Board Certification
American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Surgical Critical Care)Patient Rating
5.0 /5( out of 12 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
November 02, 2024UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Thompson has so much compassion and skill. She has a gift for remembering the tiny details about what is going on with her patients both with their burns and in their lives. With every encounter she shows how much she cares. She makes her patients and their families feel like they are the most important people in the world.
November 17, 2023UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Thompson is an outstanding doctor. Kind, caring, respectful, intelligent and bright are the words that I would use to describe her.
October 26, 2023UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSDr. Thompson was professional but very personable and relatable. I appreciated her manner with my daughter's reluctant attitude and the ability to visit with her where she was at to make it a comfortable discussion.
July 02, 2023UH HOSPITALS AND CLINICSI have trusted Dr Thompson for all of my care in a way I have never trusted any physician!
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Primary Academic Divisions General Surgery
Board Certification American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Surgical Critical Care)Education history
Fellowship Burn, Trauma, Critical Care - University of Washington, Harborview Medical Center Fellow Fellowship T-32 Research Fellow - Harborview Medical Center Trauma Research Institute Research Fellow Residency General Surgery - University of Washington School of Medicine Resident Professional Medical Medicine - Meharry Medical College M.D. Undergraduate Neurobiology - University of Washington B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Thompson CM, Acton A, Alexander W, Beyene R, Brownson EG, Carrougher GJ, Christensen B, Hoarle K, Irven J, Johnson LS, Kirkham MP, Lewis GM, Lucio JX, Matagi S, Morris L, Prazak AMB, Price-Smith E, Stuchly B, Webb C, Quinn K, Burn Survivor-Centered Outcomes Research BSCOR Collaborative (2024). Engaging Burn Survivors, Their Families, and the Burn Community in Patient-Centered Outcomes Research: A Burn Survivor- and Burn Community Stakeholder-Generated and Prioritized Research Agenda. J Burn Care Res. (Read full article)
- Stanton EW, Manasyan A, Thompson CM, Patel GP, Lacey AM, Travis TE, Vrouwe SQ, Sheckter CC, Gillenwater J (2024). Venous Thromboembolism Incidence, Risk Factors, and Prophylaxis in Burn Patients: a National Trauma Database Study. J Burn Care Res. (Read full article)
- Yang FF, Monsell SE, Davidson GH, Mogal H, Voldal EC, Hutchinson F, Fannon EEC, Lawrence SO, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Reagan R, Bizzell B, Heagerty PJ, Comstock BA, Lavallee DC, Carter DW, Skeete DA, Alam HB, Glaser J, Mandell KA, Uribe L, Neufeld M, Guiden M, Schaetzel SM, Reiter SA, Millas SG, Winchell R, Thompson CM, Self WH, Kao LS, Dodwad SJ, Salzman D, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Siparsky N, Price TP, Victory J, Jones A, Kutcher M, Liang MK, Cuschieri J, Johnson J, Odom SR, Kessler LG, Flum DR (2023). Appendiceal neoplasms in patients treated with antibiotics for acute appendicitis: secondary analysis of the CODA randomized clinical trial. Br J Surg, 110(12), 1659-1662. (Read full article)
