Faster access to contraceptive care is now available to University of Utah Health patients through the Rapid Access Contraception Clinic. The RAC Clinic will provide short-term and long-term contraceptive care...
Jeffrey Nadel, M.D., M.S., a neurosurgical resident at University of Utah Health, will serve in Washington D.C. as one of 15 individuals appointed by President Joe Biden to the 2022-2023...
Jeffrey Nadel, M.D., M.S., a neurosurgical resident at University of Utah Health, will serve in Washington D.C. as one of 15 individuals appointed by President Joe Biden to the 2022-2023...
Lo que una madre lactante come y bebe puede afectar lo que se transmite a su bebé a través de la leche materna. Durante el embarazo y el posparto, es...
Summer is here, and that means picnics and pool parties. But is it safe to use sunscreen and bug spray if you're pregnant? Should expectant moms take extra precautions at...
A veces la lactancia puede ser un reto. Dado que los recién nacidos y los bebés están aprendiendo continuamente y sus cambios de humor son imprevisibles, una madre lactante puede...
Breastfeeding can sometimes be challenging. Because newborns and infants are continuously learning and their mood swings are unpredictable, a breastfeeding mother may experience many changes in milk supply.
Women are at higher risk of developing some eye diseases and conditions. Among them is dry eye syndrome, caused when the body doesn't make enough tears to lubricate the eye...
Mantenerse sano significa algo más que ir al médico cuando se está enfermo. También significa hacerse cargo de su salud comiendo bien, haciendo ejercicio con regularidad y manteniendo una sólida...
Damaging misinformation about COVID-19 has prevented people from getting vaccinated. Experts at University of Utah Health provides factual information about pregnancy, COVID-19, and vaccines.
Your 4-inch stilettos look great, but are they hazardous to your health? One-third of women who wear high heels have fallen while wearing them, but the danger doesn't stop there.
It's not something you think about—until something doesn't feel right. Then, panic can set in. Even though UTIs are a common issue, it doesn't make them any less painful or...
In a first-of-its-kind study, University of Utah Health scientists found that hormonal IUDs were comparable to copper IUDs for use as emergency contraceptives.
Most people who get sick with COVID-19 will have only mild illness and should recover at home. Care at home can help stop the spread of COVID-19 and help protect...