Board Certification
American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)Patient Rating
5.0 /5( out of 161 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 22, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Zone has been an excellent doctor. We are greatful for his care.
December 21, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERDr. Zone is the best doctor I have ever had. He isvery skilled and extremely knowledgable. Essentially he saved my life.
December 13, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERGreat bedside manor. Grear work.
November 22, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERDoctor Zone listened to my needs and satisfactorily addressed each area of concern.
November 18, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Zone has been wonderful
October 07, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSfabulous doc
October 05, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSProfessional, thorough, personable, caring,Looks into your eyes when speaking, and looks forward to running tests and coming to some answers. EXCELLENT!!!!
October 04, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERProvided me with great care and healed my issues.
September 06, 2024UNIVERSITY OF UTAH MIDVALLEY HEALTH CENTERDr Zone is a fantastic dermatologist. I've been seeing him since 2010 for a condition he discovered (Celiac & rare symptoms) that other physicians hadn't. He was cautious in the treatment, wanting to be sure that I had the condition he had pinpointed before beginning any extreme treatment. All the issues I had with this condition have disappeared. I'm now seeing him after having liver and kidney transplants to make sure that I don't develop any skin cancers.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Dermatology -Professor
Board Certification American Board of Internal Medicine (Internal Medicine)Education history
Residency Dermatology - SUNY - Buffalo Resident Residency Internal Medicine - SUNY at Syracuse Resident Internship Internal Medicine - SUNY at Syracuse Intern Professional Medical Medicine - SUNY at Syracuse M.D. Undergraduate Premedical Sciences - University of Notre Dame B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Sahni V, Teames C, Seifert R, Conley M, deShazo R, Powell D, Rhoads JLW, Clarke JT, Hansen CB, Zone JJ, Hull CM, Hopkins ZH (2025). The association between skin allergy testing and oral squamous cell carcinoma in oral lichen planus: a retrospective cohort study. Arch Dermatol Res, 317(1), 207. (Read full article)
- Oloumi A, Le ST, Liu Y, Herbert S, Ji-Xu A, Merleev AA, Kruglinskaya O, Artounian K, Park D, Marusina AI, Zone JJ, Feldman R, Lebrilla CB, Maverakis E (2024). Pemphigus-Associated Desmoglein-Specific IgG1 and IgG4 Have a Dominant Agalactosylated Glycan Modification. J Invest Dermatol. (Read full article)
- Boch K, Heck F, Hammers CM, Antiga E, Caproni M, Juhl D, Goletz S, Horvth ON, Huilaja L, Khilchenko S, Sina C, Tasanen K, Vassileva S, Schlumberger W, Zillikens D, Shahid M, Drenovska K, Zone JJ, Koszor K, Fechner K, Dhnrich C, Knig IR, Schmidt E (2023). Serum reactivity in dermatitis herpetiformis: an international multicenter study. Clin Exp Dermatol. (Read full article)
- Hopkins ZH, Jimenez A, Taliercio VL, Clarke JT, Hansen CB, Hull CM, Rhoads JLW, Zone JJ, Sahni VN, Kean J, Secrest AM (2023). Skin-Related Quality of Life During Autoimmune Bullous Disease Course. JAMA Dermatol, 159(11), 1185-1194. (Read full article)
- Hashimoto T, Yamagami J, Zone JJ (2021). History, Diagnosis, Pathogenesis, and Nomenclature in Sublamina Densa-Type Linear IgA Disease. JAMA Dermatol, 157(8), 907-909. (Read full article)
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2021). Rituximab therapy for a severe case of pretibial myxedema. JAAD Case Rep, 10, 28-30. (Read full article)
- Murrell DF, Pea S, Joly P, Marinovic B, Hashimoto T, Diaz LA, Sinha AA, Payne AS, Daneshpazhooh M, Eming R, Jonkman MF, Mimouni D, Borradori L, Kim SC, Yamagami J, Lehman JS, Saleh MA, Culton DA, Czernik A, Zone JJ, Fivenson D, Ujiie H, Wozniak K, Akman-Karaka A, Bernard P, Korman NJ, Caux F, Drenovska K, Prost-Squarcioni C, Vassileva S, Feldman RJ, Cardones AR, Bauer J, Ioannides D, Jedlickova H, Palisson F, Patsatsi A, Uzun S, Yayli S, Zillikens D, Amagai M, Hertl M, Schmidt E, Aoki V, Grando SA, Shimizu H, Baum S, Cianchini G, Feliciani C, Iranzo P, Mascar JM Jr, Kowalewski C, Hall R, Groves R, Harman KE, Marinkovich MP, Maverakis E, Werth VP (2018). Diagnosis and management of pemphigus: Recommendations of an international panel of experts. J Am Acad Dermatol, 82(3), 575-585.e1. (Read full article)
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2019). Dermatitis herpetiformis resistant to dapsone due to dietary iodide ingestion. JAAD Case Rep, 5(8), 713-714. (Read full article)
- Teerlink CC, Huff C, Stevens J, Yu Y, Holmen SL, Silvis MR, Trombetti K, Zhao H, Grossman D, Farnham JM, Wen J, Facelli JC, Thomas A, Babst M, Florell SR, Meyer L, Zone JJ, Leachman S, Cannon-Albright LA (2018). A Nonsynonymous Variant in the GOLM1 Gene in Cutaneous Malignant Melanoma. J Natl Cancer Inst, 110(12), 1380-1385. (Read full article)
- Saffari H, Zone JJ, Allen M, Leiferman KM (2018). A subset of patients with pemphigoid (herpes) gestationis has serological evidence of celiac disease. Int J Dermatol, 57(5), 534-540. (Read full article)
- Patel F, Wilken R, Patel FB, Sultani H, Bustos I, Duong C, Zone JJ, Raychaudhuri SP, Maverakis E (2017). Pathophysiology of autoimmune bullous diseases: Nature versus nurture. Indian J Dermatol, 62(3), 262-267. (Read full article)
- Patel F, Wilken R, Patel FB, Sultani H, Bustos I, Duong C, Zone JJ, Raychaudhuri SP, Maverakis E (2017). Pathophysiology of Autoimmune Bullous Diseases: Nature Versus Nurture. Indian J Dermatol, 62(3), 262-267. (Read full article)
- Albers LN, Zone JJ, Stoff BK, Feldman RJ (2017). Rituximab Treatment for Recalcitrant Dermatitis Herpetiformis. JAMA Dermatol, 153(3), 315-318. (Read full article)
- Hashimoto T, Tsuruta D, Yasukochi A, Imanishi H, Sekine H, Fujita T, Wanibuchi H, Gi M, Karpati S, Sitaru C, Zone JJ, Endo D, Abe S, Nishino T, Koji T, Ishii N (2016). Granular C3 Dermatosis. Acta Derm Venereol, 96(6), 748-53. (Read full article)
- Sotiriou MC, Foo CW, Scholes CT, Zone JJ (2015). Immunobullous disease and ulcerative colitis: a case series of six patients. Br J Dermatol, 173(3), 792-6. (Read full article)
- Huebener S, Tanaka CK, Uhde M, Zone JJ, Vensel WH, Kasarda DD, Beams L, Briani C, Green PH, Altenbach SB, Alaedini A (2015). Specific nongluten proteins of wheat are novel target antigens in celiac disease humoral response. J Proteome Res, 14(1), 503-11. (Read full article)
- Cannon-Albright LA, Teerlink CC, Farnham JM, Thomas AW, Zone JJ, Leachman SA (2013). Linkage analysis of extended high-risk pedigrees replicates a cutaneous malignant melanoma predisposition locus on chromosome 9q21. J Invest Dermatol, 133(1), 128-34. (Read full article)
- Kalantari-Dehaghi M, Anhalt GJ, Camilleri MJ, Chernyavsky AI, Chun S, Felgner PL, Jasinskas A, Leiferman KM, Liang L, Marchenko S, Nakajima-Sasaki R, Pittelkow MR, Zone JJ, Grando SA (2013). Pemphigus vulgaris autoantibody profiling by proteomic technique. PLoS One, 8(3), e57587. (Read full article)
