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Elliot A. Asare
( out of 163 reviews )

Elliot A. Asare, MD, MS, CMQ, FACS

Languages spoken: English

Clinical Locations

  • Elliot Asare, MD, MS is an Assistant Professor in the Section of Surgical Oncology within the Division of General Surgery at the University of Utah. Dr. Asare specializes in cutaneous malignancies and sarcomas of the retroperitoneum and other soft tissues.

    Dr. Asare is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia where he was a double major in Chemistry and Biology. He subsequently received his medical education at Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honors Society. He had his General Surgery residency training at the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals in Milwaukee, WI. Dr. Asare served as a clinical scholar-in-residence with the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) during residency. He has a masters degree in health services and outcomes research from Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Following residency, he trained in Complex General Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.

    Dr. Asare’s research interests include improving cancer data quality, cancer staging, prognostication, surveillance, clinical trials and outcomes research. He practices both at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and Intermountain Healthcare Center in Murray.

    Board Certification

    American Board of Surgery (Sub: Complex General Surgical Oncology)
    American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)

    Patient Rating

    4.9 /5
    ( out of 163 reviews )

    The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.

    The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.

    Patient Comments

    Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.

    December 08, 2024

    Explained things very well. Answered all my questions. Professional yet friendly demeanor.

    November 23, 2024

    Absolutely put us at ease. We knew we were in excellent hands.

    November 15, 2024

    One of the best decisions I made after diagnosis was going to Huntsman for care. Dr. Asare cares a great deal about the outcome for his patients and never rushes you & answers all your questions. He has been awesome at working with me for follow up appointments as I travel from Bozeman and coordinating with the other doctors. I consider myself fortunate that he was my surgeon and will always be grateful!

    November 03, 2024

    Dr.Asare is kind and professional.

    October 19, 2024

    Continued excellent care from Dr. Asare.

    October 08, 2024

    very thorough, very respectful would recommend him to anyone needing surgery.

    October 08, 2024

    He was very kind and very good at answering any questions I had in his initial explanation. He informed me of everything extremely well and made me feel calm and hopeful.

    October 06, 2024

    Dr. Asare takes personal and direct contact with me and my medical care.

    October 05, 2024

    Dr. Asare was very professional and thorough as he worked with me to remove the cancer on my ear. He explained everything and did not rush through with the appointments and follow up. I have enjoyed working with Dr. Asare.

  • Elliot Asare, MD, MS is an Assistant Professor in the Section of Surgical Oncology within the Division of General Surgery at the University of Utah. Dr. Asare specializes in cutaneous malignancies and sarcomas of the retroperitoneum and other soft tissues.

    Dr. Asare is a Phi Beta Kappa graduate of Randolph-Macon College in Ashland, Virginia where he was a double major in Chemistry and Biology. He subsequently received his medical education at Howard University College of Medicine, Washington, DC and was inducted into the Alpha Omega Alpha Medical Honors Society. He had his General Surgery residency training at the Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals in Milwaukee, WI. Dr. Asare served as a clinical scholar-in-residence with the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) during residency. He has a masters degree in health services and outcomes research from Northwestern University, Chicago, IL. Following residency, he trained in Complex General Surgical Oncology at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX.

    Dr. Asare’s research interests include improving cancer data quality, cancer staging, prognostication, surveillance, clinical trials and outcomes research. He practices both at the Huntsman Cancer Institute and Intermountain Healthcare Center in Murray.

    Board Certification and Academic Information

    Academic Departments Surgery -Primary
    Academic Divisions Surgical Oncology
    Board Certification
    American Board of Surgery (Sub: Complex General Surgical Oncology)
    American Board of Surgery (Sub: General Surgery)

    Education history

    Fellowship Complex General Surgical Oncology - University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Clinical Fellow
    Residency General Surgery - Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Resident
    Graduate Training Health Services and Outcomes Research - Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine M.S.
    Residency General Surgery - Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Resident
    Internship General Surgery - Medical College of Wisconsin Affiliated Hospitals Intern
    Doctoral Training Medicine - Howard University College of Medicine M.D.
    Undergraduate Biology and Chemistry (double major) - Randolph-Macon College B.S.