- Flum DR, Rosen JE, Voldal EC, Dodwad S, Hemmila M, Sangji N, Gibbons MM, Siparsky N, Villegas C, Wisler J, Victory J, Hatch Q, Holihan J, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Parsons C, Odom SR, Shapiro NI, Sanchez SE, Drake FT, Fischkoff K, Tichter A, DeUgarte DA, Kaji AH, Evans H, Cuschieri J, Johnson J, Patton JH, Sohn V, McGrane K, Carter DW, Steinberg S, Evans D, Saltzman D, Moran GJ, Foster CS, Tudor B, Price TP, Mandell KA, Ferrigno L, Salzberg M, Skeete DA, Faine BA, Park PK, Alam HB, Kutcher ME, Jones A, Kao LS, Liang MK, Davidson GH, Sabbatini AK, Thompson CM, Self WH, Wiebusch A, Yu JT, Winchell RJ, Clark S, Bizzell B, Comstock B, Fannon E, Heagerty PJ, Kessler LG, Krishnadasan A, Lavallee DC, Lawrence SO, Monsell SE, Pullar K, Talan DA, Wolff E, Weiss M, Deeney K, VanDusen H, Skopin E, Guiden M, Hernandez M, Anderson EE, Campbell DA, Fleming F, Hoyt DB, Tepas JJ, Whitten RW, Kuy SR, Lessler DS, Ballman K, Diflo T, Wolfe B, Morris A, Yealy D, OConnor K, Owens O (2023). Factors associated with recurrent appendicitis after successful treatment with antibiotics. Br J Surg, 110(11), 1482-1489. (Read full article)
- Serrano E, Voldal EC, Machado-Aranda D, DeUgarte DA, Kao L, Drake T, Winchell R, Cuschieri J, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Siparsky N, Ayoung-Chee P, Self WH, McGonagill P, Mandell KA, Liang MK, Dodwad SJ, Thompson CM, Padilla RM, Fleischman R, Price TP, Jones A, Bernardi K, Garcia L, Evans HL, Sanchez SE, Odom S, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Lawrence SO, Monsell SE, Fannon EEC, Kessler LG, Flum DR, Davidson GH, Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative (2023). Trial Participation and Outcomes Among English-Speaking and Spanish-Speaking Patients With Appendicitis Randomized to Antibiotics: A Secondary Analysis of the CODA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg. (Read full article)
- Galicia KE, Thompson CM, Lewis AE, Joyce CJ, Hill DM, Schneider JC, Nyygard RM, Harrington DM, Holmes JH, Moffatt LT, Shupp JW, Kubasiak JC (2023). American Burn Association (ABA) Burn Care Quality Platform (BCQP) and Large Data Set Analysis Considerations: A Practical Guide to Investigating Clinical Questions in Burns via Large Data Sets. J Burn Care Res. (Read full article)
- Mandell SP, Phillips MH, Higginson S, Hoarle K, Hsu N, Phillips B, Thompson C, Weber JM, Weichmann-Murata E, Bessey PQ (2023). Setting the Standard: Using the ABA Burn Registry to Benchmark Risk Adjusted Mortality. J Burn Care Res, 44(2), 240-248. (Read full article)
- Lois A, Kohler JE, Monsell SE, Pullar KM, Victory J, Odom SR, Fischkoff K, Kaji AH, Evans HL, Sohn V, Kao LS, Dodwad SJ, Ehlers AP, Alam HB, Park PK, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Siparsky N, Price TP, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Salzberg M, Jones A, Kutcher ME, Liang MK, Thompson CM, Self WH, Bizzell B, Comstock BA, Lavallee DC, Flum DR, Fannon E, Kessler LG, Heagerty PJ, Lawrence SO, Pham TN, Davidson GH (2023). A Video-Based Consent Tool: Development and Effect of Risk–Benefit Framing on Intention to Randomize. J Surg Res, 283, 357-367. (Read full article)
- Labuz DR, Lewis G, Fleming ID, Thompson CM, Zhai Y, Firpo MA, Leung DT (2023). Targeted multi-omic analysis of human skin tissue identifies alterations of conventional and unconventional T cells associated with burn injury. Elife, 12. (Read full article)
- Thompson CM, Phillips MH, Bessey PQ, Higginson S, Hoarle K, Hsu N, Phillips B, Weber JM, Weichmann-Murata E, Mandell SP (2022). Using a National Burn Registry to Develop a Model for Risk-Adjusted Length of Stay Benchmarking. J Burn Care Res, 44(1), 22-26. (Read full article)
- Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Zhang IY, Voldal EC, Davidson GH, Liao JM, Thompson CM, Self WH, Kao LS, Cherry-Bukowiec J, Raghavendran K, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Gonzalez E, Mandell KA, Ohe K, Siparsky N, Price TP, Evans DC, Victory J, Chiang W, Jones A, Kutcher ME, Ciomperlik H, Liang MK, Evans HL, Faine BA, Neufeld M, Sanchez SE, Krishnadasan A, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Lawrence SO, Monsell SE, Fannon EEC, Kessler LG, Talan DA, Flum DR (2022). Association of Patient Belief About Success of Antibiotics for Appendicitis and Outcomes: A Secondary Analysis of the CODA Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Surg, 157(12), 1080-1087. (Read full article)
- Evans CS, Hart K, Self WH, Nikpay S, Thompson CM, Ward MJ (2022). Burn related injuries: a nationwide analysis of adult inter-facility transfers over a six-year period in the United States. BMC Emerg Med, 22(1), 147. (Read full article)
- Thompson CM, Voldal EC, Davidson GH, Sanchez SE, Ayoung-Chee P, Victory J, Guiden M, Bizzell B, Glaser J, Hults C, Price TP, Siparsky N, Ohe K, Mandell KA, DeUgarte DA, Kaji AH, Uribe L, Kao LS, Mueck KM, Farjah F, Self WH, Clark S, Drake FT, Fischkoff K, Minko E, Cuschieri J, Faine B, Skeete DA, Dhanani N, Liang MK, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Fannon E, Kessler LG, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Monsell SE, Lawrence SO, Flum DR, Lavallee DC, Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative (2022). Perception of Treatment Success and Impact on Function with Antibiotics or Appendectomy for Appendicitis: A Randomized Clinical Trial with an Observational Cohort. Ann Surg, 277(6), 886-93. (Read full article)
- Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Talan DA, Moran GJ, Krishnadasan A, Monsell SE, Faine BA, Uribe L, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Self WH, Shapiro NI, Cuschieri J, Glaser J, Park PK, Price TP, Siparsky N, Sanchez SE, Machado-Aranda DA, Victory J, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Corsa J, Evans HL, Ferrigno L, Garcia L, Hatch Q, Horton MD, Johnson J, Jones A, Kao LS, Kelly A, Kim D, Kutcher ME, Liang MK, Maghami N, McGrane K, Minko E, Mohr C, Neufeld M, Patton JH, Rog C, Rushing A, Sabbatini AK, Salzberg M, Thompson CM, Tichter A, Wisler J, Bizzell B, Fannon E, Lawrence SO, Voldal EC, Lavallee DC, Comstock BA, Heagerty PJ, Davidson GH, Flum DR, Kessler LG (2022). Analysis of Outcomes Associated With Outpatient Management of Nonoperatively Treated Patients With Appendicitis. JAMA Netw Open, 5(7), e2220039. (Read full article)
- Writing Group for the CODA Collaborative, Davidson GH, Monsell SE, Evans H, Voldal EC, Fannon E, Lawrence SO, Krishnadasan A, Talan DA, Bizzell B, Heagerty PJ, Comstock BA, Lavallee DC, Villegas C, Winchell R, Thompson CM, Self WH, Kao LS, Dodwad SJ, Sabbatini AK, Droullard D, Machado-Aranda D, Gibbons MM, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Ferrigno L, Salzberg M, Mandell KA, Siparsky N, Price TP, Raman A, Corsa J, Wisler J, Ayoung-Chee P, Victory J, Jones A, Kutcher M, McGrane K, Holihan J, Liang MK, Cuschieri J, Johnson J, Fischkoff K, Drake FT, Sanchez SE, Odom SR, Kessler LG, Flum DR (2022). Self-selection vs Randomized Assignment of Treatment for Appendicitis. JAMA Surg, 157, 598-608. (Read full article)