- Shigeta M, Saiki M, Tsuruta D, Ohata C, Ishii N, Ono F, Hamada T, Dainichi T, Furumura M, Zone JJ, Karpati S, Sitaru C, Hashimoto T (2012). Two Japanese cases of dermatitis herpetiformis associated each with lung cancer and autoimmune pancreatitis but showing no intestinal symptom or circulating immunoglobulin A antibodies to any known antigens. J Dermatol, 39(12), 1002-5. (Read full article)
- McCaughey C, Machan M, Bennett R, Zone JJ, Hull CM (2011). Pimecrolimus 1% cream for oral erosive lichen planus: a 6-week randomized, double-blind, vehicle-controlled study with a 6-week open-label extension to assess efficacy and safety. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 25(9), 1061-7. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2011). Taking responsibility for complex medical dermatology patient management. Arch Dermatol, 147(7), 850. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Schmidt LA, Taylor TB, Hull CM, Sotiriou MC, Jaskowski TD, Hill HR, Meyer LJ (2011). Dermatitis herpetiformis sera or goat anti-transglutaminase-3 transferred to human skin-grafted mice mimics dermatitis herpetiformis immunopathology. J Immunol, 186(7), 4474-80. (Read full article)
- Zone J (2011). Taking responsibility for complex medical dermatology patient management. Arch Dermatol, 147(7), 850. (Read full article)
- Mao X, Nagler AR, Farber SA, Choi EJ, Jackson LH, Leiferman KM, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Amagai M, Zone JJ, Payne AS (2010). Autoimmunity to desmocollin 3 in pemphigus vulgaris. Am J Pathol, 177(6), 2724-30. (Read full article)
- Jaskowski TD, Donaldson MR, Hull CM, Wilson AR, Hill HR, Zone JJ, Book LS (2010). Novel screening assay performance in pediatric celiac disease and adult dermatitis herpetiformis. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 51(1), 19-23. (Read full article)
- Mao X, Nagler A, Farber S, Choi E, Jackson L, Leiferman K, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Amagai M, Zone J, Payne A (2010). Autoimmunity to desmocollin 3 in pemphigus vulgaris. Am J Pathol, 177(6), 2724-2730. (Read full article)
- Jaskowski TD, Hamblin T, Wilson AR, Hill HR, Book LS, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ, Hull CM (2009). IgA anti-epidermal transglutaminase antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis and pediatric celiac disease. J Invest Dermatol, 129(11), 2728-30. (Read full article)
- Chandler W, Zone J, Florell S (2009). C4d immunohistochemical stain is a sensitive method to confirm immunoreactant deposition in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue in bullous pemphigoid. J Cutan Pathol, 36(6), 655-9. (Read full article)
- Panko J, Florell SR, Hadley J, Zone J, Leiferman K, Vanderhooft S (2009). Neonatal pemphigus in an infant born to a mother with serologic evidence of both pemphigus vulgaris and gestational pemphigoid. J Am Acad Dermatol, 60(6), 1057-62. (Read full article)
- Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (2008). The Relationship between Autoimmune Bullous Disease and Systemic Disorders. J Invest Dermatol, 128(E3), E28-30. (Read full article)
- Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (2008). The Relationship between Autoimmune Bullous Disease and Systemic Disorders. J Invest Dermatol, 128 Suppl 3, E28-30. (Read full article)
- Neuhausen SL, Steele L, Ryan S, Mousavi M, Pinto M, Osann KE, Flodman P, Zone JJ (2008). Co-occurrence of celiac disease and other autoimmune diseases in celiacs and their first-degree relatives. J Autoimmun, 31(2), 160-5. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Meyer LJ, Boucher KM, Grossman D, Cannon-Albright LA, Harris RM, Samlowski WE, Zone JJ, Leachman SA (2008). Increased melanocytic nevi and nevus density in a G-34T CDKN2A/p16 melanoma-prone pedigree. J Invest Dermatol, 128(8), 2122-5. (Read full article)
- Hull CM, Liddle M, Hansen N, Meyer LJ, Schmidt L, Taylor T, Jaskowski TD, Hill HR, Zone JJ (2008). Elevation of IgA anti-epidermal transglutaminase antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis. Br J Dermatol, 159(1), 120-4. (Read full article)
- Donaldson MR, Book LS, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2008). Strongly positive tissue transglutaminase antibodies are associated with Marsh 3 histopathology in adult and pediatric celiac disease. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42(3), 256-60. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Taylor T, Hull C, Schmidt L, Meyer L (2007). IgE basement membrane zone antibodies induce eosinophil infiltration and histological blisters in engrafted human skin on SCID mice. J Invest Dermatol, 127(5), 1167-74. (Read full article)
- Donaldson MR, Zone JJ, Schmidt LA, Taylor TB, Neuhausen SL, Hull CM, Meyer LJ (2007). Epidermal transglutaminase deposits in perilesional and uninvolved skin in patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. J Invest Dermatol, 127(5), 1268-71. (Read full article)
- Taintor AR, Leiferman KM, Hashimoto T, Ishii N, Zone JJ, Hull CM (2007). A novel case of IgA paraneoplastic pemphigus associated with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. J Am Acad Dermatol, 56(5 Suppl), S73-6. (Read full article)
- Donaldson MR, Firth SD, Wimpee H, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ, Horsley W, OGorman MA, Jackson WD, Neuhausen SL, Hull CM, Book LS (2007). Correlation of duodenal histology with tissue transglutaminase and endomysial antibody levels in pediatric celiac disease. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, 5(5), 567-73. (Read full article)
- Garner CP, Ding YC, Steele L, Book L, Leiferman K, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2007). Genome-wide linkage analysis of 160 North American families with celiac disease. Genes Immun, 8(2), 108-14. (Read full article)
- Samolitis NJ, Hull CM, Leiferman KM, Zone JJ (2006). Dermatitis herpetiformis and partial IgA deficiency. J Am Acad Dermatol, 54(5 Suppl), S206-9. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Cessna M, Lundell RB, Boucher KM, Bowen GM, Harris RM, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ, Tripp S, Perkins SL (2006). Usefulness (or lack thereof) of immunophenotyping in atypical cutaneous T-cell infiltrates. Am J Clin Pathol, 125(5), 727-36. (Read full article)
- Eliason MJ, Larson AA, Florell SR, Zone JJ, Cannon-Albright LA, Samlowski WE, Leachman SA (2006). Population-based prevalence of CDKN2A mutations in Utah melanoma families. J Invest Dermatol, 126(3), 660-6. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Meyer LJ, Boucher KM, Hart M, Cannon-Albright LA, Harris RM, Grossman D, Samlowski WE, Zone JJ, Brinton JP, Leachman SA (2005). Nevus distribution in a Utah melanoma kindred with a temperature-sensitive CDKN2A mutation. J Invest Dermatol, 125(6), 1310-2. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Boucher KM, Garibotti G, Astle J, Kerber R, Mineau G, Wiggins C, Noyes RD, Tsodikov A, Cannon-Albright LA, Zone JJ, Samlowski WE, Leachman SA (2005). Population-based analysis of prognostic factors and survival in familial melanoma. J Clin Oncol, 23(28), 7168-77. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2005). Skin manifestations of celiac disease. Gastroenterology, 128(4 Suppl 1), S87-91. (Read full article)
