Rugby is a thrilling, fast-paced sport that is known to be high-risk due to the intense nature of the game and lack of safety gear. Despite the dangers of high-speed...
Skateboarding can be a risky sport, so knowing common injuries, along with how to prevent and treat them, is important to staying safe and healthy on your board.
Ultimate frisbee is considered a “limited contact” sport, but it actually has quite a high injury rate. Learn about the most common injuries, and how to prevent and treat them.
Walk into any gym or drive by a park and you’re likely to see the courts packed with pickleball players. If you’re interested in joining in on the fastest-growing sport...
Along with the thrills on court or field come the inevitable anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and other orthopedic injuries that are more common among women than men. Here's why.
Soccer injuries are generally either acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic while cumulative injuries result from repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue trigger that can progressively...
You probably don't think about your hamstrings much unless you're an athlete, but this group of three muscles is responsible for movement when we run, walk, sit, or squat.