    Selected Publications

    Journal Article

    1. Shen N, Creveling P, Horns JJ, Bleicher J, Hyngstrom J, Bowles T, Andreae M, Onega T, Asare EA (2024). Association between history of viral infections and melanoma mortality. Heliyon, 10(22). (Read full article)
    2. Asare AO, Horns JJ, Stagg BC, Richards-Steed R, Young M, Watt MH, Stipelman C, Del Fiol G, Hartmann EE, Keenan HT, Asare EA, Smith JD (2024). Vision screening for preschoolers with commercial insurance: impact of geography. J AAPOS, 28(6), 104054. (Read full article)
    3. Shen N, Creveling P, Horns JJ, Bleicher J, Hyngstrom J, Bowles T, Andreae M, Onega T, Asare EA (2024). Association between history of viral infections and melanoma mortality. Heliyon, 10(22), e40353. (Read full article)
    4. Shen N, Ramanathan S, Horns JJ, Hyngstrom JR, Bowles TL, Grossman D, Asare EA (2024). The benefit of sentinel lymph node biopsy in elderly patients with melanoma: A retrospective analysis of SEER Medicare data (2010-2018). Am J Surg, 237, 115896. (Read full article)
    5. Lindsley JE, Abali EE, Asare EA, Chow CJ, Cluff C, Hernandez M, Jamieson S, Kaushal A, Woods NN (2024). Contribution of Basic Science Education to the Professional Identity Development of Medical Learners: A Critical Scoping Review. Acad Med. (Read full article)
    6. Chauhan A, Chan K, Halfdanarson TR, Bellizzi AM, Rindi G, OToole D, Ge PS, Jain D, Dasari A, Anaya DA, Bergsland E, Mittra E, Wei AC, Hope TA, Kendi AT, Thomas SM, Flem S, Brierley J, Asare EA, Washington K, Shi C (2024). Critical updates in neuroendocrine tumors: Version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. CA Cancer J Clin. (Read full article)
    7. Asare EA, Fayanju OM (2024). Hope for a Future Free of Unconscious Biases and Racial Anxiety in Cancer Care. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 22(2), 137-138. (Read full article)
    8. Fastner S, Creveling P, Shen N, Horns JJ, Bowles TL, Hyngstrom J, Asare EA (2024). Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography/Computed Tomography Utilization for Extremity Melanomas at a High-Volume Center. J Surg Res, 296, 196-202. (Read full article)
    9. Janczewski LM, Browner A, Cotler J, Nelson H, Ballman KV, LeBlanc M, Gollub MJ, Eng C, Brierley JD, Palefsky JM, Goldberg RM, Goodman KA, Washington MK, Asare EA, Palis B (2023). Data-driven optimization of version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for anal cancer. Cancer. (Read full article)
    10. Brunsgaard EK, Bowles TL, Asare EA, Grossmann K, Boucher KM, Grossmann A, Jackson JA, Wada DA, Rathore R, Budde G, Grandemange A, Hyngstrom JR (2023). Feasibility of personalized circulating tumor DNA detection in stage II and III melanoma. Melanoma Res, 33(3), 184-191. (Read full article)
    11. Asare EA, Fisher SB, Chiang YJ, Haydu LE, Patel SH, Keung EZ, Lucci A, Wargo J, Gershenwald JE, Ross MI, Lee JE (2023). Melanoma metastatic to the adrenal gland: An update on the role of adrenalectomy in multidisciplinary management. J Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    12. Asare EA, Brookland RK, Gershenwald JE, Nelson H, Washington MK (2023). Letter to the Editor: Re: Reimagining Cancer Staging in the Era of Evolutionary Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 21(4), xviii. (Read full article)
    13. Lillemoe HA, Williams JK, Teshome MK, Zheng L, Francescatti AB, Hieken TJ, Katz MH, Hunt KH, Vreeland TJ, Asare EA (2022). Setting the Standard for Cutaneous Melanoma Wide Local Excision: An Overview of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer Standard 5.5. J Am Coll Surg, 236(2), 424-428. (Read full article)
    14. Pearson J, Jacobson C, Ugochukwu N, Asare E, Kan K, Pace N, Han J, Wan N, Schonberger R, Andreae M (2022). Geospatial analysis of patients' social determinants of health for health systems science and disparity research. Int Anesthesiol Clin, 61(1), 49-62. (Read full article)
    15. Asare EA, Lussiez A, Watt MH, Dally CK, Micah EA, Kwakye G (2022). Do you want to be told if you have cancer? A cross-sectional survey of Ghanaians. J Glob Health Rep, 6. (Read full article)
    16. Asare EA, Swami U, Stewart JH 4th (2021). Landmark Series on Disparities in Surgical Oncology: Melanoma. Ann Surg Oncol, 28, 6986-6993. (Read full article)
    17. Asare EA, Stewart JH 4th (2021). ASO Author Reflections: Melanoma Killed Bob Marley and Others Too. Ann Surg Oncol, 28, 6994. (Read full article)
    18. Bleicher J, Asare EA, Flores S, Bowles TL, Bowen GM, Hyngstrom JR (2020). Oncologic outcomes of patients with Merkel Cell Carcinoma (MCC): A multi-institutional cohort study. Am J Surg, 221(4), 844-849. (Read full article)
