Board Certification
American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)National Board of Medical ExaminersPatient Rating
4.9 /5( out of 27 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 15, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S LEHI CAMPUSDr. Short was very kind, thorough, and knowledgeable. He listened to our questions and concerns and addressed each of them. He included us in very big decisions, which I appreciated very much.
November 08, 2024EXTERNAL SITEHe is a great Dr very caring and profesional
October 29, 2024EXTERNAL SITEHe was very thorough and explained the pros as well as the cons to surgery. He wanted to make sure he was transparent and made sure to let us know.
July 30, 2024PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERI had a lot of questions. He explained all of them with answers I would understand, plus photos explaining it. He made me feel like he cared and was listening and took all my concerns into consideration.
September 30, 2023RIVERTON CLINICSDr. Short was attentive, engaging, personable and did a great job explaining everything. I'd recommend him for sure!
June 02, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERDr. Short was so professional and treated us like we were his only patient. He took time to listen to our concerns and questions and answered each one in a way we could understand.
April 18, 2023PRIMARY CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTERAmazing he was amazing from the beginning and all the way thru. He is truly one of the best
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Surgery -Primary Academic Divisions Pediatric Surgery
Board Certification American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)American Board of Surgery (Sub: Pediatric Surgery)National Board of Medical ExaminersEducation history
Fellowship Pediatric Surgery - University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow Chief Resident General Surgery - Cedars Sinai Medical Center Administrative Chief Resident Fellowship Clinical Scholars Program - Cedars Sinai Medical Center Clinical Research Fellow Fellowship Pediatric Surgery - Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Clinical Research Fellow Residency General Surgery - Cedars Sinai Medical Center Resident Internship General Surgery - University of California Davis Medical Center Intern Professional Medical Medicine - Temple University School of Medicine M.D. Undergraduate Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - University of California, Santa Barbara B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Alexander AJ, Short SS, Austin K, Avansino JR, Badillo A, Calkins CM, Crady RC, Durham MM, Fuller MK, Reeder RW, Rentea RM, Saadai P, Speck KE, Wood RJ, Harris JC, Rollins MD, Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (2024). Outcomes Following Fecal Diversion for Intractable Hirschsprung Associated Enterocolitis: A Study From the Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium. J Pediatr Surg, 60(3), 162078. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Riehle KJ, Utria A, Lautz TB, Ott KC, Murphy AJ, Mansfield S, Lal DR, Hallis B, Murphy JT, Roach JP, Polites SF, Beckhorn C, Tracy ET, Fialkowski EA, Seemann NM, Btter AM, Rich BS, Glick RD, Bondoc AJ, Ofori-Atta BS, Presson AP, Chen SY, Zamora AK, Kim ES, Vasudevan S, Rinehardt HN, Malek MM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Superina RA, Langham MR, Meyers RL, Tiao G, Dasgupta R, Baertschiger R (2024). Management of undifferentiated embryonal sarcoma of the liver: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 71(6), e30975. (Read full article)
