome with Anti-GAD65 antibodies within the national veterans affairs health administration. Muscle Nerve, 58(6), 801-804. (Read full article)
- Lpez-Chiriboga AS, Clardy SL (2017). Emerging Subspecialties in Neurology: Autoimmune neurology. Neurology, 89(11), e129-e133. (Read full article)
- Abenroth DC, Smith AG, Greenlee JE, Austin SD, Clardy SL (2017). Lambert-Eaton myasthenic syndrome: Epidemiology and therapeutic response in the national veterans affairs population. Muscle Nerve, 56(3), 421-426. (Read full article)
- Sweeney M, Galli J, McNally S, Tebo A, Haven T, Thulin P, Clardy SL (2017). Delayed LGI1 seropositivity in voltage-gated potassium channel (VGKC)-complex antibody limbic encephalitis. BMJ Case Rep, 2017. (Read full article)
- Guo Y, Weigand SD, Popescu BF, Lennon VA, Parisi JE, Pittock SJ, Parks NE, Clardy SL, Howe CL, Lucchinetti CF (2017). Pathogenic implications of cerebrospinal fluid barrier pathology in neuromyelitis optica. Acta Neuropathol, 133(4), 597-612. (Read full article)
- Galli JR, Clardy SL, Paz Soldn MM (2016). Adult-onset Opsoclonus-Myoclonus Syndrome Associated With Ganglionic Acetylcholine Receptor Autoantibody. Neurologist, 21(6), 99-100. (Read full article)
- Wynn D, Merriman J, Patel AB, Hitchcock YJ, Garrido-Laguna I, Renner D, Clardy SL (2016). Paraneoplastic opsoclonus associated with squamous cell carcinoma of the tongue. Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 149, 11-4. (Read full article)
- McKasson M, Clardy SL, Clawson SA, Hill KE, Wood B, Carlson N, Bromberg M, Greenlee JE (2016). Voltage-gated calcium channel autoimmune cerebellar degeneration: Case and study of cytotoxicity. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 3(3), e222. (Read full article)
- Heiry M, Afra P, Matsuo F, Greenlee JE, Clardy SL (2015). Improvement of GAD65-associated autoimmune epilepsy with testosterone replacement therapy. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 2(5), e142. (Read full article)
- Greenlee JE, Clawson SA, Hill KE, Wood B, Clardy SL, Tsunoda I, Carlson NG (2015). Anti-Yo antibody uptake and interaction with its intracellular target antigen causes Purkinje cell death in rat cerebellar slice cultures: a possible mechanism for paraneoplastic cerebellar degeneration in humans with gynecological or breast cancers. PLoS One, 10(4), e0123446. (Read full article)
- Su XW, Clardy SL, Stephens HE, Simmons Z, Connor JR (2014). Serum ferritin is elevated in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients. Amyotroph Lateral Scler Frontotemporal Degener, 16(1-2), 102-7. (Read full article)
- Popescu BF, Guo Y, Jentoft ME, Parisi JE, Lennon VA, Pittock SJ, Weinshenker BG, Wingerchuk DM, Giannini C, Metz I, Brck W, Shuster EA, Carter J, Boyd CD, Clardy SL, Cohen BA, Lucchinetti CF (2014). Diagnostic utility of aquaporin-4 in the analysis of active demyelinating lesions. Neurology, 84(2), 148-58. (Read full article)
- Tobin WO, Lennon VA, Komorowski L, Probst C, Clardy SL, Aksamit AJ, Appendino JP, Lucchinetti CF, Matsumoto JY, Pittock SJ, Sandroni P, Tippmann-Peikert M, Wirrell EC, McKeon A (2014). DPPX potassium channel antibody: frequency, clinical accompaniments, and outcomes in 20 patients. Neurology, 83(20), 1797-803. (Read full article)
- Greenlee JE, Clawson SA, Hill KE, Wood B, Clardy SL, Tsunoda I, Jaskowski TD, Carlson NG (2014). Neuronal uptake of anti-Hu antibody, but not anti-Ri antibody, leads to cell death in brain slice cultures. J Neuroinflammation, 11, 160. (Read full article)
