Skin color and other physical traits often used to define race are based on a small number of genes and sometimes, but not always, reveal information about an individual's genetic...
A human gene named ATR normally protects people by preventing the replication of cells damaged by radiation or toxic chemicals. Now, Utah and New York researchers have discovered how a...
A recent study by University of Utah researchers shows that women who enlist the help of their mothers or daughters exercised more regularly and with better results.
University Hospital received one of only seven "A" ratings among 200 hospitals. The rankings are based on the percentage of families who consent to organ donation compared with the total...
University of Utah medical physicist Dennis D. Leavitt, Ph.D., who is nationally recognized for his contributions to cancer research, education, and clinical care through radiation oncology, will receive award.
On June 6 University of Utah will begin work on a 100,000-square-foot, three-level facility will incorporate the eight major orthopedic subspecialties.
A couple of old standbys—defibrillators and pacemakers—are reducing the risk of death by up to 40 percent in people whose hearts don't pump enough blood.