When we play sports, we don’t plan to get hurt. Yet there are common athletic injuries doctors see time and again—with knees getting the brunt of athletic exertion. Here are...
Dori Schmalzle isn’t the kind of person who lets pain stop her. So when the 63-year-old started feeling pain in her right shoulder the fall of 2021, she thought the...
Weekly long runs are one of the most important components of training for a half or full marathon. A physical therapist at University of Utah Health provides advice with five...
Along with the thrills on court or field come the inevitable anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears and other orthopedic injuries that are more common among women than men. Here's why.
When it comes to winter sports, making sure you are properly hydrated and well-fed is important. Here are some ways to prepare you for a day in the snow.
Cathy Hinshaw, now 76, was no ordinary 1950s girl. She grew up playing not one, not two, but three sports—all incredibly well. At college in California, she joined the basketball...
Lacrosse is a thrilling, fast-moving sport to both play and watch. Although the rules of the game differ between girls and boys, all athletes are prone to injuries as they...
Kids will be kids, playing, running, and jumping. But sometimes accidents happen. Many of these result in fractures of the arm, wrist, ankle, or leg. The good news is that...
Who doesn't love a tailgate? But football season can take its toll on your health with lots of chips, dips, fried foods, soft drinks, and beer. Here's how to enjoy...
Soccer injuries are generally either acute or cumulative. Acute injuries are traumatic while cumulative injuries result from repetitive stress on a muscle, joint, or connective tissue trigger that can progressively...
Staying active in the summer heat can be tricky, especially in many parts of the country with consistent triple-digit temperatures. Here are some injury prevention tips to help keep you...