Mission & Vision for Transgender Health
- About Us
- For Providers
- Insurance Information & Self-Pay
- Support Services & Resources
- Community Engagement

Our Transgender Health Program at University of Utah Health is committed to providing comprehensive, compassionate, evidence-based care for gender diverse individuals in a supportive, affirming environment. We are a patient-centric, multidisciplinary gender health program for all gender journeys across the lifespan.
Our Values
- Coordinated Care: We will provide coordinated care through patient navigation and provider communication on all aspects of care.
- Research: We will engage in research to advance knowledge and well-being for the care of gender diverse individuals.
- Education: We seek to educate providers, trainees, and the public on the needs and health of gender diverse individuals.
Our program is in accordance to the recommendations of numerous professional organizations including (but not limited to):
- American Medical Association
- American Nurses Association
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- The Endocrine Society
- American Psychological Association
- American Psychiatric Association
- National Association of Social Workers
- American Speech Language Hearing Association
- World Professional Association for Transgender Health
- American Society of Plastic Surgeons
- American Urologic Association
- American Academy of Family Physicians
Meet Our Leadership
Our leadership team represents the primary medical specialty areas involved in the care of gender diverse patients. This ensures cross-program collaboration to support our mission and vision.
Outreach Network and Development Specialist: Ariel Malan (she/her), MHA, leads the program's strategy development, coordinates community outreach and manages the development of university-wide learning programs on the topic of transgender health and gender diversity.
Operations Manager: Nicholas Snow, DNP
Clinical Leadership
- Medical Director: Cori Agarwal, MD
- Surgical Director: Benjamin McCormick, MD
- Co-Medical Directors: Erika Sullivan, MD and Bernadette Kiraly, MD
- Adolescent Program Director: Nikki Mihalopoulos, MD
- Education Director: Joanne Rolls, PA-C
- Gynecology Lead: Marisa Adelman, MD
- Fertility Lead: Erica Johnstone, MD
- PA Lead: Norelle Walzer, PA-C
- Plastic Surgery Program Lead: Isak Goodwin, MD
- Social Work Lead: Annie Charles, LCSW
- Voice Therapy Lead: Brett Myers, PhD
Transgender Health Program Advisory Board: This group of patients and family members of patients meet quarterly to develop program improvements.
Program Milestones
- Established the Transgender Health Program
- Launched our patient-facing website
Interviewed other academic medical center gender health programs to determine best practices to build operational and programmatic structure
Worked with our first vaginoplasty patient
Hired our first administrative positions: program coordinator and patient navigator
Created a central referral workqueue to streamline internal referrals from University providers to the Program
Created database management to better track Program patients, demographics, and volumes
Launched student facing page and social media platforms
Began building active relationships with community partners
Launched patient education seminar series
Worked with out first phalloplasty patient
Launched patient reported outcome tools
Hosted the first annual conference on LGBTQ+ health topics
Created development plan to identify grant and foundation funding for Program expenses
Created patient and family advisory board
Initiated SOGI data collection project
Main Hospital earned HRC Healthcare Equality Index
Created comprehensive intake questionnaires for patients seeking surgery services
Hosted a state-wide free COVID testing day for Utah’s LGBTQ+ communities, reaching over 150 individuals
Partnered with Genderbands to offer a reduced price top surgery annually
Created gender-Affirming Surgery Fellowship
Developed surgical pathways for unsheltered communities through Fourth Street Clinic partnership
Approved gender inclusive signage for single stall facilities
Out of pocket cost estimates for gender-affirming services became available through MyChart Estimate tool
Conducted an education needs assessment of referring providers on knowledge of transgender health
All five inpatient facilities earned Human Rights Campaign Healthcare Equality Index designation
Awarded Business of the Year award through the American Physical Therapy Association
Adolescent Medicine clinic was honored at the Utah Human Rights Campaign annual event
Awarded Interprofessional Education Team Award from the Academy of Health Science Educators
Hosted the first hybrid offering of Mountain West Transforming Care Conference
Implemented Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) pilot at two community clinic locations to determine system wide rollout plans
Launched the We Ask Because We Care campaign to explain why we collect demographic information of all patients including sexual orientation and gender identity
Created widely accessible online learning modules for staff and providers on Best Practices for Culturally Competent Care of Transgender Individuals
Began “one stop shop” operations hub where Patient Coordinators can schedule most services
Launched LGBTQIA+ Project ECHO series as a continuing education resource to providers
Launched the Heal at Home program to support vaginoplasty patients
Hired a social worker
Conducted a market share analysis to shed light on future gender-affirming care demand in Utah and the Mountain West
Presented ten presentations at WPATH 2024
Patient education videos now accessible in MyChart
Developed Utah Gender Presentation Scale for gender-affirming voice therapy outcomes
Our Commitment to Addressing Social Determinants of Health
We are committed to addressing social determinants of health that impact our community’s access to quality, evidence-based healthcare. We do this by partnering with community organizations in the following areas:
Insurance benefits and coverage for gender-affirming care
Legal name and gender marker changes
Training and education for the healthcare workforce
Patient education on how to access gender-affirming services
Research on health outcomes
Student education on transgender health needs
Hear from Our Patients
Gender Affirmation Does More Than Affirm—It Heals
When River Jude August arrived for surgery, they faced yet another challenge in their long journey to align their body with who they know they are. River, who identifies as agender—or outside the female/male binary—had already changed their legal gender to X. They had transitioned socially, opted for several medical treatments, and now faced their biggest surgery yet. River was about to undergo phalloplasty, the construction of a phallus.
Authentic Life Begins Thanks to Transgender Health Program
Jace was standing in the bra section of a clothing store with his mom when suddenly he began to cry. Jace hadn’t been the kind of kid who struggled with his gender identity from a young age. But when puberty hit and his body became more feminine, it didn’t feel right.
Pioneering Patient Finally at Home in Her Own Body
Although she belongs to the larger community of transgender individuals, Josie is one of a kind: she is the first patient ever to undergo comprehensive gender confirmation surgery at University of Utah Health.
Give Today
Every dollar helps advance transgender health research and provide patients with opportunities and support throughout their journey.
We Want Your Feedback
We are constantly evolving as a program and welcome any feedback from the community that will help us meet our mission to provide safe, gender-affirmative care at University of Utah Health. Please email us at transgenderhealth@hsc.utah.edu.