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David A. Wada
( out of 85 reviews )

David A. Wada, MD

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

Huntsman Cancer Institute - Cancer Hospital South

Clinic 2C, Dermatology/Melanoma
Salt Lake City
  • David Wada, MD is a dermatologist who specializes in cutaneous oncology. His clinical focus is centered on the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous lymphoma, lymphomatoid disorders (skin conditions that resemble lymphoma), melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers and has directed the Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Lymphoma program at the Huntsman Cancer Institute since 2012. He has been involved in multiple clinical trials associated with the treatment of cutaneous malignancies at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. He is board-certified in dermatology, dermatopathology, and anatomic and clinical pathology and is also the director of the Dermatopathology Laboratory at the University of Utah. As a practicing dermatopathologist, Dr. Wada also specializes in the interpretation of skin biopsies to help ensure that an accurate diagnosis of skin cancer is obtained and he has a particular interest in the pathology of skin lymphoma and related diseases.

    Board Certification

    American Board of Dermatology
    American Board of Pathology (Clinical Path)
    American Board of Pathology (Sub: Anatomic Path)
    American Board of Pathology (Sub: Dermatopathology)
    National Board of Medical Examiners

    Patient Rating

    5.0 /5
    ( out of 85 reviews )

    The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.

    The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

    Patient Comments

    Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

    December 08, 2024

    I know he cares and spends time in talking to you about anything concerning the issue at hand.

    November 11, 2024

    Dr. Wada was very kind, professional, knowledgeable, empathetic, and compassionate to make sure I understood my disease, options and the plan moving forward. I HIGHLY recommend him!!!!!

    October 29, 2024

    Doctor Wada and his team is the best in the class. Much appreciated their help.

    October 21, 2024

    Dr Wada is a gem. I have a rare form of cancer - T cell lymphoma- that shows up in the skin. Dr Wada and Dr Bowling knew exactly what to look for and were as caring and patient as anyone could ask for. The nurse and EMT on the team rounded out a caring group. I may die of this but I know my team will do everything possible me to get me well or at least managed. They are super positive and it was weird to laugh HARD while biopsy procedures were being done. I felt hope for the first time since my mysterious diagnosis for the past 8 weeks. Bless you.

    September 14, 2024

    Dr Wada was very professional, knowledgeable, kind and reassuring.

    September 03, 2024

    Dr. Wada has consistently been incredibly personable, knowledgeable and shown empathy for my condition.

    July 20, 2024

    Good bedside manner

    June 08, 2024

    Dr. Wada is very knowledgeable, caring and has always treated us with very well.

    March 27, 2024

    Hook Dr. Wada up with a John Deere Gator

  • David Wada, MD is a dermatologist who specializes in cutaneous oncology. His clinical focus is centered on the diagnosis and treatment of cutaneous lymphoma, lymphomatoid disorders (skin conditions that resemble lymphoma), melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers and has directed the Multidisciplinary Cutaneous Lymphoma program at the Huntsman Cancer Institute since 2012. He has been involved in multiple clinical trials associated with the treatment of cutaneous malignancies at the Huntsman Cancer Institute. He is board-certified in dermatology, dermatopathology, and anatomic and clinical pathology and is also the director of the Dermatopathology Laboratory at the University of Utah. As a practicing dermatopathologist, Dr. Wada also specializes in the interpretation of skin biopsies to help ensure that an accurate diagnosis of skin cancer is obtained and he has a particular interest in the pathology of skin lymphoma and related diseases.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Dermatology -Primary
    Board Certification
    American Board of Dermatology
    American Board of Pathology (Clinical Path)
    American Board of Pathology (Sub: Anatomic Path)
    American Board of Pathology (Sub: Dermatopathology)
    National Board of Medical Examiners

