Armed with an arsenal of cleaners, a regiment of protocols, and a wealth of knowledge about microscopic enemies, the technicians at Environmental Services are tasked with ensuring the safety of...
Inside the University Hospital Medical Intensive unit, the summer months are typically their “off-season,” with low-numbers of critical patients. It was a few months to take a breath and collect...
An ambulance pulled up to University Hospital, carrying a man experiencing severe pains in his chest and shortness of breath. The 42-year-old veteran had felt fine a few days prior...
By April, the governor’s stay-at-home directive seemed to be working. New COVID-19 positive cases appeared to be leveling off. But the new rules aimed at keeping everyone safe had also...
For the citizens of Salt Lake City, by the first weeks of March 2020, nerves were already shredded. COVID-19 positive cases were rising. The governor called for a state of...
COVID-19 was far from the world’s first go-around with a pandemic. In 2009, H1N1 claimed hundreds of thousands of lives worldwide. For nurses at the MICU who had cared for...
“It’s a battle of wanting to provide care and wanting to protect yourself and the people you love,” says nurse Megan Diehl. This tug of war is one critical care...
In the midst of a pandemic, it isn’t only doctors and nurses that face down the invisible killer COVID-19. It’s the men and women who clean the hospital and clinics...