    19. Bleicher J, Cohan JN, Huang LC, Peche W, Pickron TB, Scaife CL, Bowles TL, Hyngstrom JR, Asare EA (2020). Trends in the management of anorectal melanoma: A multi-institutional retrospective study and review of the world literature. World J Gastroenterol, 27(3), 267-280. (Read full article)
    20. Bleicher J, Swords DS, Mali ME, McGuire L, Pahlkotter MK, Asare EA, Bowles TL, Hyngstrom JR (2020). Recurrence patterns in patients with Stage II melanoma: The evolving role of routine imaging for surveillance. J Surg Oncol, 122(8), 1770-1777. (Read full article)
    21. Keung EZ, Asare EA, Chiang YJ, Prakash LR, Rajkot N, Torres KE, Hunt KK, Feig BW, Cormier JN, Roland CL, Katz MHG, Lee JE, Tzeng CD (2019). Postoperative pancreatic fistula after distal pancreatectomy for non-pancreas retroperitoneal tumor resection. Am J Surg, 220(1), 140-146. (Read full article)
    22. Asare EA, Davis CH, Chiang YJ, Sabir S, Rajkot NF, Phillips PR, Roland CL, Torres KE, Hunt KK, Feig BW (2019). Management and outcomes of ruptured, perforated or fistulized tumors of mesenchymal origin. J Surg Oncol, 121(3), 474-479. (Read full article)
    23. Asare EA, Silva-Figueroa A, Hess KR, Busaidy N, Graham PH, Grubbs EG, Lee JE, Williams MD, Perrier ND (2019). Risk of Distant Metastasis in Parathyroid Carcinoma and Its Effect on Survival: A Retrospective Review from a High-Volume Center. Ann Surg Oncol, 26(11), 3593-3599. (Read full article)
    24. Asare EA, Perrier ND (2019). ASO Author Reflections: Distant Metastatic Parathyroid Carcinoma-Has the "Train Left the Station?". Ann Surg Oncol, 26(11), 3600-3601. (Read full article)
    25. Nobecourt PF, Zagzag J, Asare EA, Perrier ND (2018). Intraoperative Decision-Making and Technical Aspects of Parathyroidectomy in Young Patients With MEN1 Related Hyperparathyroidism. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 9, 618. (Read full article)
    26. Asare EA, Vreeland TJ, Feig BW (2018). Resection of a Perirectal Leiomyosarcoma via a Posterior Transcoccygeal Approach. Ann Surg Oncol, 25(9), 2641. (Read full article)
    27. Asare EA, Evans DB, Erickson BA, Aburajab M, Tolat P, Tsai S (2016). Neoadjuvant treatment sequencing adds value to the care of patients with operable pancreatic cancer. J Surg Oncol, 114(3), 291-5. (Read full article)
    28. Asare EA, Liu L, Hess KR, Gordon EJ, Paruch JL, Palis B, Dahlke AR, McCabe R, Cohen ME, Winchester DP, Bilimoria KY (2015). Development of a model to predict breast cancer survival using data from the National Cancer Data Base. Surgery, 159(2), 495-502. (Read full article)
    29. Asare EA, Compton CC, Hanna NN, Kosinski LA, Washington MK, Kakar S, Weiser MR, Overman MJ (2015). The impact of stage, grade, and mucinous histology on the efficacy of systemic chemotherapy in adenocarcinomas of the appendix: Analysis of the National Cancer Data Base. Cancer, 122(2), 213-21. (Read full article)
    30. Asare EA, Sturgeon C, Winchester DJ, Liu L, Palis B, Perrier ND, Evans DB, Winchester DP, Wang TS (2015). Parathyroid Carcinoma: An Update on Treatment Outcomes and Prognostic Factors from the National Cancer Data Base (NCDB). Ann Surg Oncol, 22(12), 3990-5. (Read full article)
    31. Asare EA, Greenberg S, Szabo S, Sato TT (2014). Giant Paratubal Cyst in Adolescence: Case Report, Modified Minimal Access Surgical Technique, and Literature Review. J Pediatr Adolesc Gynecol, 28(5), e143-5. (Read full article)
    32. Asare EA, Gress DM, Greene FL, Winchester DP (2015). Cancer registry data: Engaging the clinician to improve quality. Cancer, 121(17), 2866-7. (Read full article)
    33. Asare EA, Washington MK, Gress DM, Gershenwald JE, Greene FL (2015). Improving the quality of cancer staging. CA Cancer J Clin, 65(4), 261-3. (Read full article)
    34. Asare EA, Wang TS (2015). Comparative effectiveness in thyroid cancer: key questions and how to answer them. Cancer Treat Res, 164, 67-87. (Read full article)
    35. Asare EA, Wang TS, Winchester DP, Mallin K, Kebebew E, Sturgeon C (2014). A novel staging system for adrenocortical carcinoma better predicts survival in patients with stage I/II disease. Surgery, 156(6), 1378-85; discussion 1385-6. (Read full article)
    36. Kinnier CV, Asare EA, Mohanty S, Paruch JL, Rajaram R, Bilimoria KY (2014). Risk prediction tools in surgical oncology. J Surg Oncol, 110(5), 500-8. (Read full article)
    37. Schneider D, Asare E, Demeure M, Dejong S (2014). Discussion. Surgery, 156(6), 1385-1386. (Read full article)


