Board Certification
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (Neuro-oncology)Patient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 101 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 21, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERI had a difficult ability to explain my feelings'I went through so many observations, tests, evaluations, high care and extremely tough outlooks on me. In all honesty, I got interesting evaluations that were difficult to make. I watched a number of other patients that were far worse than I was. This medicinal spot is highly achievable in what I can see.
December 19, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr. Malani is truly amazing and is a doctor who truly cares. She doesn't just see her patients as data. She has impressed not just me but every person I've brought with me to my appointments. They all leave telling me that I'm blessed to have her as my Doctor.
November 09, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERNever met her before the other day, but MD Malani hit me with great stuff. I have no idea just how important everything was in my treatments. I'm not certain how well I'm going to do, or if I've got more lifestyle in my future. My mind is blanketed in so many ways. Everyone from family to professional MD-connections have given me solid information.
October 31, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr. Malani is a great Dr.
October 21, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr Malanis is very kind, thorough, knowledgeable and professional.
October 19, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERDr Malani is an amazing doctor. She is compassionate and truly listens. You can tell she cares and has a passion for what she does. She listens and I feel like a person and not just a cancer patient. I'm thankful for her being my doctor.
July 12, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTEREs una Doctora muy profesional en su trabajo es muy amable y muy atenta
June 13, 2024HUNTSMAN CANCER CENTERShe's amazing dr
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Neurosurgery -Primary Board Certification American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Neurology)United Council for Neurologic Subspecialties (Neuro-oncology)Education history
Fellowship Neuro-Oncology - Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center Fellow Residency Neurology - State University of New York Downstate Medical Center Resident Internship Internal Medicine - State University of New York Downstate Medical Center Intern Professional Medical Medicine - University of Sheffield M.B.Ch.B. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Valerius AR, Webb MJ, Hammad N, Sener U, Malani R (2024). Cerebrospinal Fluid Liquid Biopsies in the Evaluation of Adult Gliomas. Curr Oncol Rep, 26(4), 377-390.
- Bian DJH, Lazaratos AM, Maritan SM, Quaiattini A, Zeng Z, Zhu Z, Sener U, Malani R, Kim YJ, Ichihara E, Cohen V, Rose AAN, Bouganim N, Dankner M (2024). Osimertinib is associated with improved outcomes in pre-treated non-small cell lung cancer leptomeningeal metastases: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Heliyon, 10(9), e29668.
- Bhatia A, Moreno R, Reiner AS, Nandakumar S, Walch HS, Malani R, Panageas KS, Mellinghoff IK, Bale TA, Young RJ (2024). Tumor Volume Growth as Surrogate Endpoint in IDH-mt Glioma-Response. Clin Cancer Res, 30(3), 639.
- Puri S, Malani R, Chalmers A, Kerrigan K, Patel SB, Monynahan K, Cannon L, Blouw B, Akerley W (2023). Keeping a track on leptomeningeal disease in non-small cell lung cancer: A single-institution experience with CNSide(TM). Neurooncol Adv, 6(1), vdad150. (Read full article)
- Malani R, Bhatia A, Warner AB, Yang JT (2023). Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis from Solid Tumor Malignancies: Treatment Strategies and Biomarkers. Seminars in Neurology, 43(6), 859-866. (Read full article)
- Bhatia A, Moreno R, Reiner AS, Nandakumar S, Walch HS, Thomas TM, Nicklin PJ, Choi Y, Skakodub A, Malani R, Prabhakaran V, Tiwari P, Diaz M, Panageas KS, Mellinghoff IK, Bale TA, Young RJ (2023). Tumor Volume Growth Rates and Doubling Times during Active Surveillance of IDH-mutant Low-Grade Glioma. Clin Cancer Res. (Read full article)
- Huang Y, Moreno R, Malani R, Meng A, Swinburne N, Holodny AI, Choi Y, Rusinek H, Golomb JB, George A, Parra LC, Young RJ (2022). Deep Learning Achieves Neuroradiologist-Level Performance in Detecting Hydrocephalus Requiring Treatment. J Digit Imaging, 35(6), 1662-1672. (Read full article)
