Technology Options & Wearables for Skill Therapy
The Brain Injury Wellness and Assistive Technology area is state of the art. This room allows patients participating in skilled therapy, and in our wellness program, to experience equipment that can change the way they live, following injury or disability. A few of our technology options that change lives include:
- eye gaze and voice recognition software,
- virtual reality head gear,
- home automation,
- Mac and Surface Pro computers,
- and adaptive gaming (X-Box, Wii).
Hands free devices and wearables allow clients to operate the computer and search the internet with limited motor movements, turn on/off home electronics, or even lock/unlock their front door while away from home.
Bertec CDP
The Bertec Computerized Dynamic Posturography device provides a clinician with the ability to evaluate the level of impairment in the visual, vestibular and somatosensory systems. The Sensory Organized Testing component of the CDP uses an immersive virtual reality environment along with a dynamic dual force plate to evaluate and train patients who have experienced balance, dizziness or vestibular deficits. The virtual reality system allows for individualized training and customization based on a patients needs and balance impairments.
Bertec Balance Essential Portable
The Bertec Balance Essential Portable is a device used by our clinicians in the clinic and on the athletic fields to evaluate balance or “postural sway”. The data collected from this assessment tool can provide the clinician valuable information when making recommendations about an athlete’s return to play or other functional activities like returning to work or school. The device offers true portability and will synch data with the CDP in order to maintain a complete and interactive patient record.