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Tyler Richards
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Tyler Richards, MD

Languages spoken: English
  • Specialties

    Board Certification

    American Board of Radiology (Diagnostic Radiology)
    American Board of Radiology (Neuroradiology)
  • Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Radiology & Imaging Sciences -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Radiology (Diagnostic Radiology)
    American Board of Radiology (Neuroradiology)

    Education history

    Fellowship Spine - University of Utah School of Medicine Mini-Fellowship
    Fellowship Neuroradiology - University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow
    Residency Radiology - University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Chief Resident
    Residency Radiology - University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center Resident
    Internship University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Mercy Transitional Internship
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine M.D.
    Undergraduate Biochemistry; Neuroscience Minor - Miami University B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Hu Z, Patel M, Ball RL, Lin HM, Prevedello LM, Naseri M, Mathur S, Moreland R, Wilson J, Witiw C, Yeom KW, Ha Q, Hanley D, Seferbekov S, Chen H, Singer P, Henkel C, Pfeiffer P, Pan I, Sheoran H, Li W, Flanders AE, Kitamura FC, Richards T, Talbott J, Sejdi E, Colak E (2024). Assessing the Performance of Models from the 2022 RSNA Cervical Spine Fracture Detection Competition at a Level I Trauma Center. Radiol Artif Intell, 6(6), e230550. (Read full article)
    2. Rudie JD, Lin HM, Ball RL, Jalal S, Prevedello LM, Nicolaou S, Marinelli BS, Flanders AE, Magudia K, Shih G, Davis MA, Mongan J, Chang PD, Berger FH, Hermans S, Law M, Richards T, Grunz JP, Kunz AS, Mathur S, Galea-Soler S, Chung AD, Afat S, Kuo CC, Aweidah L, Villanueva Campos A, Somasundaram A, Sanchez Tijmes FA, Jantarangkoon A, Kayat Bittencourt L, Brassil M, El Hajjami A, Dogan H, Becircic M, Bharatkumar AG, Jdice de Mattos Farina EM, Colak E, Dataset Curator Group, Dataset Contributor Group, Dataset Annotator Group (2024). The RSNA Abdominal Traumatic Injury CT (RATIC) Dataset. Radiol Artif Intell, 6(6), e240101. (Read full article)
    3. Kitamura FC, Prevedello LM, Colak E, Halabi SS, Lungren MP, Ball RL, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Kahn CE Jr, Richards T, Talbott JF, Shih G, Lin HM, Andriole KP, Vazirabad M, Erickson BJ, Flanders AE, Mongan J (2024). Lessons Learned in Building Expertly Annotated Multi-Institution Datasets and Hosting the RSNA AI Challenges. Radiol Artif Intell, 6(3), e230227. (Read full article)
    4. Lee GR, Flanders AE, Richards T, Kitamura F, Colak E, Lin HM, Ball RL, Talbott J, Prevedello LM (2024). Performance of the Winning Algorithms of the RSNA 2022 Cervical Spine Fracture Detection Challenge. Radiol Artif Intell, 6(1). (Read full article)
    5. Hoshina Y, Wright MA, Warner JEA, Richards T, Salzman KL, Pulst SM, Spoth E, Clardy SL (2023). Pearls & Oy-sters: ATX-FGF14 Mimicking Autoimmune Pathology. Neurology, 101(14), E1478-E1482. (Read full article)
    6. Lin HM, Colak E, Richards T, Kitamura FC, Prevedello LM, Talbott J, Ball RL, Gumeler E, Yeom KW, Hamghalam M, Simpson AL, Strika J, Bulja D, Angkurawaranon S, Prez-Lara A, Gmez-Alonso MI, Jimnez JO, Peoples JJ, Law M, Dogan H, Altinmakas E, Youssef A, Mahfouz Y, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Flanders AE (2023). The RSNA Cervical Spine Fracture CT Dataset. Radiol Artif Intell, 5(5). (Read full article)