- Call TR, Boucher KM, Whiting BL, Hart M, Newman K, Kinney AY, Bowen GM, Zone JJ, Branson D, Leachman SA (2004). Motivating factors for attendance of skin cancer screenings. J Am Acad Dermatol, 51(4), 642-4. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Meyer LJ, Boucher KM, Porter-Gill PA, Hart M, Erickson J, Cannon-Albright LA, Pershing LK, Harris RM, Samlowski WE, Zone JJ, Leachman SA (2004). Longitudinal assessment of the nevus phenotype in a melanoma kindred. J Invest Dermatol, 123(3), 576-82. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Egan CA, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ (2004). IgA autoimmune disorders: development of a passive transfer mouse model. J Investig Dermatol Symp Proc, 9(1), 47-51. (Read full article)
- McKenna JK, Hull CM, Zone JJ (2003). Argyria associated with colloidal silver supplementation. Int J Dermatol, 42(7), 549. (Read full article)
- Book L, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2003). Prevalence of celiac disease among relatives of sib pairs with celiac disease in U.S. families. Am J Gastroenterol, 98(2), 377-81. (Read full article)
- Tristani-Firouzi P, Petersen MJ, Saffle JR, Morris SE, Zone JJ (2002). Treatment of toxic epidermal necrolysis with intravenous immunoglobulin in children. J Am Acad Dermatol, 47(4), 548-52. (Read full article)
- Neuhausen SL, Feolo M, Camp NJ, Farnham J, Book L, Zone JJ (2002). Genome-wide linkage analysis for celiac disease in North American families. Am J Med Genet, 111(1), 1-9. (Read full article)
- Neuhausen SL, Weizman Z, Camp NJ, Elbedour K, Sheffield VC, Zone JJ, Carmi R (2002). HLA DQA1-DQB1 genotypes in Bedouin families with celiac disease. Hum Immunol, 63(6), 502-7. (Read full article)
- Feolo M, Fuller TC, Taylor M, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2001). A strategy for high throughput HLA-DQ typing. J Immunol Methods, 258(1-2), 65-71. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2001). Clinical spectrum, pathogenesis and treatment of linear IgA bullous dermatosis. J Dermatol, 28(11), 651-3. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Smith EP, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Samowitz WS, Zone JJ (2001). Linear IgA bullous dermatosis responsive to a gluten-free diet. Am J Gastroenterol, 96(6), 1927-9. (Read full article)
- Lebwohl MG, Daniel CR, Leyden J, Mormon M, Shavin JS, Tschen E, Weiss J, Zone J (2001). Efficacy and safety of terbinafine for nondermatophyte and mixed nondermatophyte and dermatophyte toenail onychomycosis. Int J Dermatol, 40(5), 358-60. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Zone JJ, Gerwels JW (2001). Basal cell carcinomas are populated by melanocytes and Langerhans [correction of Langerhan's] cells. Am J Dermatopathol, 23(1), 24-8. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Holden J, Meyer L, Samlowski W, Cannon-Albright L, Newhausen S, Zone J, Leachman S (2001). Proliferation status of nevi in Utah kindred members with and without CDKN2A mutations. J Invest Dermatol, 117(2), 520.
- Florell SR, Egan CA, Gregory MC, Zone JJ, Petersen MJ (2001). Eosinophilic fasciitis occurring four weeks after the onset of dialysis in a renal failure patient. J Cutan Med Surg, 5(1), 33-6. (Read full article)
- Book L, Hart A, Black J, Feolo M, Zone JJ, Neuhausen SL (2001). Prevalence and clinical characteristics of celiac disease in Downs syndrome in a US study. Am J Med Genet, 98(1), 70-4. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2001). Clinical spectrum, pathogenesis and treatment of linear IgA bullous dermatosis. J Dermatol, 2811, 651-653.
- Neuhausen SL, Feolo M, Farnham J, Book L, Zone JJ (2001). Linkage analysis of HLA and candidate genes for celiac disease in a North American family-based study. BMC Med Genet, 2, 12. (Read full article)
- Lewis C, Book L, Black J, Sawitzke A, Cannon-Albright L, Zone J, Neuhausen S (2000). Celiac disease and human leukocyte antigen genotype: accuracy of diagnosis in self-diagnosed individuals, dosage effect, and sibling risk. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr, 31(1), 22-7. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Meadows KP, Zone JJ (2000). Plasmapheresis as a steroid saving procedure in bullous pemphigoid. Int J Dermatol, 39(3), 230-5. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, OReilly MA, Meadows KP, Zone JJ (2000). Relapsing Henoch-Schönlein purpura associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyelonephritis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 42(2 Pt 2), 381-3. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Florell SR, Zone JJ (1999). Localized bullous pemphigoid in a patient with B-cell lymphoma. South Med J, 92(12), 1220-2. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Zone JJ (1999). Linear IgA bullous dermatosis. Int J Dermatol, 38(11), 818-27. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). IgA1 is the major IgA subclass in cutaneous blood vessels in Henoch-Schönlein purpura. Br J Dermatol, 141(5), 859-62. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Martineau MR, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). IgA antibodies recognizing LABD97 are predominantly IgA1 subclass. Acta Derm Venereol, 79(5), 343-6. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Hanif N, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). Characterization of the antibody response in oesophageal cicatricial pemphigoid. Br J Dermatol, 140(5), 859-64. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Grant WJ, Morris SE, Saffle JR, Zone JJ (1999). Plasmapheresis as an adjunct treatment in toxic epidermal necrolysis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 40(3), 458-61. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). Bullous pemphigoid sera that contain antibodies to BPAg2 also contain antibodies to LABD97 that recognize epitopes distal to the NC16A domain. J Invest Dermatol, 112(2), 148-52. (Read full article)
- Egan CA, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). The immunoglobulin A antibody response in clinical subsets of mucous membrane pemphigoid. Dermatology, 198(4), 330-5. (Read full article)
- Shimizu H, Takizawa Y, Pulkkinen L, Zone JJ, Matsumoto K, Saida T, Uitto J, Nishikawa T (1998). The 97 kDa linear IgA bullous dermatosis antigen is not expressed in a patient with generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa with a novel homozygous G258X mutation in COL17A1. J Invest Dermatol, 111(5), 887-92. (Read full article)
- Ishiko A, Shimizu H, Masunaga T, Yancey KB, Giudice GJ, Zone JJ, Nishikawa T (1998). 97 kDa linear IgA bullous dermatosis antigen localizes in the lamina lucida between the NC16A and carboxyl terminal domains of the 180 kDa bullous pemphigoid antigen. J Invest Dermatol, 111(1), 93-6. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ (1998). The 97 kDa linear IgA bullous disease antigen is identical to a portion of the extracellular domain of the 180 kDa bullous pemphigoid antigen, BPAg2. J Invest Dermatol, 110(3), 207-10. (Read full article)
- Smith JB, Smith SW, Zone JJ (1998). Dermatitis herpetiformis and cigarette smoking. Gut, 43, 732.