    1. Asare EA (2025). Disparities in Melanoma and Other High-Risk Skin Cancers in the United States: Elders, Minorities, and Rural Populations. [Review]. Surg Clin North Am. (Read full article)
    2. Asare EA, Cowan L, Onega T (2024). Use of telehealth to improve healthcare access and outcomes in surgical oncology. [Review]. J Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    3. Asare EA, Cowan L, Onega T (2024). Use of telehealth to improve healthcare access and outcomes in surgical oncology. [Review]. J Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    4. Janczewski LM, Browner AE, Cotler JH, Nelson H, Kakar S, Carr NJ, Hanna NN, Holowatyj AN, Goldberg RM, Washington MK, Asare EA, Overman MJ (2023). Survival outcomes used to validate version 9 of the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for appendiceal cancer. [Review]. CA Cancer J Clin, 73(6), 590-596. (Read full article)
    5. Janczewski LM, Faski J, Nelson H, Gollub MJ, Eng C, Brierley JD, Palefsky JM, Goldberg RM, Washington MK, Asare EA, Goodman KA (2023). Survival outcomes used to generate version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for anal cancer. [Review]. CA Cancer J Clin, 73(5), 516-523. (Read full article)
    6. Janczewski LM, Browner AE, Cotler JH, Nelson H, Kakar S, Carr NJ, Hanna NN, Holowatyj AN, Goldberg RM, Washington MK, Asare EA, Overman MJ, American Joint Committee on Cancer Expert Panel on Cancers for the Lower Gastrointestinal Appendix Disease Site (2023). Survival outcomes used to validate version 9 of the American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for appendiceal cancer. [Review]. CA Cancer J Clin. (Read full article)
    7. Janczewski LM, Faski J, Nelson H, Gollub MJ, Eng C, Brierley JD, Palefsky JM, Goldberg RM, Washington MK, Asare EA, Goodman KA, American Joint Committee on Cancer Expert Panel on Cancers of the Lower Gastrointestinal Anus Disease Site (2023). Survival outcomes used to generate version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer staging system for anal cancer. [Review]. CA Cancer J Clin. (Read full article)
    8. Nobecourt PF, Zagzag J, Asare EA, Perrier ND (2018). Intraoperative Decision-Making and Technical Aspects of Parathyroidectomy in Young Patients With MEN1 Related Hyperparathyroidism. [Review]. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne), 9. (Read full article)