- Yang JT, Wijetunga NA, Pentsova E, Wolden S, Young RJ, Correa D, Zhang Z, Zheng J, Steckler A, Bucwinska W, Bernstein A, Betof Warner A, Yu H, Kris MG, Seidman AD, Wilcox JA, Malani R, Lin A, DeAngelis LM, Lee NY, Powell SN, Boire A (2022). Randomized Phase II Trial of Proton Craniospinal Irradiation Versus Photon Involved-Field Radiotherapy for Patients With Solid Tumor Leptomeningeal Metastasis. J Clin Oncol, 40(33), 3858-3867. (Read full article)
- Ferraro E, Singh J, Patil S, Razavi P, Modi S, Chandarlapaty S, Barrio AV, Malani R, Mellinghoff IK, Boire A, Wen HY, Brogi E, Seidman AD, Norton L, Robson ME, Dang CT (2022). Incidence of brain metastases in patients with early HER2-positive breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant chemotherapy with trastuzumab and pertuzumab. NPJ Breast Cancer, 8(1), 37. (Read full article)
- Wijetunga NA, Boire A, Young RJ, Yamada Y, Wolden S, Yu H, Kris M, Seidman A, Betof-Warner A, Diaz M, Reiner A, Malani R, Pentsova E, Yang JT (2021). Quantitative cerebrospinal fluid circulating tumor cells are a potential biomarker of response for proton craniospinal irradiation for leptomeningeal metastasis. Neurooncol Adv, 3(1), vdab181. (Read full article)
- Ho KG, Bale T, Grommes C, Bhatia A, Malani R (2021). Use of circulating tumor DNA to guide treatment of primary central nervous system lymphoma: a case report. Neurooncol Adv, 3(1), vdab143. (Read full article)
- Malani R, Fleisher M, Kumthekar P, Lin X, Omuro A, Groves MD, Lin NU, Melisko M, Lassman AB, Jeyapalan S, Seidman A, Skakodub A, Boire A, DeAngelis LM, Rosenblum M, Raizer J, Pentsova E (2020). Cerebrospinal fluid circulating tumor cells as a quantifiable measurement of leptomeningeal metastases in patients with HER2 positive cancer. J Neurooncol, 148(3), 599-606. (Read full article)
- Gusdon AM, Nyquist PA, Torres-Lopez VM, Leasure AC, Falcone GJ, Sheth KN, Sansing LH, Hanley DF, Malani R (2019). Perihematomal Edema After Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Patients With Active Malignancy. Stroke, 51(1), 129-136. (Read full article)
- Gusdon AM, Cho SM, Mayasi Y, Malani R, Pttgen HA, Duffield A, Bolaos-Meade J, Lim M (2019). Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Resulting in Hemorrhagic Brain Masses After Sepsis. Neurohospitalist, 10(1), 64-68. (Read full article)
- Bhatia A, Birger M, Veeraraghavan H, Um H, Tixier F, McKenney AS, Cugliari M, Caviasco A, Bialczak A, Malani R, Flynn J, Zhang Z, Yang TJ, Santomasso BD, Shoushtari AN, Young RJ (2019). MRI radiomic features are associated with survival in melanoma brain metastases treated with immune checkpoint inhibitors. Neuro Oncol, 21(12), 1578-1586. (Read full article)
- Sener U, Matin N, Yu H, Lin A, Yang TJ, Malani R (2019). Radiographic appearance of leptomeningeal disease in patients with EGFR-mutated non-small-cell lung carcinoma treated with tyrosine kinase inhibitors: a case series. CNS Oncol, 8(4), CNS42. (Read full article)
- Malani R, Bhatia A, Wolfe J, Grommes C (2019). Staging identifies non-CNS malignancies in a large cohort with newly diagnosed lymphomatous brain lesions. Leuk Lymphoma, 60(9), 2278-2282. (Read full article)
- Gusdon AM, Malani R, Chen X (2019). Clinical and EEG Characteristics of Ifosfamide-Related Encephalopathy. J Clin Neurophysiol, 36(2), 150-154. (Read full article)
- Kaplan A, Li MJ, Malani R (2022). Treatments on the Horizon: Breast Cancer Patients with Central Nervous System Metastases. [Review]. Curr Oncol Rep, 24(3), 343-350. (Read full article)
- Dominguez M, Malani R (2021). Stroke-Like Migraine Attacks After Radiation Therapy (SMART) Syndrome: A Comprehensive Review. [Review]. Curr Pain Headache Rep, 25(5), 33. (Read full article)
- Malani R (2020). A view on the landscape of breast cancer brain metastases. CNS Oncol, 9(3), CNS59. (Read full article)
Clinical Trials
- Phase 1 and Randomized Phase II Trial of Selinexor and Temozolomide in Recurrent Glioblastoma
- Phase 1 and Randomized Phase II Trial of Selinexor and Temozolomide in Recurrent Glioblastoma
- Phase 1 and Randomized Phase II Trial of Selinexor and Temozolomide in Recurrent Glioblastoma
- Phase 1 and Randomized Phase II Trial of Selinexor and Temozolomide in Recurrent Glioblastoma
- Phase II Study to Assess Safety and Preliminary Evidence of a Therapeutic Effect of Azeliragon in Patients with MGMT Unmethylated Glioblastoma