    Education history

    Residency Dermatology - Mayo Clinic Resident
    Fellowship Dermatology - Mayo Clinic Fellow
    Fellowship Dermatopathology - Mayo Clinic Fellow
    Residency Anatomic and Clinical Pathology - University of Utah Health Sciences Center Resident
    Internship Internal Medicine - Exempla St. Joseph’s Hospital Intern
    Professional Medical Medicine - University of Hawaii School of Medicine M.D.
    Graduate Training Biomedical Sciences, Cell, Molecular, & Neuroscience Interdisciplinary Program - University of Hawaii M.S.
    Undergraduate Biology, with Distinction - University of Hawaii B.A.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Broadbent E, Spivak AM, Kartes J, Lawyer P, Wada DA, Zussman J, Schmidt T (2024). Persistent, sterile necrotizing granulomatous dermatitis following treatment of 20-year Mycobacterium marinum infection. JAAD Case Rep, 53, 86-89. (Read full article)
    2. Kasera S, Weil CR, Wada D, Bowling M, Hu B, Gaffney DK, Maity A, Tao R (2024). Ultra-low dose radiation therapy for primary cutaneous indolent B-cell lymphomas. JEADV Clin Pract, 3(4), 1190-1194. (Read full article)
    3. Abbott J, Corean J, Snyder AM, Florell SR, Miles R, Stephens D, Wada DA (2023). Folliculocentric lymphocytic hypersensitivity reactions in CLL/SLL patients: A unique clinicopathologic entity amongst non-specific hypersensitivity reactions. JAAD Case Rep, 3(3). (Read full article)
    4. Kuceki G, Nguyen C, Ng D, Wada D, Mathis J (2023). Oral diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as a bland nodule. JAAD Case Rep, 36, 34-37. (Read full article)
    5. Brunsgaard EK, Bowles TL, Asare EA, Grossmann K, Boucher KM, Grossmann A, Jackson JA, Wada DA, Rathore R, Budde G, Grandemange A, Hyngstrom JR (2023). Feasibility of personalized circulating tumor DNA detection in stage II and III melanoma. Melanoma Res, 33(3), 184-191. (Read full article)
    6. Gociman S, Wada DA, Bowen AR, Florell SR, Ng D, Madigan LM (2023). Young Woman With Annular and Purpuric Plaques in the Setting of High Fevers: Answer. Am J Dermatopathol, 45(5), 344-345. (Read full article)
    7. Gociman S, Wada DA, Bowen AR, Florell SR, Ng D, Madigan LM (2023). Young Woman With Annular and Purpuric Plaques in the Setting of High Fevers: Challenge. Am J Dermatopathol, 45(5), e32-e34. (Read full article)
    8. Kuceki G, Nguyen C, Ng D, Wada D, Mathis J (2023). Oral diffuse large B-cell lymphoma presenting as a bland nodule. JAAD Case Rep, 36, 34-37. (Read full article)
    9. Grant GJ, Sahni DR, Florell AJ, Hull CM, Florell SR, Miles RR, Wada DA, Bowen AR (2023). An atypical case of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis with associated secondary follicular mucinosis treated with indomethacin. PLoS One, 34, 86-89. (Read full article)
    10. Grant GJ, Sahni DR, Florell AJ, Hull CM, Florell SR, Miles RR, Wada DA, Bowen AR (2023). An atypical case of eosinophilic pustular folliculitis with associated secondary follicular mucinosis treated with indomethacin. JAAD Case Rep, 34, 86-89. (Read full article)
    11. Abbott J, Corean J, Snyder AM, Florell SR, Miles R, Stephens D, Wada DA (2023). Folliculocentric lymphocytic hypersensitivity reactions in CLL/SLL patients: A unique clinicopathologic entity amongst non-specific hypersensitivity reactions. Skin Health Dis, 3(3), e208. (Read full article)
    12. Elkeeb DM, Hopkins ZH, Bolender CM, Moreno C, Florell SR, Bowen AR, Vitale P, Zussman J, Duffy K, Grossman D, Secrest AM, Wada DA (2022). A Single-Institution Cohort Study With Nevi of Special Site: Recurrence, Progression to Melanoma, and Patterns of Management. Am J Dermatopathol, 45(1), 28-39. (Read full article)
    13. Stephens D, Atkinson A, Abbot J, Bowling M, Williams J, Pomicter T, Fitzgerald L, Wada D (2022). High Prevalence of Beta-Human Papilloma Virus in Patients wtih Concurrent Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia and Non-Melanoma Skin Cancer. Blood, 140(Supplement 1), 7053.
    14. Grant GJ, Wada DA, Madigan LM (2022). Erythematous papules and umbilicated pustules on a man with proctitis. Int J Dermatol. (Read full article)
    15. Parsons MW, Wada DA, Halwani AS, Tao R, Gaffney DK (2022). Improved overall survival over time in advanced stage mycosis fungoides: a cross-sectional study. Leuk Lymphoma, 63(10), 2428-2435. (Read full article)
    16. Abbott J, Corean J, Laggis C, Halwani A, Toydemir R, Miles R, Florell S, Wada D (2022). Histological Transformation and Clonal Relationship of Subcutaneous Marginal Zone B-Cell Lymphoma and Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma. Am J Dermatopathol, 44(6), 442-448. (Read full article)
    17. Abbott J, Westerdahl JS, Wada D, Klein S, Mathis J (2022). Paraneoplastic subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus with mucositis. PLoS One, 22, 38-41. (Read full article)
    18. Abbott J, Westerdahl JS, Wada D, Klein S, Mathis J (2022). Paraneoplastic subacute cutaneous lupus erythematosus with mucositis. JAAD Case Rep, 22, 38-41. (Read full article)
