Kidney stones are a common health concern. About 11% of men and 9% of women in the U.S. have kidney stones at least once during their lifetime. Here's what you...
Los signos de una crisis varían de una persona a otra, pero si nota que un ser querido presenta ciertos comportamientos, es posible que necesite ayuda.
El humo de los incendios forestales se está convirtiendo en un peligro cada vez más común para la salud, ya que los incendios forestales son cada vez más frecuentes e...
Wildfire smoke is becoming an increasingly common health hazard as wildfires grow more frequent and intense. Understanding the health impacts of wildfire smoke and taking precautions can help protect you...
Con los recientes brotes de E. coli relacionados con determinados alimentos, es importante mantenerse informado sobre los productos que compra y consume, así como sobre la forma de reconocer los...
With recent E. coli outbreaks linked to certain foods, it’s important to stay informed about the products you buy and eat, as well as how to recognize symptoms and know...
Los hisopos de algodón pueden empujar el cerumen más adentro del oído, causando la obstrucción de cera en el canal auditivo. A continuación se indican cinco formas de limpiar correctamente...
Every day, millions of Americans use cotton swabs to clean their ears. However, cotton swabs can push earwax further into the ear, causing wax blockage in the ear canal.
Una de las formas más olvidadas es la prevención de enfermedades dentales mediante el uso de flúor. Este mineral natural es esencial para una sonrisa más sana, pero las ideas...
One of the most overlooked ways of preventing dental disease is with the use of fluoride. It's essential for a healthier smile, but misconceptions about its safety and effectiveness leave...
La fisioterapia puede ser eficaz en el tratamiento de una condición más de tres millones de estadounidenses viven con todos los días: el dolor crónico.
Andrew Pintar has been playing baseball for as long as he can remember. From the very beginning, his goal was to play professionally. “Some may laugh at it, but it...
La cirugía de la mano puede restablecer la función, la movilidad y el aspecto, de modo que el paciente pueda reanudar sus actividades cotidianas. Aquí hay algunos tipos comunes de...
Whether you’re tired of shaving or pained by waxing, laser hair removal may be a good choice for you. Here are some common questions—and answers—about laser hair removal.
Hand surgery can restore function, mobility, and appearance so the patient can get back to their daily activities. Here are some common types of hand surgery.
Vaping is often marketed as a healthier alternative to smoking or a tool to quit smoking. But it’s not a safe habit—the health effects of vaping can be irreversible and...
Seasonal festivities can be particularly challenging for those grappling with significant life changes. Trying something new can alleviate that stress and bring delight back into the holidays.
Huntsman Mental Health Institute's Youth Residential Treatment program helped Jenna, a high school student facing depression and anxiety, regain her confidence and resilience. Through supportive care, group activities, and personalized...
Mark H. Rapaport, MD, CEO of Huntsman Mental Health Institute shares about his journey into medicine and psychiatry. Inspired by a family background in medicine and his mother's owns struggle...