- Egan CA, Zone JJ (1997). An isolated scaling plaque on the scalp. Arch Dermatol, 133(10), 1304-5, 1307-8. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ (1996). Deposition of granular IgA relative to clinical lesions in dermatitis herpetiformis. Arch Dermatol, 132(8), 912-8. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Taylor TB, Kadunce DP, Chorzelski TP, Schachner LA, Huff JC, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ (1996). IgA antibodies in chronic bullous disease of childhood react with 97 kDa basement membrane zone protein. J Invest Dermatol, 106(6), 1277-80. (Read full article)
- Marinkovich MP, Taylor TB, Keene DR, Burgeson RE, Zone JJ (1996). LAD-1, the linear IgA bullous dermatosis autoantigen, is a novel 120-kDa anchoring filament protein synthesized by epidermal cells. J Invest Dermatol, 106(4), 734-8. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Piepkorn M, Goldgar DE, Lewis CM, Cannon-Albright LA, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1996). Interobserver concordance in discriminating clinical atypia of melanocytic nevi, and correlations with histologic atypia. J Am Acad Dermatol, 34(4), 618-25. (Read full article)
- Darling TN, Cardenas AA, Beard JS, Sau P, Yee CL, Zone JJ, Yancey KB (1995). A child with antibodies targeting both linear IgA bullous dermatosis and bullous pemphigoid antigens. Arch Dermatol, 131(12), 1438-42. (Read full article)
- Chan LS, Traczyk T, Taylor TB, Eramo LR, Woodley DT, Zone JJ (1995). Linear IgA bullous dermatosis. Characterization of a subset of patients with concurrent IgA and IgG anti-basement membrane autoantibodies. Arch Dermatol, 131(12), 1432-7. (Read full article)
- Wisnieski JJ, Baer AN, Christensen J, Cupps TR, Flagg DN, Jones JV, Katzenstein PL, McFadden ER, McMillen JJ, Pick MA, Richmond GW, Simon SR, Smith HR, Sontheimer RD, Trigg LB, Weldon D, Zone JJ (1995). Hypocomplementemic uticarial vasculitis syndrome. Medicine (Madr), 74(1), 24-41.
- Shimizu K, Hashimoto T, Fukuda T, Watanabe K, Ishiko A, Niizeki H, Shimizu H, Zone JJ, Nishikawa T (1995). A Japanese case of the fibrillar type of dermatitis herpetiformis. Dermatology, 191(2), 88-92. (Read full article)
- Cannon-Albright LA, Meyer LJ, Goldgar DE, Lewis CM, McWhorter WP, Jost M, Harrison D, Anderson DE, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1994). Penetrance and expressivity of the chromosome 9p melanoma susceptibility locus (MLM). Cancer Res, 54(23), 6041-4. (Read full article)
- Haftek M, Zone JJ, Taylor TB, Kowalewski C, Chorzelski TP, Schmitt D (1994). Immunogold localization of the 97-kD antigen of linear IgA bullous dermatosis (LABD) detected with patients' sera. J Invest Dermatol, 103(5), 656-9. (Read full article)
- Smith JB, Hansen CD, Zone JJ (1994). Potassium iodide in the treatment of disseminated granuloma annulare. J Am Acad Dermatol, 30(5 Pt 1), 791-2. (Read full article)
- Cannon-Albright LA, Goldgar DE, Neuhausen S, Gruis NA, Anderson DE, Lewis CM, Kamb A, Weaver-Feldhaus J, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1994). Localization of the 9p melanoma suceptibility locus (MLM) to a 2-cM region between D9S736 and D9S171. Genomics, 23, 265-268.
- Zone JJ, Pazderka Smith E, Powell D, Taylor TB, Smith JB, Meyer LJ (1994). Antigenic specificity of antibodies from patients with linear basement membrane deposition of IgA. Dermatology, 189 Suppl 1, 64-6. (Read full article)
- Piepkorn MW, Barnhill RL, Cannon-Albright LA, Elder DE, Goldgar DE, Lewis CM, Maize JC, Meyer LJ, Rabkin MS, Sagebiel, RW, Skolnick MH, Zone JJ (1994). A multi-observer, population-based analysis of histologic dysplasia in melanocytic nevi. J Am Acad Dermatol, 30, 707-714.
- Kamb A, Shattuck-Eidens D, Eeles R, Liu Q, Gruis NA, Ding W, Hussey C, Tran T, Miki Y, Weaver-Feldhaus J, McClure M, Aitken JF, Anderson DE, Bergman W Frants R, Goldgar DE, Green A, MacLennan R, Martin NG, Meyer LJ, Youl P, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH, Cannon-Albright LA (1994). Analysis of the P16 gene (CDKN2) as a candidate for the chromosome 9P melanoma susceptiblity locus. (ß-2 Microglobulin, H2O). Nat Genet, 8, 22-26.
- Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1994). Genetics of cutaneous melanoma. J Invest Dermatol, 103, 112S-116S.
- Dmochowski M, Hashimoto T, Bhogal BS, Black MM, Zone JJ, Nishikawa T (1993). Immunoblotting studies of linear IgA disease. J Dermatol Sci, 6(3), 194-200. (Read full article)
- Smith EP, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1993). Antigen identification in drug-induced bullous pemphigoid. J Am Acad Dermatol, 29(5 Pt 2), 879-82. (Read full article)
- Smith EP, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1993). Identification of a basement membrane zone antigen reactive with circulating IgA antibody in ocular cicatricial pemphigoid. J Invest Dermatol, 101(4), 619-23. (Read full article)
- Thuong-Nguyen V, Kadunce DP, Hendrix JD, Gammon WR, Zone JJ (1993). Inhibition of neutrophil adherence to antibody by dapsone: a possible therapeutic mechanism of dapsone in the treatment of IgA dermatoses. J Invest Dermatol, 100(4), 349-55. (Read full article)
- Smith JB, Tulloch JE, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1992). The incidence and prevalence of dermatitis herpetiformis in Utah. Arch Dermatol, 128(12), 1608-10. (Read full article)
- Lookingbill DP, Abrams BB, Ellis CN, Jegasothy BV, Lucky AW, Ortiz-Ferrer LC, Savin RC, Shupack JL, Stiller MJ, Zone JJ (1992). Inocoterone and acne. The effect of a topical antiandrogen: results of a multicenter clinical trial. Arch Dermatol, 128(9), 1197-200. (Read full article)
- Smith JB, Taylor TB, Zone JJ (1992). The site of blister formation in dermatitis herpetiformis is within the lamina lucida. J Am Acad Dermatol, 27(2 Pt 1), 209-13. (Read full article)
- Kasteler JS, Petersen MJ, Vance JE, Zone JJ (1992). Circulating activated T lymphocytes in autoeczematization. Arch Dermatol, 128(6), 795-8. (Read full article)
- Cannon-Albright LA, Goldgar De, Meyer LJ, Lewis CM, Anderson DE, Fountain JW, Hegi ME, Wiseman RW, Petty EM, Bale AE, Olopade OI, Diaz MO, Kwiatkowski DJ, Piepkorn MW, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1992). Assignment of a locus for familial melanoma MLM to chromosome 9p13-p22. Science, 258, 1148-1152.