- Patil P, Russo KA, McCune JT, Pollins AC, Cottam MA, Dollinger BR, DeJulius CR, Gupta MK, DArcy R, Colazo JM, Yu F, Bezold MG, Martin JR, Cardwell NL, Davidson JM, Thompson CM, Barbul A, Hasty AH, Guelcher SA, Duvall CL (2022). Reactive oxygen species-degradable polythioketal urethane foam dressings to promote porcine skin wound repair. Sci Transl Med, 14(641), eabm6586. (Read full article)
- Monsell SE, Voldal EC, Davidson GH, Fischkoff K, Coleman N, Bizzell B, Price T, Narayan M, Siparsky N, Thompson CM, Ayoung-Chee P, Odom SR, Sanchez S, Drake FT, Johnson J, Cuschieri J, Evans HL, Liang MK, McGrane K, Hatch Q, Victory J, Wisler J, Salzberg M, Ferrigno L, Kaji A, Deugarte DA, Gibbons MM, Alam HB, Scott J, Kao LS, Self WH, Winchell RJ, Villegas CM, Talan DA, Kessler LG, Lavallee DC, Krishnadasan A, Lawrence SO, Comstock B, Fannon E, Flum DR, Heagerty PJ (2022). Patient Factors Associated with Appendectomy Within 30 Days of Initiating Antibiotic Treatment for Appendicitis. JAMA Surg, 157(3), e216900. (Read full article)
- Tran DP, Arnold DH, Thompson CM, Richmond NJ, Gondek S, Kidd RS (2022). Evaluating Discrepancies in Percent Total Body Surface Area Burn Assessments between Prehospital Providers and Burn Center Physicians. J Burn Care Res, 43(1), 225-231. (Read full article)
- Guidry CA, Medvecz AJ, Adams RC, Dennis BM, Eastham SC, Guillamondegui OD, Gunter OL, Peetz AB, Thompson CM, Gondek SP, Nunez TC, Sawyer RG, May AK, Patel MB (2022). Prior Antibiotic Exposure Is Associated With Reoperation After Elective Non-colorectal Surgery. Am Surg, 88(11), 2752-9. (Read full article)
- CODA Collaborative, Flum DR, Davidson GH, Monsell SE, Shapiro NI, Odom SR, Sanchez SE, Drake FT, Fischkoff K, Johnson J, Patton JH, Evans H, Cuschieri J, Sabbatini AK, Faine BA, Skeete DA, Liang MK, Sohn V, McGrane K, Kutcher ME, Chung B, Carter DW, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Rushing A, Steinberg S, Foster CS, Schaetzel SM, Price TP, Mandell KA, Ferrigno L, Salzberg M, DeUgarte DA, Kaji AH, Moran GJ, Saltzman D, Alam HB, Park PK, Kao LS, Thompson CM, Self WH, Yu JT, Wiebusch A, Winchell RJ, Clark S, Krishnadasan A, Fannon E, Lavallee DC, Comstock BA, Bizzell B, Heagerty PJ, Kessler LG, Talan DA (2020). A Randomized Trial Comparing Antibiotics with Appendectomy for Appendicitis. N Engl J Med, 383(20), 1907-1919. (Read full article)
- Brownson EG, Wong J, Cannon C, Thompson CM, Mandell SP, Gibran NS, Muffley L, Pham TN (2018). Combining store-and-forward pictures and videoconferencing for outpatient burn follow-up care. Burns Open, 2(4), 199-203. (Read full article)
Book Chapter
- Thompson CM, Gibran NS, Isik FF (2014). Wound and Soft Tissue Complications: Complications of Wound Repair. In Thompson CM, Gibran NS, Isik FF (Eds.), Complications in Surgery and Trauma: Second Edition (pp. 439-448). (Read full article)
- Davidson GH, Flum DR, Monsell SE, Kao LS, Voldal EC, Heagerty PJ, Fannon E, Lavallee DC, Bizzell B, Lawrence SO, Comstock BA, Krishnadasan A, Winchell RJ, Self WH, Thompson CM, Farjah F, Park PK, Alam HB, Saltzman D, Moran GJ, Kaji AH, DeUgarte DA, Salzberg M, Ferrigno L, Mandell KA, Price TP, Siparsky N, Glaser J, Ayoung-Chee P, Chiang W, Victory J, Chung B, Carter DW, Kutcher ME, Jones A, Holihan J, Liang MK, Faine BA, Cuschieri J, Evans HL, Johnson J, Patton JH, Coleman N, Fischkoff K, Drake FT, Sanchez SE, Parsons C, Odom SR, Kessler LG, Talan DA (2021). Antibiotics versus Appendectomy for Acute Appendicitis - Longer-Term Outcomes [Letter to the editor]. N Engl J Med, 385(25), 2395-2397. (Read full article)