- Wheeler JC, Short SS, Rollins MD (2024). Anorectal Manometry in Pediatric Colorectal Surgical Care. Children (Basel), 11(6). (Read full article)
- Russell KW, Skarda DE, Jones TW, Barnhart DC, Short SS (2023). Cessation of Antibiotics for Complicated Appendicitis at Discharge Does Not Increase Risk of Post-operative Infection. J Pediatr Surg, 59(1), 91-95. (Read full article)
- Brown N, Swendiman R, Barnhart D, Short S, Rollins M (2023). Rectal duplication associated with rectoperineal fistula: A case report. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 98. (Read full article)
- Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Ehrlich PF, Aldrink JH, Murphy AJ, Lautz T, Dasgupta R, Short SS, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Kim ES, Newman E, Lal DR, Rich BS, Pich N, Kastenberg ZJ, Malek MM, Glick RD, Petroze RT, Polites SF, Whitlock R, Alore E, Sutthatarn P, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Romao RL, Al-Hadidi A, Rubalcava NS, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Johnson M, Boehmer C, Rinehardt H, Seemann NM, Davidson J, Polcz V, Lund SB, McKay KG, Correa H, Rothstein DH (2023). Management and Outcomes of Wilms Tumor with Suprarenal Intravascular Extension: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Ann Surg. (Read full article)
- Iantorno SE, Rollins MD, Austin K, Avansino JR, Badillo A, Calkins CM, Crady RC, Dickie BH, Durham MM, Frischer JS, Fuller MK, Grabowski JE, Ralls MW, Reeder RW, Rentea RM, Saadai P, Wood RJ, van Leeuwen KD, Short SS, Pediatric Colorectal and Pelvic Learning Consortium (2023). Rectal Prolapse Following Repair of Anorectal Malformation: Incidence, Risk Factors, and Management. J Pediatr Surg, 58(8), 1588-1593. (Read full article)
- Roberts B, Cooke-Barber J, Ingram MC, Danko M, Trudeau M, Glick RD, Short SS, Robertson DJ, Raval MV, Dasgupta R, Rich BS, American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Surgery Delivery of Surgical Care Committee (2023). Disparities in care of pediatric, adolescent, and young adult patients with solid tumors: A systematic review. Pediatr Blood Cancer, e30355. (Read full article)
- Iantorno SE, Short SS, Skarda DE, Rollins MD, Bucher BT (2023). Decreased incidence of Hirschsprung-associated enterocolitis during COVID-19 across United States Children's hospitals. J Pediatr Surg. (Read full article)
- Skarda DE, Danko ME, Glick RD, Guner YS, Le HD, Rich BS, Robertson DJ, Short SS, Weiss RG, Van Arendonk KJ, Raval MV, Delivery of Surgical Care Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics Section on Surgery (2023). Dollars and Sense: The Business of Pediatric Surgery. J Surg Res, 285, 220-228. (Read full article)
- Tobias J, Padilla BE, Lee J, Chen S, Wang KS, Kelley-Quon LI, Mueller C, Shew SB, Joskowitz K, Ignacio RC Jr, Evans LL, Jensen AR, Acker SN, Mason A, Johnson A, McConahey J, Hansen E, Pandya SR, Short SS, Russell KW, Nicassio L, Smith CA, Fialkowski E (2022). Standardized perioperative care reduces colorectal surgical site infection in children: A Western Pediatric Surgery Research Consortium multicenter analysis. J Pediatr Surg, 58(1), 45-51. (Read full article)
- Al-Hadidi A, Rinehardt HN, Sutthatarn P, Talbot LJ, Murphy AJ, Whitlock R, Condon S, Naik-Mathuria B, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Chen SY, Wong-Michalak S, Kim ES, Short SS, Meyers RL, Kastenberg ZJ, Johnston ME 2nd, Zens T, Dasgupta R, Malek MM, Calabro K, Pich N, Callas H, Lautz TB, McKay K, Lovvorn HN 3rd, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Lund SB, Polites SF, Davidson J, Dhooma J, Seemann NM, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, Maloney L, Radu S, Fialkowski EA, Kwok PE, Romao RLP, Rubalcava N, Ehrlich PF, Newman E, Diehl T, Le HD, Polcz V, Petroze RT, Stanek J, Aldrink JH (2022). Incidence and management of pleural effusions in patients with Wilms tumor: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Int J Cancer, 151, 1696-1702. (Read full article)
