The effects of a stroke are varied depending on which part of the brain is affected. Each patient’s cognitive, sensory and motor functions will be affected differently.
A transient ischemic attack (TIA) lasts only a few minutes and, unlike full strokes, usually do not cause permanent brain damage or have long-term effects. If you’ve had a TIA...
A stroke can come out of nowhere, and it can be permanently life-altering, both for the victim and for their friends and family. However, just as the severity of a...
Every year, more than 795,000 Americans have a stroke—and more than half of survivors develop swallowing difficulties. Left untreated, this serious medical condition called dysphagia can cause malnourishment, dehydration, and...
University of Utah Health today announced a gift of $1.5 million to create the Richard A. and Carmen J. Rogers Endowment Fund within the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation...
Stroke is a leading cause of serious long-term disability, and more than 795,000 Americans have a stroke each year. Through better public awareness of the signs and risk factors, we...
When Allie Cochran began experiencing severe chest and abdominal pain, her husband took her to a nearby hospital in Orem. Doctors discovered Cochran had suffered an acute aortic dissection, likely...
If you are in great physical condition, exercise regularly, and have a positive outlook on life, rehabilitation may not be on your radar. In an instant, however, your life can...
Bryan Caldwell was only 34 when he suffered a serious stroke. After two months in the hospital, he was transferred to Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital where he faced many challenges.
Kristen Knight was watching television when she tried to pick up the remote control on the side of her bed. Her left arm wouldn't move no matter how hard she...
Mark Kroeze suddenly started experiencing strange stroke-like symptoms. He went to a rural Utah hospital where providers consulted with a stroke neurologist via U of U Health's Telestroke Program.