University of Utah Hospital earned the prestigious international Baby-Friendly designation for the fourth time, and is the only facility in Utah to hold this important accreditation.
The term skin-to-skin refers to a newborn baby laid usually on the chest of their mother immediately after birth. Learn some of the amazing benefits to both mom and baby.
If you have been giving your child toddler formula, don’t feel guilty. It’s not harmful for your child, but cow’s milk is a cheaper option that, when paired with age-appropriate...
Lo que una madre lactante come y bebe puede afectar lo que se transmite a su bebé a través de la leche materna. Durante el embarazo y el posparto, es...
Breastfeeding can sometimes be challenging. Because newborns and infants are continuously learning and their mood swings are unpredictable, a breastfeeding mother may experience many changes in milk supply.