After experiencing the heartbreaking loss of her first baby, Nicole Atzeni found hope and personalized care through the Pregnancy After Loss Program at University of Utah Health. With the support...
After the devastating loss of her daughter, Emily Scott found hope and healing through the personalized care and support of the Pregnancy After Loss Program at University of Utah Health...
Preeclampsia can be life-threatening for both mom and baby, so catching and treating it early is very important to lower the chances of further problems.
Jaymie Maines delivered her first son stillborn. The loss left her family devasted. She was referred to Dr. Robert Silver at University of Utah Health who helped her deliver 3...
Baby's first ultrasound is a joyous moment for expecting parents excited to get a sneak peek of their bundle of joy. While these non-medical photo sessions are physically safe, expecting...
Individuals and families that have experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth, or a severely complicated pregnancy can find comprehensive support and care through the Utah Pregnancy After Loss Program at University of...
When a baby is on board, the body is full of surprises. These twists and turns may even bring about alarming news from your doctor concerning a high-risk pregnancy.
Rachel Harbert navigated fertility challenges and loss during pregnancy. Inspired by her journey, she became a patient coordinator, advocating for pregnant and new mothers. Rachel guides patients through their healthcare...