Kids seem to have a constant string of illnesses. But which signs of being sick mean they should stay home? Here are some tips on assessing symptoms before sending them...
Today we announce W. Brett Graham, MBA, MPA, has been appointed interim CEO for Huntsman Mental Health Institute, and James C. Ashworth, MD, has been appointed interim chair for the...
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading cause of global mortality and cardiovascular disease. While there is no cure for high blood pressure, it can be prevented or managed...
Feeling anxious from time to time is simply part of being a human. But when anxiety is chronic and feels like it has taken control, our quality of life, daily...
Tanto si comer más sano forma parte de sus propósitos de Año Nuevo como si sólo quiere renovarse, es importante fijarse objetivos relacionados con la salud que sean fáciles de...
It’s important to create health-related goals that are easy to maintain. Here are some simple switches you can make today that can have a big impact on your overall health.
Nose and nasal injuries can range from minor ones that can be treated at home to more serious issues that require professional medical treatment. Understanding how to properly treat your...
At some point in their lives, nearly all men will experience some degree of prostate enlargement. Understanding the risk factors can help you be proactive with your health and potentially...
After 11 years of lidocaine patches, physical therapy, and cortisone injections, Lavine made an appointment with Jeremy Gililland, MD, at University Orthopaedic Center.
There may be up to a tenfold difference in risk for infants who are currently treated identically under clinical guidelines. The analysis is an important step toward more personalized pregnancy...
In a recent interview with Dr. Ignacio Garrido-Laguna from the University of Utah Health, we gained fascinating insights into the management of RAS mutations.
Millones de personas deciden reinventar su estilo de vida comiendo más sano y adelgazando. Con tantas opciones médicas disponibles, decidir qué camino tomar puede resultar abrumador.
Millions of Americans resolve to reinvent their lifestyles by eating healthier and losing weight. With so many medical options available, deciding which path to take can be overwhelming.
An investigational pan-RAS inhibitor—daraxonrasib (RMC-6236)—shows early activity and has a manageable safety profile in patients with previously treated RAS-mutant PDAC, according to data presented at the 2025 ASCO Gastrointestinal Cancers...
A nasal rinse is a common practice to clear nasal passages, especially during cold, flu, and allergy seasons. Here's who can benefit from a nasal rinse and how to appropriately...
El enjuague nasal es una práctica habitual para despejar las fosas nasales, especialmente durante las temporadas de resfriados, gripe y alergias. A continuación se explica quién puede beneficiarse de un...
The current challenges of mental health and substance use disorders impact everyone—patients, doctors, hospitals, insurance providers, schools, governments, and more. By better understanding the challenges, we can work more effectively...
El síndrome del túnel carpiano puede afectar a cualquiera, y las causas no siempre están claras. Los movimientos repetitivos de los dedos, especialmente con la muñeca doblada, pueden agravar la...
Carpal tunnel syndrome can happen to anyone, but the causes aren't always clear. Repetitive movements of the fingers, especially with a bend wrist, can aggravate the condition.