Whether you're looking to purchase some authentic treats or experiment with homemade creations, here are some nutritious Latino snack ideas worth exploring.
We've all been there, debating whether to let our hair air dry or reach for the hairdryer before hitting the hay. But is sleeping with wet hair truly harmful?
It may seem shocking or impossible, but an overdose from consuming too much caffeine is possible. The truth is that exposure to high and even deadly levels of caffeine is...
The word “bacteria” has a bad rap, conjuring up images of infection or illness. But did you know that good bacteria in your body actually helps keep you healthy? These...
Avoid getting sidelined by focusing on your stride length, which is the distance covered between the spot where one foot hits the ground and the next time that same foot...
Summer is here and with it is record-breaking heat. Our bodies can overheat and start to break down, just like cars do on hot days. This breakdown is known as...
A nosebleed can seem scary, but the good news is that most are harmless. Experts at U of U Health explain how to care for your nosebleeds and when to...