- Fryer JP, Lennon VA, Pittock SJ, Jenkins SM, Fallier-Becker P, Clardy SL, Horta E, Jedynak EA, Lucchinetti CF, Shuster EA, Weinshenker BG, Wingerchuk DM, McKeon A (2014). AQP4 autoantibody assay performance in clinical laboratory service. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 1(1), e11. (Read full article)
- Clardy SL, Lucchinetti CF, Krecke KN, Lennon VA, OToole O, Weinshenker BG, Boyd CD, Krieger S, McGraw C, Guo Y, Pittock SJ (2014). Hydrocephalus in neuromyelitis optica. Neurology, 82(20), 1841-3. (Read full article)
- Philipps G, Alisanski SB, Pranzatelli M, Clardy SL, Lennon VA, McKeon A (2014). Purkinje cell cytoplasmic antibody type 1 (anti-Yo) autoimmunity in a child with Down syndrome. JAMA Neurol, 71(3), 347-9. (Read full article)
- Hoshina Y, Galli J, Wong KH, Kovacsovics T, Steinbach M, Salzman KL, McNally JS, Lancaster E, Paz Soldn MM, Clardy SL (2022). GABA-A Receptor Encephalitis After Autologous Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant forMultiple Myeloma: Three Cases and Literature Review. [Review]. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 9(6). (Read full article)
- Greenlee JE, Carlson NG, Abbatemarco JR, Herdlevr I, Clardy SL, Vedeler CA (2022). Paraneoplastic and Other Autoimmune Encephalitides: Antineuronal Antibodies, T Lymphocytes, and Questions of Pathogenesis. [Review]. Front Neurol, 12, 744653. (Read full article)
- Abbatemarco JR, Rodenbeck SJ, Day GS, Titulaer MJ, Yeshokumar AK, Clardy SL (2021). Autoimmune Neurology: The Need for Comprehensive Care. [Review]. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 8(5). (Read full article)
- Sanchez JMS, McNally JS, Cortez MM, Hemp J, Pace LA, Clardy SL (2020). Neuroimmunogastroenterology: At the Interface of Neuroimmunology and Gastroenterology. [Review]. Front Neurol, 11, 787. (Read full article)
- Piquet AL, Clardy SL (2018). Infection, Immunodeficiency, and Inflammatory Diseases in Autoimmune Neurology. [Review]. Semin Neurol, 38(3), 379-391. (Read full article)
- Galli J, Clardy SL, Piquet AL (2017). NMDAR Encephalitis Following Herpes Simplex Virus Encephalitis. [Review]. Curr Infect Dis Rep, 19(1), 1. (Read full article)
- Sweeney M, Sweney M, Soldn MM, Clardy SL (2016). Antineuronal Nuclear Autoantibody Type 1/Anti-Hu-Associated Opsoclonus Myoclonus and Epilepsia Partialis Continua: Case Report and Literature Review. [Review]. Pediatr Neurol, 65, 86-89. (Read full article)
- Clardy SL, Lennon VA, Dalmau J, Pittock SJ, Jones HR Jr, Renaud DL, Harper CM Jr, Matsumoto JY, McKeon A (2013). Childhood onset of stiff-man syndrome. [Review]. JAMA Neurol, 70(12), 1531-6. (Read full article)
- Greenlee JE, Carlson NG, Abbatemarco JR, Herdlevr I, Clardy SL, Vedeler CA (2022). Editorial: Autoimmunity and the Brain: Paraneoplastic Neurological Injury and Beyond. Front Neurol, 13, 900130. (Read full article)
- Abbatemarco JR, Clardy SL (2021). The Pursuit of Precision in Paraneoplastic Neurologic Disease. Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm, 8(4). (Read full article)
- Galli JR, Clardy SL, Paz Soldn MM (2015). Ganglionic acetylcholine receptor autoantibody-associated opsoclonus-myoclonus syndrome [Abstract]. Annals of Neurology, 78(S19), S75.
- Di Sera T, Velinder M, Ward A, Qiao Y, Georges S, Miller C, Pitman A, Richards W, Ekawade A, Viskochil D, Carey JC, Pace L, Bale J, Clardy SL, Andrews A, Botto L, Marth G (2022). Author Correction: Gene.iobio: an interactive web tool for versatile, clinically-driven variant interrogation and prioritization. Sci Rep (12(1), p. 5800). England. (Read full article)