    19. CW Laggis A Lamb AM Secrest N Ufkes AS Halwani R Tao D Gaffney RR Miles SR Florell D Wada (2020). Favourable outcomes in folliculotropic mycosis fungoides after multimodality treatment in a single institution. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol.
    20. Flores S, Wada DA, Florell SR, Bowen AR (2019). Pretibial Pruritic Papular Dermatitis: A Comprehensive Clinical and Pathologic Review of Cases at a Single Institution. Am J Dermatopathol, 42(1), 16-19. (Read full article)
    21. Laggis C, Wada D, Shah A, Zussman J (2019). Eosinophils are surprisingly common in biopsy specimens of cutaneous herpes simplex virus and varicella zoster virus infections: Results of a comprehensive histopathologic and clinical appraisal. J Cutan Pathol, 47(1), 6-11. (Read full article)
    22. Clark JJ, Hawkes JE, Florell SR, Miles RR, Wada DA (2019). Cutaneous T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and the Expression Pattern of Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Immunostaining in Mycosis Fungoides and Spongiotic Dermatitis. Dermatopathology (Basel), 6(3), 182-188. (Read full article)
    23. Cowan N, Coman G, Duffy K, Wada DA (2019). Treatment of recalcitrant mycosis fungoides with topical gentian violet. PLoS One, 5(5), 413-415. (Read full article)
    24. Oishi N, Sartori-Valinotti JC, Bennani NN, Wada DA, He R, Cappel MA, Feldman AL (2019). Cutaneous lesions of angioimmunoblastic T-cell lymphoma: Clinical, pathological, and immunophenotypic features. J Cutan Pathol, 46, 637-644. (Read full article)
    25. Elkeeb D, Hopkins Z, Miles RR, Halwani A, Wada D (2019). Ominous cutaneous presentation of acute myeloid leukemia without peripheral blood involvement upon initial presentation and relapse: case report and literature review. Eur J Dermatol, 28(6), 809-817. (Read full article)
    26. Grossman D, Farnham JM, Hyngstrom J, Klapperich ME, Secrest AM, Empey S, Bowen GM, Wada D, Andtbacka RHI, Grossmann K, Bowles TL, Cannon-Albright LA (2018). Similar survival of patients with multiple versus single primary melanomas based on Utah Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data (1973-2011). J Am Acad Dermatol, 79(2), 238-244. (Read full article)
    27. Gardner LJ, Ward M, Andtbacka RHI, Boucher KM, Bowen GM, Bowles TL, Cohen AL, Grossmann K, Hitchcock YJ, Holmen SL, Hyngstrom J, Khong H, McMahon M, Monroe MM, Ross CB, Suneja G, Wada D, Grossman D (2017). Risk factors for development of melanoma brain metastasis and disease progression: a single-center retrospective analysis. Melanoma Res, 27(5), 477-484. (Read full article)
    28. Florell AJ, Wada DA, Hawkes JE (2017). Linear focal elastosis associated with exercise. PLoS One, 3(1), 39-41. (Read full article)
    29. Hocker TL, Wada DA, El-Azhary R, Gibson LE (2012). Expression of T-cell receptor-gammadelta in normal human skin, inflammatory dermatoses and mycosis fungoides. J Cutan Pathol, 39(4), 419-24. (Read full article)
    30. Podjasek JO, Wetter DA, Pittelkow MR, Wada DA (2012). Cutaneous small-vessel vasculitis associated with solid organ malignancies: the Mayo Clinic experience, 1996 to 2009. J Am Acad Dermatol, 66(2), e55-65. (Read full article)
    31. Hendi A, Wada DA, Jacobs MA, Crook JE, Kortuem KR, Weed BR, Otley CC, Gibson LE (2011). Melanocytes in nonlesional sun-exposed skin: a multicenter comparative study. J Am Acad Dermatol, 65(6), 1186-93. (Read full article)
    32. Wada DA, Law ME, Hsi ED, Dicaudo DJ, Ma L, Lim MS, Souza Ad, Comfere NI, Weenig RH, Macon WR, Erickson LA, Ozsan N, Ansell SM, Dogan A, Feldman AL (2011). Specificity of IRF4 translocations for primary cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma: a multicenter study of 204 skin biopsies. Mod Pathol, 24(4), 596-605. (Read full article)
    33. Wada DA, Wilcox RA, Harrington SM, Kwon ED, Ansell SM, Comfere NI (2011). Programmed death 1 is expressed in cutaneous infiltrates of mycosis fungoides and Sezary syndrome. Am J Hematol, 86(3), 325-7. (Read full article)
    34. Wada DA, Wilcox RA, Weenig RH, Gibson LE (2010). Paucity of intraepidermal FoxP3-positive T cells in cutaneous T-cell lymphoma in contrast with spongiotic and lichenoid dermatitis. J Cutan Pathol, 37(5), 535-41. (Read full article)
    35. de Souza A, Camilleri MJ, Wada DA, Appert DL, Gibson LE, el-Azhary RA (2009). Clinical, histopathologic, and immunophenotypic features of lymphomatoid papulosis with CD8 predominance in 14 pediatric patients. J Am Acad Dermatol, 61(6), 993-1000. (Read full article)
    36. Wilcox RA, Wada DA, Ziesmer SC, Elsawa SF, Comfere NI, Dietz AB, Novak AJ, Witzig TE, Feldman AL, Pittelkow MR, Ansell SM (2009). Monocytes promote tumor cell survival in T-cell lymphoproliferative disorders and are impaired in their ability to differentiate into mature dendritic cells. Blood, 114(14), 2936-44. (Read full article)
    37. Wada DA, Perkins SL, Tripp S, Coffin CM, Florell SR (2007). Human herpesvirus 8 and iron staining are useful in differentiating Kaposi sarcoma from interstitial granuloma annulare. Am J Clin Pathol, 127(2), 263-70. (Read full article)

