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Tip #2: Add Color, 5 Reasons to Add Color to Your Diet

Nutrition Boost

Welcome to tips for living a healthier life: the Healthy for Good Program (HFG). This week's tip (#2) is to Add Color.

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5 Reasons to Add Color

5 reasons to add color infographic

Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables

Colorful fruits and vegetables are nutritious foods that help to keep our bodies and minds healthier, longer.

Here are five benefits to incorporating fruits and vegetables into your diet:

  1. Lots of the Good: Fruits and vegetable provide essential nutrients to your diet.
  2. Less of the Bad: Fruits and vegetables are typically free of trans fat, saturated fat and sodium.
  3. Won't Weigh You Down: Fruits and vegetables are low-calorie and fill you up with the fiber and water they contain.
  4. Super Flexible Super Foods: Coming in fresh, frozen, canned and dried forms, fruits and vegetables are versatile, convenient, and affordable.
  5. A Whole Body Health Boost: Fruits and vegetables help to lower your risk of serious and chronic health conditions and are essential to your everyday health.

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HFG is a partnership with the American Heart Association.