    7. Roberts J, Kim SE, Kholmovski EG, Hitchcock Y, Richards TJ, Anzai Y (2023). The arterial input function: Spatial dependence within the imaging volume and its influence on 3D quantitative dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI for head and neck cancer. Magn Reson Imaging, 101, 40-46. (Read full article)
    8. Lin HM, Colak E, Richards T, Kitamura FC, Prevedello LM, Talbott J, Ball RL, Gumeler E, Yeom KW, Hamghalam M, Simpson AL, Strika J, Bulja D, Angkurawaranon S, Prez-Lara A, Gmez-Alonso MI, Ortiz Jimnez J, Peoples JJ, Law M, Dogan H, Altinmakas E, Youssef A, Mahfouz Y, Kalpathy-Cramer J, Flanders AE, RSNA-ASSR-ASNR Annotators and the Dataset Curation Contributors (2023). The RSNA Cervical Spine Fracture CT Dataset. Radiol Artif Intell, 5(5), e230034. (Read full article)
    9. Findlay MC, Yost S, Bauer SZ, Cole KL, Henson JC, Lucke-Wold B, Mehkri Y, Abou-Al-Shaar H, Plute T, Friedman L, Richards T, Wiggins R, Karsy M (2023). Application of Radiomics to the Differential Diagnosis of Temporal Bone Skull Base Lesions: A Pilot Study. World Neurosurg, 172, e540-e554. (Read full article)
    10. Crabb BT, Hamrick F, Richards T, Eiswirth P, Noo F, Hsiao A, Fine GC (2023). Deep Learning Subtraction Angiography: Improved Generalizability with Transfer Learning. J Vasc Interv Radiol, 34(3), 409-419.e2. (Read full article)
    11. Richards TJ, Durieux JC, Nayate AP (2022). How Are We Handling Fluoroscopy-Guided Lumbar Puncture Requests? A Nationwide Survey of Practice Trends. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 43(12), 1827-1833. (Read full article)
    12. Richards TJ, Anderson KL, Anderson JS (2021). "Fully automated segmentation of the corticospinal tract using the TractSeg algorithm in patients with brain tumors". Clin Neurol Neurosurg, 210, 107001. (Read full article)
    13. Richards TJ, Schmitt JE, Wolansky LJ, Nayate AP (2021). Radiology Performed Fluoroscopy-Guided Lumbar Punctures Decrease Volume of Diagnostic Study Interpretation - Impact on Resident Training and Potential Solutions. J Clin Imaging Sci, 11, 39. (Read full article)
    14. Dodson C, Richards TJ, Smith DA, Ramaiya NH (2020). Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Therapy for Brain Metastases in Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Primer for Radiologists. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 41(5), 738-750. (Read full article)
    15. Dodson C, Smith DA, Richards TJ, Devita RR, Hoimes CJ, Ramaiya NH (2020). Systemic Therapies for Melanoma Brain Metastases: A Primer for Radiologists. J Comput Assist Tomogr, 44(3), 346-355. (Read full article)
    16. Natu A, Stevens T, Kang L, Yasinow S, Mansoor E, Lopez R, Glessing B, Remer E, Richards T, Gupta A, Chak A, Lee PJW (2017). Visceral Adiposity Predicts Severity of Acute Pancreatitis. Pancreas, 46(6), 776-781. (Read full article)
    17. Greiner MV, Richards TJ, Care MM, Leach JL (2013). Prevalence of subdural collections in children with macrocrania. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 34(12), 2373-8. (Read full article)

    Book Chapter

    1. Richards T, Anderson J, Reed M, Poelstra R, Satter M, Kardan A (2019). Advanced [11C]methionine and [18F]FDG positron emission tomography for diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of oligodendrogliomas. In Richards T|Anderson J|Reed M|Poelstra R|Satter M|Kardan A (Ed.), Oligodendroglioma: Clinical Presentation, Pathology, Molecular Biology, Imaging, and Treatment (pp. 157-171). (Read full article)