    Case Report

    1. Laggis C, Miles R, Stephens DM, Duffy K, Bowen A, Wada D (2019). Cutaneous mantle cell lymphoma histomorphologically mimicking subcutaneous panniculitis-like T-cell lymphoma: Case report. J Cutan Pathol, 46(7), 538-541. (Read full article)
    2. Cowan N, Coman G, Duffy K, Wada DA (2019). Treatment of recalcitrant mycosis fungoides with topical gentian violet. JAAD Case Rep, 5(5), 413-415. (Read full article)
    3. Elkeeb D, Hopkins Z, Wada D, Rhoads JLW (2018). A case of primary cutaneous malakoplakia in a cardiac transplant recipient. JAAD Case Rep, 4(10), 982-984. (Read full article)
    4. Florell AJ, Wada DA, Hawkes JE (2017). Linear focal elastosis associated with exercise. JAAD Case Rep, 3(1), 39-41. (Read full article)


    1. Lee K, Evans MG, Yang L, Ng S, Snowden C, Khodadoust M, Brown RA, Trum NA, Querfeld C, Doan LT, Song J, Zhang H, Gru AA, Wood GS, Wada DA, Shanmugam V, Haun PL, Aster JC, Duncan LM, Guitart J, Weinstock DM, Nardi V, Choi J (2020). Primary cytotoxic T-cell lymphomas harbor recurrent targetable alterations in the JAK-STAT pathway. [Letter to the editor]. Blood, 138(23), 2435-2440. (Read full article)
    2. Laggis CW, Lamb A, Secrest AM, Ufkes N, Halwani AS, Tao R, Gaffney D, Miles RR, Florell SR, Wada D (2020). Favourable outcomes in folliculotropic mycosis fungoides after multimodality treatment in a single institution. [Letter to the editor]. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol, 35(1), e42-e45. (Read full article)
    3. Hyde MA, Wada DA (2018). Patient education and support group for patients with cutaneous lymphoma and their caregivers. [Letter to the editor]. Clin Exp Dermatol, 44(1), 84-85. (Read full article)
    4. Chavan RN, Bridges AG, Knudson RA, Ketterling RP, Comfere N, Wada DA, Torres-Cabala C, Di Caudo DJ, Vasmatzis G, Pittelkow MR, Feldman AL (2014). Somatic rearrangement of the TP63 gene preceding development of mycosis fungoides with aggressive clinical course [Letter to the editor]. PLoS One, 4(10). (Read full article)
    5. Wagner AE, Wada D, Bowen G, Gaffney DK (2013). Mycosis fungoides: the addition of concurrent and adjuvant interferon to total skin electron beam therapy. [Letter to the editor]. Br J Dermatol, 169(3), 715-8. (Read full article)