- Rich BS, Fishbein J, Lautz T, Rubalcava NS, Kartal T, Newman E, Wok PE, Romao RL, Whitlock R, Naik-Mathuria B, Polites SF, Lfberg K, Lascano D, Kim E, Davidson J, Btter A, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Mastropolo R, Malek MM, Weller J, Irfan A, Rhee DS, Utria AF, Rothstein DH, Riehle K, Commander SJ, Tracy E, Becktell K, Hallis B, Lal D, Li O, Dal-Soglio DB, Pich N, Gomez Quevedo O, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Cooke Barber J, Watters E, Dasgupta R, Glick RD (2022). Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor: A Multi-Institutional Study from the Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative. Int J Cancer, 151, 1059-1067. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Kastenberg ZJ, Wei G, Bondoc A, Dasgupta R, Tiao GM, Watters E, Heaton TE, Lotakis D, La Quaglia MP, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Mansfield SA, Langham MR, Lautz TB, Superina RA, Ott KC, Malek MM, Morgan KM, Kim ES, Zamora A, Lascano D, Roach J, Murphy JT, Rothstein DH, Vasudevan SA, Whitlock R, Lal DR, Hallis B, Btter A, Baertschiger RM, Lapidus-Krol E, Putra J, Tracy ER, Aldrink JH, Apfeld J, Le HD, Park KY, Rich BS, Glick RD, Fialkowski EA, Utria AF, Meyers RL, Riehle KJ (2022). Histologic type predicts disparate outcomes in pediatric hepatocellular neoplasms: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Cancer, 128, 2786-2795. (Read full article)
- Morgan KM, Anderson KT, Johnston ME, Dasgupta R, Crowley JJ, Fahy AS, Lapidus-Krol E, Baertschiger RM, Lautz TB, Many BT, Marquart JP, Gainer H, Lal DR, Rich BS, Glick RD, MacArthur TA, Polites SF, Kastenberg ZJ, Short SS, Meyers RL, Talbot L, Abdelhafeez A, Prajapati H, Davidoff AM, Rubaclava N, Newman E, Ehrlich PF, Rothstein DH, Roach JP, Ladd P, Janek KC, Le HD, Leraas HJ, Tracy ET, Bisset L, Mora MC, Warren P, Aldrink JH, Malek MM (2022). Interhospital variability in localization techniques for small pulmonary nodules in children: A pediatric surgical oncology research collaborative study. J Pediatr Surg, 57, 1013-1017. (Read full article)
- Polites SF, Heaton TE, LaQuaglia MP, Kim ES, Barry WE, Goodhue CJ, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Langham MR, Meyers RL, Short SS, Lautz TB, Glick RD, Vasudevan SA, Bence CM, Lal DR, Baertschiger RM, Emr B, Malek MM, Dasgupta R (2020). Pneumonectomy for Pediatric Tumors-a Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Ann Surg, 274(6), e605-e609. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Wynne EK, Zobell S, Gaddis K, Rollins MD (2021). Most children experience resolution of idiopathic pediatric rectal prolapse with bowel management alone. J Pediatr Surg, 57(10), 354-358. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Rollins MD, Zobell S, Torres H, Guthery S (2021). Decreased ER visits and readmission after implementation of a standardized perioperative toolkit for children with IBD. J Pediatr Surg, 57, 604-609. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Zobell S, Gaddis K, Mammen L, Wynne EK, Rollins MD (2021). Use of expedited post-operative protocol for children undergoing appendicostomy reduces length of hospitalization. J Pediatr Surg, 57, 406-409. (Read full article)