- Goldgar DE, Cannon-Albright LA, Meyer LJ, Piepkorn MW, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1992). Inheritance of nevus number and size in melanoma/DNS kindreds. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 59(2-3), 200-2. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Goldgar DE, Cannon-Albright LA, Piepkorn MW, Zone JJ, Risman MB, Skolnick MH (1992). Number, size, and histopathology of nevi in Utah kindreds. Cytogenet Cell Genet, 59(2-3), 167-9. (Read full article)
- Goldgar DE, Cannon-Albright LA, Meyer LJ, Piepkorn MW, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1991). Inheritance of nevus number and size in melanoma and dysplastic nevus syndrome kindreds. J Natl Cancer Inst, 83(23), 1726-33. (Read full article)
- Kadunce DP, McMurry MP, Avots-Avotins A, Chandler JP, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1991). The effect of an elemental diet with and without gluten on disease activity in dermatitis herpetiformis. J Invest Dermatol, 97(2), 175-82. (Read full article)
- Ahmed I, Piepkorn M, Goldgar DE, Cannon-Albright LA, Meyer LJ, Skolnick MH, Zone JJ (1991). HMB-45 staining of dysplastic melanocytic nevi in melanoma risk groups. J Cutan Pathol, 18(4), 257-60. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Taylor TB, Kadunce DP, Thuong-Nguyen V, Zone JJ (1991). Bullous pemphigoid antigens: extraction and degradation of antigens during epidermal preparation. J Invest Dermatol, 96(6), 991-3. (Read full article)
- Kadunce DP, Burr R, Gress R, Kanner R, Lyon JL, Zone JJ (1991). Cigarette smoking: risk factor for premature facial wrinkling. Ann Intern Med, 114(10), 840-4. (Read full article)
- Korman NJ, Eyre RW, Zone J, Stanley JR (1991). Drug-induced pemphigus: autoantibodies directed against the pemphigus antigen complexes are present in penicillamine and captopril-induced pemphigus. J Invest Dermatol, 96(2), 273-6. (Read full article)
- Kadunce DP, Piepkorn MW, Zone JJ (1990). Persistent melanocytic lesions associated with cosmetic tanning bed use: "sunbed lentigines". J Am Acad Dermatol, 23(5 Pt 2), 1029-31. (Read full article)
- Ahmed I, Piepkorn MW, Rabkin MS, Meyer LJ, Feldkamp M, Goldgar DE, Skolnick MH, Zone JJ (1990). Histopathologic characteristics of dysplastic nevi. Limited association of conventional histologic criteria with melanoma risk group. J Am Acad Dermatol, 22(5 Pt 1), 727-33. (Read full article)
- Cannon-Albright LA, Goldgar DE, Wright EC, Turco A, Jost M, Meyer LJ, Piepkorn M, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1990). Evidence against the reported linkage of the cutaneous melanoma-dysplastic nevus syndrome locus to chromosome Ip36. Am J Hum Genet, 46(5), 912-8. (Read full article)
- Hendrix JD, Mangum KL, Zone JJ, Gammon WR (1990). Cutaneous IgA deposits in bullous diseases function as ligands to mediate adherence of activated neutrophils. J Invest Dermatol, 94(5), 667-72. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Taylor TB, Kadunce DP, Zone JJ (1990). Two groups of bullous pemphigoid antigens are identified by affinity-purified antibodies. J Invest Dermatol, 94(5), 611-6. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Taylor TB, Kadunce DP, Meyer LJ (1990). Identification of the cutaneous basement membrane zone antigen and isolation of antibody in linear immunoglobulin A bullous dermatosis. J Clin Invest, 85(3), 812-20. (Read full article)
- Kadunce DP, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1989). IgA class antibodies in dermatitis herpetiformis: reaction with tissue antigens. J Invest Dermatol, 93(2), 253-8. (Read full article)
- Piepkorn M, Meyer LJ, Goldgar D, Seuchter SA, Cannon-Albright LA, Skolnick MH, Zone JJ (1989). The dysplastic melanocytic nevus: a prevalent lesion that correlates poorly with clinical phenotype. J Am Acad Dermatol, 20(3), 407-15. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (1989). Dermatitis Herpetiformis: Pathogenesis and treatment. 1(2), 2-4.
- Morrison LH, Labib RS, Zone JJ, Diaz LA, Anhalt GJ (1988). Herpes gestationis autoantibodies recognize a 180-kD human epidermal antigen. J Clin Invest, 81(6), 2023-6. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Piepkorn ME, Seuchter SA, Cannon-Albright LA, Bishop DT, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1988). Genetic and epidemiologic evaluation of dysplastic nevus. Pigment Cell Res, Supp 1, 144-151.
- Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (1987). Familial incidence of dermatitis herpetiformis. J Am Acad Dermatol, 17(4), 643-7. (Read full article)
- Meyer LJ, Carioto L, Zone JJ (1987). Dermatitis herpetiformis: extraction of intact IgA from granular deposits in dermal papillae. J Invest Dermatol, 88(5), 559-63. (Read full article)
- Fortson JS, Zone JJ, Hammond ME, Groggel GC (1986). Hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome responsive to dapsone. J Am Acad Dermatol, 15(5 Pt 2), 1137-42. (Read full article)
- Clegg DO, Pincus SH, Zone JJ, Ward JR (1986). Circulating HLA-DR bearing T cells: correlation with genetic rather than clinical variables. J Rheumatol, 13(5), 870-4. (Read full article)
- Cunningham MJ, Zone JJ, Petersen MJ, Green JA (1986). Circulating activated (DR-positive) T lymphocytes in a patient with autoeczematization. J Am Acad Dermatol, 14(6), 1039-41. (Read full article)
- Oikarinen AI, Reunala T, Zone JJ, Kiistala U, Uitto J (1986). Proteolytic enzymes in blister fluids from patients with dermatitis herpetiformis. Br J Dermatol, 114(3), 295-302. (Read full article)
- Sanders SW, Zone JJ (1986). The relationship between dapsone dose, serum concentration and disease severity in dermatitis herpetiformis. Arzneimittelforschung, 36(1), 146-9. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Rom WN (1985). Circulating immune complexes in asbestos workers. Environ Res, 37(2), 383-9. (Read full article)
- Clegg DO, Zone JJ, Samuelson CO Jr, Ward JR (1985). Circulating immune complexes containing secretory IgA in jejunoileal bypass disease. Ann Rheum Dis, 44(4), 239-44. (Read full article)
- Servilla KS, Green JA, Williams HJ, Zone JJ (1985). An unusual systemic staphylococcal illness with features of the mucocutaneous lymph node syndrome. West J Med, 142(2), 257-9. (Read full article)
- Cunningham MJ, Zone JJ (1985). Thyroid abnormalities in dermatitis herpetiformis. Prevalence of clinical thyroid disease and thyroid autoantibodies. Ann Intern Med, 102(2), 194-6. (Read full article)
- Rom WN, Krueger G, Zone J, Attfield MD, Costello J, Burkart J, Turner ER (1985). Morbidity survey of U.S. oil shale workers employed during 1948-1969. Arch Environ Health, 40(1), 58-62. (Read full article)
- VanHale HM, Rogers RS 3rd, Zone JJ, Greipp PR (1985). Pyostomatitis vegetans. A reactive mucosal marker for inflammatory disease of the gut. Arch Dermatol, 121(1), 94-8. (Read full article)
