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Timothy S. Garvey
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Timothy S. Garvey, MSN

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

Primary Children's Hospital Outpatient Services at Riverton

  • Timothy S. Garvey received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin. He subsequently received his BS degree in Nursing along with an MS degree in Social Psychology at University of Utah in 2000. He participated and worked as an applied biostatistician and research collaborator at Valley Mental Health and the University of Utah Social Research Institute before beginning clinical work as a staff nurse at Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH). At PCH he focused his efforts on the Neuroscience Trauma Unit where he cared for children with neurological, neurosurgical, orthopedic and chronic disabling conditions, whetting his appetite for further knowledge in this area. He completed his Masters of Science in Nursing degree at the University of Utah in 2009 while working full time at PCH. He then joined the Division of Pediatric Neurology as a full time advanced Nurse Practitioner.

    Tim Garvey is a very active, full-time clinician in the Division of Pediatric Neurology. He works in parallel with all Division members, and cares for a broad range of children with neurological disorders, including both new and established patients. He is a key contributor to the New-Onset Seizure clinic evaluating children with suspected new-onset seizures on a weekly basis. He is also expert in the evaluation and care of children with headaches and developmental delay. His overarching clinical goal is to deliver high quality, high value care for children and adolescents with neurological conditions from throughout the Intermountain West.


  • Timothy S. Garvey received his Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology and Philosophy from the University of Wisconsin. He subsequently received his BS degree in Nursing along with an MS degree in Social Psychology at University of Utah in 2000. He participated and worked as an applied biostatistician and research collaborator at Valley Mental Health and the University of Utah Social Research Institute before beginning clinical work as a staff nurse at Primary Children’s Hospital (PCH). At PCH he focused his efforts on the Neuroscience Trauma Unit where he cared for children with neurological, neurosurgical, orthopedic and chronic disabling conditions, whetting his appetite for further knowledge in this area. He completed his Masters of Science in Nursing degree at the University of Utah in 2009 while working full time at PCH. He then joined the Division of Pediatric Neurology as a full time advanced Nurse Practitioner.

    Tim Garvey is a very active, full-time clinician in the Division of Pediatric Neurology. He works in parallel with all Division members, and cares for a broad range of children with neurological disorders, including both new and established patients. He is a key contributor to the New-Onset Seizure clinic evaluating children with suspected new-onset seizures on a weekly basis. He is also expert in the evaluation and care of children with headaches and developmental delay. His overarching clinical goal is to deliver high quality, high value care for children and adolescents with neurological conditions from throughout the Intermountain West.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Pediatrics -Midlevel
    Academic Divisions Neurology