- Lautz TB, Farooqui Z, Jenkins T, Heaton TE, Doski JJ, Cooke-Barber J, Murphy AJ, Davidoff AM, Mansfield SA, Kim ES, Zuber S, Goodhue C, Vasudevan SA, LaQuaglia MP, Piche N, Le-Nguyen A, Aldrink JH, Malek MM, Siow VS, Glick RD, Rich BS, Meyers RL, Short SS, Butter A, Baertschiger RM, Fialkowski EA, Dasgupta R (2020). Thoracoscopy vs thoracotomy for the management of metastatic osteosarcoma: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Int J Cancer, 148(5), 1164-1171. (Read full article)
- Pruitt LCC, Kastenberg ZJ, Fenton SJ, Short SS (2020). Early use of autologous blood patch pleurodesis in children is successful in resolving persistent air leaks. J Pediatr Surg, 56(3), 629-631. (Read full article)
- Pruitt LCC, Bucher BT, Allen CM, Short SS (2020). Early ileal pouch anal anastomosis for ulcerative colitis in children: Similar outcome to delayed pouch construction despite higher comorbidity. J Pediatr Surg, 56(2), 245-249. (Read full article)
- Many BT, Lautz TB, Dobrozsi S, Wilkinson KH, Rossoff J, Le-Nguyen A, Dakhallah N, Piche N, Weinschenk W, Cooke-Barker J, Goodhue C, Zamora A, Kim ES, Talbot LJ, Quevedo OG, Murphy AJ, Commander SJ, Tracy ET, Short SS, Meyers RL, Rinehardt HN, Aldrink JH, Heaton TE, Ortiz MV, Baertschiger R, Wong KE, Lapidus-Krol E, Butter A, Davidson J, Stark R, Ramaraj A, Malek M, Mastropolo R, Morgan K, Murphy JT, Janek K, Le HD, Dasgupta R, Lal DR, PEDIATRIC SURGICAL ONCOLOGY RESEARCH COLLABORATIVE (2020). Appendectomy Versus Observation for Appendicitis in Neutropenic Children With Cancer. Pediatrics, 147(2). (Read full article)
- Harris CJ, Helenowski I, Murphy AJ, Mansfield SA, LaQuaglia MP, Heaton TE, Cavalli M, Murphy JT, Newman E, Overmen RE, Kartal TT, Cooke-Barber J, Donaher A, Malek MM, Kalsi R, Kim ES, Zobel MJ, Goodhue CJ, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Jefferson IN, Roach JP, Mata C, Pich N, Joharifard S, Sultan S, Short SS, Meyers RL, Bleicher J, Le HD, Janek K, Btter A, Davidson J, Aldrink JH, Richards HW, Tracy ET, Commander SJ, Fialkowski EA, Troutt M, Dasgupta R, Lautz TB (2020). Implications of Tumor Characteristics and Treatment Modality on Local Recurrence and Functional Outcomes in Children with Chest Wall Sarcoma: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative Study. Ann Surg. (Read full article)
- Taylor MA, West WB, Guthery SL, Deneau M, Short SS (2020). Ketorolac after colectomy for ulcerative colitis in children: An analysis of opioid utilization and postoperative complications. J Pediatr Surg, 55(11), 2393-2396. (Read full article)
- Vasudevan SA, Ha TN, Zhu H, Heaton TE, LaQuaglia MP, Murphy JT, Barry WE, Goodhue C, Kim ES, Aldrink JH, Polites SF, Leraas HJ, Rice HE, Tracy ET, Lautz TB, Superina RA, Davidoff AM, Langham MR Jr, Murphy AJ, Btter A, Davidson J, Glick RD, Grijalva J, Gow KW, Ehrlich PF, Newman EA, Lal DR, Malek MM, Le-Nguyen A, Pich N, Rothstein DH, Short SS, Meyers R, Dasgupta R (2020). Pancreaticoduodenectomy for the treatment of pancreatic neoplasms in children: A Pediatric Surgical Oncology Research Collaborative study. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 67(9), e28425. (Read full article)
- Overman RE, Kartal TT, Cunningham AJ, Fialkowski EA, Naik-Mathuria BJ, Vasudevan SA, Malek MM, Kalsi R, Le HD, Stafford LC, Lautz TB, Many BT, Jones RE, Btter A, Davidson J, Williams A, Dasgupta R, Lewis J, Troutt M, Aldrink JH, Mansfield SA, Lal DR, Xiao J, Meyers RL, Short SS, Newman EA (2020). Optimization of percutaneous biopsy for diagnosis and pretreatment risk assessment of neuroblastoma. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 67(5), e28153. (Read full article)
