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Kyle R. McKeown
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Kyle R. McKeown, MD, MPH

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

Layton Parkway Clinic

Primary Children’s Hospital Outpatient Services at Layton Hospital, Pediatric Gastroenterology

Primary Children's Hospital

Pediatric Gastroenterology
Salt Lake City

Primary Children's Hospital - Lehi

Pediatric Gastroenterology
  • Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Pediatrics -Primary
    Academic Divisions Gastroenterology, Hepatology, & Nutrition

    Education history

    Fellowship Pediatric Gastroenterology - University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Le Bonheur Children's Hospital Fellow
    Categorical Pediatrics - University of Arizona College of Medicine, Banner - University Medical Center Resident
    Professional Medical Medicine - Research Distinction Track - University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson M.D.
    Epidemiology - University of Arizona M.P.H.
    Undergraduate Major: Biology; Minor: Chemistry - University of Arizona B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Beatty NL, Hager KM, McKeown KR, Mora F, Matthias KR, Nix DE, Mohajer MA (2018). Influenza vaccine availability at urgent care centers in the state of Arizona. Am J Infect Control, 46(8), 946-948. (Read full article)
    2. Pogreba-Brown K, McKeown K, Santana S, Diggs A, Stewart J, Harris RB (2013). Public health in the field and the emergency operations center: methods for implementing real-time onsite syndromic surveillance at large public events. Disaster Med Public Health Prep, 7(5), 467-74. (Read full article)
    3. Lemmon JC, McFarland RJ, Rybicka JM, Balce DR, McKeown KR, Krohn RM, Matsunaga TO, Yates RM (2011). In vitro and in vivo transfection of primary phagocytes via microbubble-mediated intraphagosomal sonoporation. J Immunol Methods, 371(1-2), 152-8. (Read full article)