- Petersen MJ, Zone JJ, Krueger GG (1984). Development of a nude mouse model to study human sebaceous gland physiology and pathophysiology. J Clin Invest, 74(4), 1358-65. (Read full article)
- Park MS, Terasaki PI, Ahmed AR, Zone J (1983). The 90% incidence of HLA antigen (Te24) in dermatitis herpetiformis. Tissue Antigens, 22(4), 263-6. (Read full article)
- Oikarinen AI, Zone JJ, Ahmed AR, Kiistala U, Uitto J (1983). Demonstration of collagenase and elastase activities in the blister fluids from bullous skin diseases. Comparison between dermatitis herpetiformis and bullous pemphigoid. J Invest Dermatol, 81(3), 261-6. (Read full article)
- Lane AT, Huff JC, Zone JJ, Weston WL (1983). Class-specific antibodies to gluten in dermatitis herpetiformis. J Invest Dermatol, 80(5), 402-5. (Read full article)
- Piepkorn M, Brown C, Zone J (1983). Auricular chondritis as a rheumatologic manifestation of Lucio's phenomenon: clinical improvement after plasmapheresis. Ann Intern Med, 98(1), 49-51. (Read full article)
- Zone J, Ward J, Boyce E, Schupbach C (1982). Penicillamine-induced pemphigus. JAMA, 247(19), 2705-7. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, LaSalle BA, Provost TT (1982). Induction of IgA circulating immune complexes after wheat feeding in dermatitis herpetiformis patients. J Invest Dermatol, 78(5), 375-80. (Read full article)
- Sanders SW, Zone JJ, Foltz RL, Tolman KG, Rollins DE (1982). Hemolytic anemia induced by dapsone transmitted through breast milk. Ann Intern Med, 96(4), 465-6. (Read full article)
- Clegg DO, Zone JJ, Piepkorn MW (1982). Necrobiosis lipoidica associated with jejunoileal bypass surgery. Arch Dermatol, 118(2), 135-6. (Read full article)
- Argyle JC, Zone JJ (1981). Dermal erythropoiesis in a neonate. Arch Dermatol, 117(8), 492-4. (Read full article)
- Provost TT, Zone JJ, Synkowski D, Maddison PJ, Reichlin M (1980). Unusual cutaneous manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus: I. Urticaria-like lesions. Correlation with clinical and serological abnormalities. J Invest Dermatol, 75(6), 495-9. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, LaSalle BA, Provost TT (1980). Circulating immune complexes of IgA type in dermatitis herpetiformis. J Invest Dermatol, 75(2), 152-5. (Read full article)
- Olmstead AD, Zone JJ, LaSalle B, Krueger GG (1980). Immune complexes in the pathogenesis of hypergammaglobulinemic purpura. J Am Acad Dermatol, 3(2), 174-9. (Read full article)
- Williams HJ, Samuelson CO, Zone JJ (1979). Nodular nonsuppurative panniculitis associated with jejunoileal bypass surgery. Arch Dermatol, 115(9), 1091-3. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Hull CM (2004). Warning: bread may be harmful to your health. [Review]. J Am Acad Dermatol, 51(1 Suppl), S27-8. (Read full article)
- Bowen AR, Smith L, Zone JJ (2003). Scleredema adultorum of Buschke treated with radiation. [Review]. Arch Dermatol, 139(6), 780-4. (Read full article)
- Alexander A, Samlowski WE, Grossman D, Bruggers CS, Harris RM, Zone JJ, Noyes RD, Bowen GM, Leachman SA (2003). Metastatic melanoma in pregnancy: risk of transplacental metastases in the infant. [Review]. J Clin Oncol, 21(11), 2179-86. (Read full article)
- Chan LS, Vanderlugt CJ, Hashimoto T, Nishikawa T, Zone JJ, Black MM, Wojnarowska F, Stevens SR, Chen M, Fairley JA, Woodley DT, Miller SD, Gordon KB (1998). Epitope spreading: lessons from autoimmune skin diseases. [Review]. J Invest Dermatol, 110(2), 103-9. (Read full article)
- Smith EP, Fankhanel KJ, Zone JJ (1995). Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. [Review]. Hifuka No Rinsho, 22nd Revision, 1-10.
- Piepkorn M, Cannon-Albright LA, Meyer LJ, Goldgar DE, Zone JJ, Skolnick MH (1994). Genetic Predisposition to Malignant Melanoma. [Review]. 12, 1-4.
- Smith EP, Zone JJ (1993). Dermatitis herpetiformis and linear IgA bullous dermatosis. [Review]. Dermatol Clin, 11(3), 511-26. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Meyer LJ (1989). Dermatitis herpetiformis. [Review]. Immunol Ser, 46, 565-82. (Read full article)
Edited Book
- Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Bolognia JL, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.) (2015). Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease. Saunders.
- Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Bolognia JL, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.) (2009). Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease. Saunders.
- Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Bolognia JL, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.) (2003). Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease. Saunders.
- Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Greer KE, Penneys NS, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.) (1995). Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease. Saunders.
- Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Greer KE, Penneys NS, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.) (1988). Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease. Saunders.
Book Chapter
- Curtis JA, Zone JJ (2017). Immunoglobulin a dermatoses. In Curtis JA|Zone JJ (Ed.), Clinical and Basic Immunodermatology: Second Edition (pp. 613-632). (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2017). Dermatitis herpetiformis. In Zone JJ (Ed.), Treatment of Skin Disease: Comprehensive Therapeutic Strategies (pp. 192-194). (Read full article)
- Curtis J, Zone J (2016). Linear IgA bullous dermatosis. In Curtis J|Zone J (Ed.), Autoimmune Bullous Diseases: Approach and Management (pp. 117-132). (Read full article)
- Curtis JA, Zone JJ (2015). Immunoglobulin A Dermatoses. In Gaspari AA; Tyring SK; Kaplan AP (Ed.), Clinical and Basic Immunodermatology. Springer.
- Curtis JA, Zone JJ (2015). Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Sami N (Ed.), Autoimmune Bullous Diseases - Approach and Management. Springer International.
- Bowen AR, Zone JJ (2015). Bullous Diseases. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL, Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease (Fifth Edition, pp. 117-130). Saunders.
- Herron MD, Zone JJ (2015). Cutaneous Diseases Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease (Fifth Edition, pp. 243-254). Saunders.
- Cipriano Sarah, Zone JJ (2015). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Systemic Disease (Fifth Edition, pp. 345-358). Saunders.
- Hull CM, Zone JJ (2015). Dermatitis Herpetiformis and Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Bolognia J; Jorizzo J; Rapini R (Ed.), Dermatology (Third Edition, pp. 451-500). Elsevier Mosby.
- Hull CM, Zone JJ (2012). Approach to the Patient with Cutaneous Blisters. In UpToDate. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.
- Zone JJ (2010). Dermatitis Herpetiformis. In Dennis M; Leffler D (Ed.), Real Life with Celiac Disease: Troubleshooting and Thriving Gluten Free. Bethesda: AGA Press.