    Edited Book

    1. Amin MB, Edge S, Greene F, Byrd DR, Brookland RK, Washington MK, Gershenwald JE, Compton CC, Hess KR, Sullivan DC, Jessup JM, Brierley JD, Gaspar LE, Schilsky RL, Balch CM, Winchester DP, Asare EA, Madera M, Gress DM, Meyer LR (Eds.) (2017). AJCC Cancer Staging Manual. (8th Edition). Springer International Publishing.

    Book Chapter

    1. Elliot A Asare, John R Hyngstrom, Tawnya L Bowles (2023). Workup of Suspicious Cutaneous Lesions to Melanoma and Soft Tissue Tumors. In E. Christopher Ellison and Gilbert R. Upchurch Jr. (Eds.), Fischer's Mastery of Surgery (8th). Wolters Kluwer.
    2. Fisher SB, Asare EA, Habra MA, Perrier ND (2019). Chapter 16: Advances in the Diagnosis and Management of Adrenocortical Carcinoma. In Shifrin A (Ed.), Advances in Treatment and Management in Surgical Endocrinology. Elsevier.
    3. Asare EA, Evans DB, Tsai S (2019). Chapter 106. Unusual Pancreatic Tumors. In Cameron: Current Surgical Therapy (13). Elsevier.
    4. Fisher SB, Asare EA, Habra MA, Perrier ND (2019). Advances in the diagnosis and management of adrenocortical carcinoma. In Fisher SB|Asare EA|Habra MA|Perrier ND (Ed.), Advances in Treatment and Management in Surgical Endocrinology (pp. 175-185). (Read full article)
    5. Asare EA, Wang H, Tamm EP, Mortenson MM, Evans DB, Tsai S (2019). Unusual Pancreatic Tumors. In Asare EA|Wang H|Tamm EP|Mortenson MM|Evans DB|Tsai S (Ed.), Shackelford's Surgery of the Alimentary Tract: 2 Volume Set (pp. 1172-1180). (Read full article)
    6. Asare EA, Wang H, Tamm EP, Mortenson MM, Evans DB, Tsai S (2019). Chapter 99: Unusual Pancreatic Tumors. In Yeo CJ, DeMeester SR, McFadden DW, Matthews JB, Fleshman JW (Eds.), Shackelford’s Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (8th Edition). Elsevier.
    7. Asare EA, Miura JT, Carr AA (2016). Adrenal Gland. In Surgery Review Illustrated (2nd edition). McGraw-Hill.
    8. Asare EA, Wang TS (2015). Comparative Effectiveness in Thyroid Cancer: Key Questions and How to Answer Them. In Bilimora KY, Minami CA, Mahvi DM (Eds.), Comparative Effectiveness in Surgical Oncology (164, pp. 67-87). Springer.


    1. Janczewski LM, Asare EA, Goodman KA (2024). Updates on the Version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System for Anal Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    3. Asare EA, Andreae MH, Stewart JH 4th (2022). Bridging the Disparity Gap in Surgical Oncology Access: Does Telehealth Hold a Key? Ann Surg Oncol, 29(12), 7235-7236. (Read full article)
    4. Elliot A Asare, MD, MS, FACS (2021). NCDB-Generated Literature on Cancer Disparities.
    5. Asare EA, Grubbs EG, Gershenwald JE, Greene FL, Aloia TA (2019). Setting the "stage" for Surgical Oncology fellows: Pierre Denoix and TNM staging. J Surg Oncol, 119(7), 823. (Read full article)
    6. Asare EA, Feig BW (2019). Raining Frogs, Flying Horses, and Defining Tumor Rupture in GIST. Ann Surg Oncol, 26(6), 1601-1603. (Read full article)
    7. Asare EA, Bilimoria KY, Greene FL (2014). Beyond anatomic staging for cancer. J Surg Oncol, 111(3), 249-50. (Read full article)


