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Eric M. Christiansen
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Eric M. Christiansen, MD

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

University of Utah Hospital

Salt Lake City
  • Specialties

  • Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Radiology & Imaging Sciences -Primary

    Education history

    Fellowship Neuroradiology - Barrow Neurological Institute Fellow
    Chief Resident Radiology - St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center Chief Resident
    Residency Radiology - St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center Resident
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Minnesota Medical School M.D.
    Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering, Physiology - University of Minnesota B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Christiansen EM, Kang P, Hughes JN (2022). Incidence and clinical significance of epidural fluid signal on spinal magnetic resonance imaging after image-guided lumbar puncture in adults. Clin Imaging, 86, 20-24. (Read full article)
    2. Christiansen E, Singh N, Trahan A, Tokman S, Row D, Kalinkin O (2020). Pneumatosis Intestinalis in Adult Bilateral Lung Transplant Patients: A Single Institution Experience and Literature Review. Case Rep Transplant, 2020, 5023948. (Read full article)
    3. Siddiqui A, Kunda R, Tyberg A, Arain MA, Noor A, Mumtaz T, Iqbal U, Loren DE, Kowalski TE, Adler DG, Saumoy M, Gaidhane M, Mallery S, Christiansen EM, Nieto J, Kahaleh M (2018). Three-way comparative study of endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural gallbladder drainage using lumen-apposing metal stents versus endoscopic transpapillary drainage versus percutaneous cholecystostomy for gallbladder drainage in high-risk surgical patients with acute cholecystitis: clinical outcomes and success in an International, Multicenter Study. Surg Endosc, 33(4), 1260-1270. (Read full article)