- Zone JJ (2010). Dermatitis Herpetiformis. In Lebwohl MG; Heymann WR; Berth-Jones J; Coulson I (Ed.), Treatment of Skin Disease (Third Edition, pp. 172-174). Saunders Elsevier.
- Bowen, AR, Zone JJ (2009). Bullous Diseases. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Fourth Edition, pp. 93-106). Saunders.
- Herron MD, Zone JJ (2009). Cutaneous Diseases Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Fourth Edition, pp. 225-235). Saunders.
- Liu CM, Zone JJ (2009). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Callen JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Fourth Edition, pp. 325-338). Saunders.
- Liu CM, Zone JJ (2009). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Liu CM|Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 325-338). (Read full article)
- Bowen AR, Zone JJ (2009). Bullous Diseases. In Bowen AR|Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 93-106). (Read full article)
- Herron MD, Zone JJ (2009). Cutaneous Diseases Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Herron MD|Zone JJ (Ed.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 225-235). (Read full article)
- Hull C, Zone JJ (2008). Dermatitis Herpetiformis and Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Bolognia J; Jorizzo J; Rapini R (Ed.), Dermatology (2nd Edition, Volume 1, pp. 447-456). Elsevier Mosby.
- Harris RM, Zone JJ (2006). Dermatitis Herpetiformis. In Lebwohl; Heymann; Berth-Jones; Coulson (Ed.), Treatment of Skin Disease (2nd Edition, pp. 156-158). Elsevier Mosby.
- Bowen, AR, Zone JJ (2003). Bullous Diseases. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Third Edition, pp. 81-93). Saunders.
- Herron MD, Zone JJ (2003). Cutaneous Diseases Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Third Edition, pp. 199-210). Saunders.
- Liu CM, Zone JJ (2003). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Bolognia JL; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Third Edition, pp. 287-300). Saunders.
- Nemzer PG, Egan CA, Zone JJ (2000). Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Jordan RE (Ed.), Atlas of Bullous Diseases. Philadelphia, PA: W. B. Saunders Co.
- Egan CA, Zone JJ (1999). Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Int J Dermatol (38, pp. 818-827).
- Zone JJ (1998). Progress in immunoglobulin A dermatoses. In Dermatology at the Millennium.
- Smith EP, Zone JJ (1996). Linear IgA Bullous Dermatosis. In Cutaneous Medicine and Surgery: An Integrated Program in Dermatology (pp. 698-703).
- Zone JJ (1995). Bullous Disease. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Second Edition, pp. 96-108). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1995). Cutaneous Disease Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Second Edition, pp. 219-232). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1995). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (Second Edition, pp. 322-336). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1994). Cutaneous disease associated with gastrointestinal abnormalities. In Callen JP, Jorizzo JL, Greer KE, Penneys NS, Piette WW, Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (2nd, pp. 219-232). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Co.
- Zone JJ (1994). Bullous Disease. In Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (2nd edition, pp. 96-108).
- Zone JJ (1994). Cutaneous disease associated with gastrointestinal abnormalities. In Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (2nd edition, pp. 219-232).
- Zone JJ (1994). Neurocutaneous disease. In Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (2nd edition, pp. 322-336).
- Smith EP, Zone JJ (1993). Bullous Diseases. In Dermatitis herpetiformis and linear IgA bullous dermatosis (pp. 511-526).
- Zone JJ (1991). Dermatitis herpetiformis. In Immunologic Diseases of the Skin (pp. 335-345).
- Kadunce DP, Zone JJ (1990). Bullous Diseases.
- Zone JJ (1988). Bullous Diseases. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 332-343). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1988). Chronic bullous dermatosis of childhood.
- Zone JJ (1988). Neurocutaneous Disease. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 306-319). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1988). Mast Cell Disease. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 327-331). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1988). Cutaneous Diseases Associated with Gastrointestinal Abnormalities. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 215-227). Saunders.
- Zone JJ (1988). The Hair, Nails and Mucous Membranes. In Callen, JP; Jorizzo JL; Greer KE; Penneys NS; Piette WW; Zone JJ (Eds.), Dermatological Signs of Internal Disease (pp. 344-354). Saunders.
- Zone JJ, Petersen MJ (1987). Dermatitis herpetiformis.
- Zone JJ, Provost TT (1985). Bullous diseases: Pemphigus, bullos pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, herpes gestationis, benign mucous membrane pemphigoid, chronic bullous disease of childhood, bullous erythema multiforme, and dermatitis herpetiformis. In Dermatology (pp. 557-589).
- Zone JJ, Petersen MJ (1985). Dermatitis Herpetiformis.
- Zone JJ, Petersen MJ (1985). Dermatitis herpetiformis. In Pathogenesis of Skin Disease (pp. 159-183).
- Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1984). Dermatitis herpetiformis - a challenge in immunodermatology. In Current Concepts in Skin Disorders (5, pp. 15-19).
- Zone JJ (1983). Dermatitis herpetiformis.
- Zone JJ (1982). Pustulosis palmaris et plantaris. In Hifuka No Rinsho (1, pp. 1-6).
- Zone JJ (1982). Pemphigus and pemphigoid.
- Zone JJ (1982). Pustular psoriasis. In Hifuka No Rinsho (1, pp. 1-5).
- Zone JJ (1980). Cutaneous effects of shale oil. In Health Implications of New Energy Technologies (pp. 457-461). Technomic Pub Co.
- Zone JJ, Provost TT (1979). Bullous diseases.
Conference Proceedings
- Murrell DF, Marinovic B, Caux F, Prost C, Ahmed R, Wozniak K, Amagai M, Bauer J, Beissert S, Borradori L, Culton D, Fairley JA, Fivenson D, Jonkman MF, Marinkovich MP, Woodley D, Zone J, Aoki V, Bernard P, Bruckner-Tuderman L, Cianchini G, Venning V, Diaz L, Eming R, Grando SA, Hall RP, Hashimoto T, Herrero-Gonzlez JE, Hertl M, Joly P, Karpati S, Kim J, Chan Kim S, Korman NJ, Kowalewski C, Lee SE, Rubenstein DR, Sprecher E, Yancey K, Zambruno G, Zillikens D, Doan S, Daniel BS, Werth VP (2014). Definitions and outcome measures for mucous membrane pemphigoid: recommendations of an international panel of experts. J Am Acad Dermatol, United States, 72(1), 168-74. (Read full article)
- Murrell DF, Daniel BS, Joly P, Borradori L, Amagai M, Hashimoto T, Caux F, Marinovic B, Sinha AA, Hertl M, Bernard P, Sirois D, Cianchini G, Fairley JA, Jonkman MF, Pandya AG, Rubenstein D, Zillikens D, Payne AS, Woodley D, Zambruno G, Aoki V, Pincelli C, Diaz L, Hall RP, Meurer M, Mascaro JM Jr, Schmidt E, Shimizu H, Zone J, Swerlick R, Mimouni D, Culton D, Lipozencic J, Bince B, Grando SA, Bystryn JC, Werth VP (2012). Definitions and outcome measures for bullous pemphigoid: recommendations by an international panel of experts. J Am Acad Dermatol, United States, 66(3), 479-85. (Read full article)
- Chan LS, Ahmed AR, Anhalt GJ, Bernauer W, Cooper KD, Elder MJ, Fine JD, Foster CS, Ghohestani R, Hashimoto T, Hoang-Xuan T, Kirtschig G, Korman NJ, Lightman S, Lozada-Nur F, Marinkovich MP, Mondino BJ, Prost-Squarcioni C, Rogers RS 3rd, Setterfield JF, West DP, Wojnarowska F, Woodley DT, Yancey KB, Zillikens D, Zone JJ (2002). The first international consensus on mucous membrane pemphigoid: definition, diagnostic criteria, pathogenic factors, medical treatment, and prognostic indicators. Arch Dermatol, United States, 138(3), 370-9. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ, Weidner M (1985). The treatment of secondary skin infections with Bactroban ointment: A vehicle-controlled study. Bactroban (mupirocin). Proceedings of an International Symposium, 263-265.