- Kastenberg ZJ, Wall N, Malhotra N, Zobell S, Mammen L, Short SS, Rollins MD (2019). The effect of multidisciplinary colorectal center development on short-term hospital readmissions for patients with anorectal malformations or Hirschsprung disease. J Pediatr Surg, 55(3), 541-544. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Fluchel M, Barnhart DC (2019). Extrapleural pneumonectomy for advanced pleuropulmonary blastoma. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 43, 53-57. (Read full article)
- Murphy J, Yost CC, Short S, Alashari M, Chan B (2018). Black eschar on a 4-day-old preterm infant. Neoreviews, 19(9), e564-e568. (Read full article)
- Bennett E, Aljabari S, Short S, Scaife E, Poss W (2018). Perioperative extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in traumatic bronchial avulsion. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 35, 35-38. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Fenton SJ, Scaife ER, Bucher BT (2017). Helmet under-utilization by children during equestrian events is associated with increased traumatic brain injury. J Pediatr Surg, 53(3), 545-547. (Read full article)
- Short S, Kimble K, Zhai S, Frykman G, Frykman P (2012). A low-cost improvised nerve stimulator is equivalent to high-cost muscle stimulator for anorectal malformation surgery. Eur J Pediatr Surg, 23(1), 25-8. (Read full article)
- Short S, Liou D, Singer M, Bloom M, Margulies D, Bukur M, Salim A, Ley E (2013). Insurance type, not race, predicts mortality after pediatric trauma. J Surg Res, 184(1), 383-387. (Read full article)
- Short SS, Zmora O, Hunter CJ, Wang L, Siegel S, Ford HR (2013). Large clear cell sarcoma of the kidney mistaken as Wilms tumor. J Pediatr Surg Case Rep, 1(8), 235-238. (Read full article)
- Roberts B, Cooke-Barber J, Ingram MC, Danko M, Trudeau M, Glick RD, Short SS, Robertson DJ, Raval MV, Dasgupta R, Rich BS (2023). Disparities in care of pediatric, adolescent, and young adult patients with solid tumors: A systematic review. [Review]. Pediatr Blood Cancer, 70(7). (Read full article)
Book Chapter
- Short SS, Rollins MD (2020). Evaluation of the pediatric surgical patient. In Short SS|Rollins MD (Ed.), Pearls and Tricks in Pediatric Surgery (pp. 1-5). (Read full article)
- Papillon SC, Short SS, Ford HR (2020). Necrotizing Enterocolitis. In Papillon SC|Short SS|Ford HR (Ed.), Pediatric Surgery: General Principles and Newborn Surgery: Volume 1 (1, pp. 963-971). (Read full article)
- Short SS, Papillon SC, Ford HR (2020). Sepsis. In Short SS|Papillon SC|Ford HR (Ed.), Pediatric Surgery: General Principles and Newborn Surgery: Volume 1 (1, pp. 461-476). (Read full article)
- Papillon SC, Short SS, Ford HR (2017). Necrotizing enterocolitis. In Papillon SC|Short SS|Ford HR (Ed.), Newborn Surgery, Fourth Edition (pp. 653-659). (Read full article)
- Short S, Burke R, Jensen A, Berg B, Goodhue C, Barthel E, Upperman J (2013). Management strategies for children during natural disasters. In Short S|Burke R|Jensen A|Berg B|Goodhue C|Barthel E|Upperman J (Ed.), Natural Disasters: Prevention, Risk Factors and Management (pp. 111-140). (Read full article)
- Barthel E, Burke R, Vee P, Short S, Berg B, Muller V, Wetzel R, Upperman J (2013). Information technology and simulation in disaster management. In Barthel E|Burke R|Vee P|Short S|Berg B|Muller V|Wetzel R|Upperman J (Ed.), Natural Disasters: Prevention, Risk Factors and Management (pp. 223-242). (Read full article)
Case Report
- Moores NG, Luo J, Pires G, Moss W, Short S, Bollo RJ, Randall RL, Agarwal JP (2022). Transverse Rectus Abdominis Muscle Flow-Through to Free Fibula Flap for Lumbar Spinal Reconstruction in a Pediatric Patient: A Case Report. JBJS Case Connect, 12(1). (Read full article)