Heather Miller's St. Patrick's Day took an unfortunate turn when she tripped during a neighborhood game, resulting in a broken arm and dislocated wrist. Follow her journey with University of...
Mallet finger is an injury to the last joint on your finger that causes a deformity where the finger appears crooked or drooping. While it's commonly seen in athletes, this...
You grab an avocado, take a knife, and begin slicing it in your hand—it seems pretty standard, right? This method is all wrong and could actually be dangerous. Here's why.
If you injure your finger while playing sports, rock climbing, or gardening, you may be unsure if you've sustained serious damage, such as a fracture, sprain, or dislocation. Or maybe...
Jaclyn Perkins, a BYU student, nearly cut one of her fingers off, which could have ended her pianist career. However, with the reconstructive surgery expertise of Dr. Isak Goodwin, she...