On Friday, March 22, 2019, University of Utah Health and the University of Utah College of Law will host the fourth annual Frontiers in Precision Medicine symposium exploring the scientific...
The Utah Poison Control Center (UPCC) will join poison centers and poison prevention partners across the country in celebrating the 57th annual National Poison Prevention Week (NPPW), March 17-23, 2019
Intuitive eating is defined as a personal process of honoring health by listening and responding to the direct messages of the body in order to meet your physical and psychological...
When Brock Jones noticed his sunken chest cavity, he knew he wanted the repair surgery. Pectus Excavatum is a common chest wall deformity. Surgery helps kids like Brock avoid breathing...
University of Utah Health has begun a prospective clinical study of an artificial intelligence based pharmacotherapy selection system, co-developed with Hitach,i to support patients and providers in selecting Type 2...
University of Utah Health was awarded a seven-year, multiple-million dollar contract to carry out a series of studies focusing on improving population health throughout the life-course surrounding fertility, pregnancy and...
A new report form the U.S. Preventative Services Task Force finds that almost 15% of women suffer from some sort of depression or anxiety either during or after pregnancy.
University of Utah Health’s Department of Orthopaedic surgery was ranked number one in the nation by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research (BRIMR) rankings for 2018. This is the...
Give Kids A Smile, a national program launched in 2003 by the American Dental Association (ADA), provides no-cost care for thousands of children at hundreds of locations nationwide. There are...
A multi-institutional team of researchers developed a new method to measure the size of cholera outbreaks and to identify geographic hotspots for the disease.
Resistance bands are a low cost alternative to strength training that can help you get in shape and reduce stress. Here's how to incorporate them into your exercise routine.
Researchers at University of Utah Health detailed the function of cone snail insulins, bringing them one step closer to developing a faster-acting insulin to treat diabetes.
It may start with tightness in your neck, followed by flashes of light in your vision and a feeling of pins and needles in one of your legs. Migraine is...
Shoulder dislocations are one of the most common kinds of shoulder injuries and should be treated by a medical professional. Learn the different types of shoulder dislocations, treatment, and prevention...