Case Report
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2021). Rituximab therapy for a severe case of pretibial myxedema. JAAD Case Rep, 10, 28-30. (Read full article)
- Jimenez A, Hull C, Zone J (2019). Dermatitis herpetiformis resistant to dapsone due to dietary iodide ingestion. JAAD Case Rep, 5(8), 713-714. (Read full article)
- He Y, Shimoda M, Ono Y, Villalobos IB, Mitra A, Konia T, Grando SA, Zone JJ, Maverakis E (2015). Persistence of Autoreactive IgA-Secreting B Cells Despite Multiple Immunosuppressive Medications Including Rituximab. JAMA Dermatol, 151(6), 646-50. (Read full article)
- Kleker BM, Ramirez-Fort MK, Puchalsky D, Longley BJ, Swanson A, Zone J (2012). A generalized annular eruption with occasional vesicles. Arch Dermatol, 148(4), 531-6. (Read full article)
- Zone JJ (2009). The value of desmoglein 1 and 3 antibody ELISA testing in patients with pemphigus. Arch Dermatol, 145(5), 585-7. (Read full article)
- Seifert RM, Hull CM, deShazo RA, Powell DL, Rhoads JLW, Zone JJ, Hopkins ZH (2025). The Impact of Allergen Avoidance in Burning Mouth Syndrome: A Case Series. [Letter to the editor]. Dermatitis. (Read full article)
- Taylor TB, Zone JJ (2018). Sensitivity of Transglutaminase 3 in the IgA Aggregates in Dermatitis Herpetiformis Skin to Potassium Iodide. [Letter to the editor]. J Invest Dermatol, 138(9), 2066-2068. (Read full article)
- Hietikko M, Hervonen K, Salmi T, Ilus T, Zone JJ, Kaukinen K, Reunala T, Lindfors K (2018). Disappearance of epidermal transglutaminase and IgA deposits from the papillary dermis of patients with dermatitis herpetiformis after a long-term gluten-free diet. [Letter to the editor]. Br J Dermatol, 178(3), e198-e201. (Read full article)
- Grg A, Nmeth K, Kolev K, Zone JJ, Mayer B, Sill P, Bognr P, Krpti S (2016). Circulating Transglutaminase 3-Immunoglobulin A Immune Complexes in Dermatitis Herpetiformis. [Letter to the editor]. J Invest Dermatol, 136(8), 1729-1731. (Read full article)
- Ohata C, Ishii N, Niizeki H, Shimomura Y, Furumura M, Inoko H, Mitsunaga S, Saiki M, Shigeta M, Fujiwara S, Yamakawa K, Kobayashi S, Kamata M, Inaba M, Ito T, Uhara H, Watanabe R, Ohtoshi S, Ohashi T, Tanaka T, Suzuki M, Sitaru C, Karpati S, Zone JJ, Hashimoto T (2016). Unique characteristics in Japanese dermatitis herpetiformis. [Letter to the editor]. Br J Dermatol, 174(1), 180-3. (Read full article)
- Taylor TB, Schmidt LA, Meyer LJ, Zone JJ (2015). Transglutaminase 3 present in the IgA aggregates in dermatitis herpetiformis skin is enzymatically active and binds soluble fibrinogen. [Letter to the editor]. J Invest Dermatol, 135(2), 623-625. (Read full article)
- Hall CS, Zone JJ, Hull CM (2008). Treatment of recalcitrant disseminated granuloma annulare with hydroxyurea. [Letter to the editor]. J Am Acad Dermatol, 58(3), 525. (Read full article)
- Hull CM, McKenna JK, Zone JJ (2003). Topical corticosteroids and bullous pemphigoid. [Letter to the editor]. Arch Dermatol, 139(2), 225-6. (Read full article)
- Florell SR, Boucher KM, Holden JA, Meyer LJ, Samlowski WE, Cannon-Albright LA, Zone JJ, Leachman SA (2002). Failure to detect differences in proliferation status of nevi from CDKN2A mutation carriers and non-carriers. [Letter to the editor]. J Invest Dermatol, 118(2), 386-7. (Read full article)
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- Egan CA, Reddy D, Nie Z, Taylor TB, Schmidt LA, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Hashimoto T, Marinkovich MP, Zone JJ (2001). IgG anti-LABD97 antibodies in bullous pemphigoid patients' sera react with the mid-portion of the BPAg2 ectodomain. [Letter to the editor]. J Invest Dermatol, 116(2), 348-50. (Read full article)
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- Egan CA, Rallis TM, Zone JJ (1998). Multiple scrotal lymphangiomas (lymphangiectases) treated by carbon dioxide laser ablation. [Letter to the editor]. Br J Dermatol, 139(3), 561-2. (Read full article)
- Smith JB, Fowler JB, Zone JJ (1994). The effect of ibuprofen on serum dapsone levels and disease activity in dermatitis herpetiformis. [Letter to the editor]. Arch Dermatol, 130(2), 257-9. (Read full article)
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- Foutz MW, Egan CA, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). Development of an animal model for IgG medicated bullous pemphigoid disease [Abstract]. J Invest Med, 47, 2.
- Egan CA, Taylor TB, Foutz MW, Florell SR, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). Development of an animal model of bullous pemphigoid characterized by basement membrane zone separation and an eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 112, 531.
- Egan CA, Taylor TB, Foutz MW, Florell SR, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1999). Antibodies in linear IgA bullous dermatosis are heterogeneous [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 112, 578.
- Shimuzu H, Takizawa T, Pulkkine L, Zone JJ, Matsumoto K, Saida T, Uitto J, Nishikawa T (1998). The 97-kDa linear IgA bullous disease antigen is not expressed in a patient with generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis bullosa with a novel homozygous G252X mutation [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 110, 482.
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- Egan CA, Petersen MJ, Meyer LJ, Grant WJ, Morris SE, Saffle JE, Zone JJ (1998). Plasmapheresis as an adjunct treatment in toxic epidermal necrolysis [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 110, 515.
- Egan CA, Hanif N, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1998). Antigen identification in esophageal cictricial pemphigoid [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 110, 515.
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- Smith EP, Taylor TB, Meyer LJ, Petersen MJ, Zone JJ (1997). IgA antibody from cicatricial pemphigoid patients reacts with an intracellular protein of human keratinocytes [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 110, 587.
- Egan CA, Zone JJ (1997). Oral erosive lichen planus: it's association with hepatitis C infection [Abstract]. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 9, S117.
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- Smith EP, Taylor TB, Zone JJ (1994). Circulating IgA anti-basement membrane zone antibodies in mucous membrane pemphigoid recognize two distinct basement membrane zone antigens [Abstract]. J Invest Dermatol, 102, 559.
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