    1. Janczewski LM, Asare EA, Goodman KA (2024). Reply: Letter to the Editor of Annals Surgical Oncology Concerning "Updates on the Version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System for Anal Cancer." Is the Anal Physical Examination Underestimated? [Letter to the editor]. Ann Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    2. Janczewski LM, Asare EA, Goodman KA (2024). Reply: Letter to the Editor of Annals Surgical Oncology Concerning “Updates on the Version 9 American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging System for Anal Cancer.” Is the Anal Physical Examination Underestimated?: Letter to the Editor of Annals Surgical Oncology Concerning: L. M. Janczewski et al. [Letter to the editor]. Ann Surg Oncol. (Read full article)
    3. Elliot A Asare, MD, MS (2021). Public Perceptions: The Role of Residents in Operations [Letter to the editor].
    4. Asare EA, Perrier ND (2019). Letter to the Editor: "An Analysis of the American Joint Committee on Cancer 8th Edition T Staging System for Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma". [Letter to the editor]. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 105(9). (Read full article)


    1. Brunsgaard EK, Asare EA, Bowles TL, Hyngstrom JR (2022). Nodal surveillance and adjuvant therapy in sentinel lymph node-positive​ melanoma patients [Abstract].
    2. Davis C, Asare EA, Sabir SH, Roland CL, Torres KE, Hunt KK, Cormier JN, Feig BW (2018). Management and Outcomes of Patients with Fistulized Mesenchymal Tumors. Poster presented at the Society of Surgical Oncology 72nd Annual Cancer Symposium, San Diego, CA [Abstract]. 26, S179-80.
    3. Asare E, Vreeland T, Feig B (2018). Video abstract of a resection of a perirectal leiomyosarcoma via a posterior transcoccygeal approach with sphincter preservation. Society of Surgical Oncology 71st Annual Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL [Abstract]. 25, S79-80.
    4. Keung E, Asare EA, Chiang YJ, Prakash L, Rajkot N, Roland CL, Torres KE, Cormier JN, Feig B, Katz MH, Lee JE, Tzeng CW (2018). Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula and Morbidity after Distal Pancreatectomy for Non-Pancreas Retroperitoneal Tumor Resection. Society of Surgical Oncology 72nd Annual Cancer Symposium, March 27-30, 2018, San Diego, CA, USA [Abstract]. Surgery (Oxf).
    5. Mizuno T, Goumard C, Okuno M, Asare EA, Krampitz GW, Aloia TA, Tzeng CWD, Chun YS, Lee JE, Vauthey JN, Nagino M, Conrad C (2018). Indocyanine green fluorescence counterstaining for anatomic laparoscopic partial splenectomy [Abstract]. 20, S41.
    6. Asare E, Compton C, Hanna N, Kakar S, Weiser M, Overman MJ (2015). The role of systemic chemotherapy in adenocarcinomas of the appendix: analysis of the National Cancer Database. Poster presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium, San Francisco, CA [Abstract]. 33(3_suppl), 668.
    7. Asare E, Green D, Xiang Q, Gamblin TC, Turaga K, Pappas SG, Christians KK, Quebbeman EJ, Evans DB, Knechtges P, Tsai S (2012). Low lean body mass negatively predicts completion of neoadjuvant chemotherapy among patients with resectable and borderline resectable pancreatic cancer. Oral presentation at the 12th Annual Americas Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (AHPBA) Meeting, Miami, FL [Abstract].
    8. Yalowich JC, Asare E, Giorgianni A (2006). Benzoquinone -induced inhibition of DNA topoisomerase II. [Abstract]. 1300-c-01.


    1. Janet E Lindsley, PhD, Emine Ercikan Abali, PhD, Elliot A Asare, MD, MS, Marco Antonio Carvalho-Filho, MD, PhD, Candace Chow, PhD, MA, Marisol Hernandez, MLS, MA, Susan Jamieson, PhD, EdD, Amit Kaushal, MD, MScCH, Nicole N Woods, PhD (2021). Contribution of basic science to the professional identity development of medical learners: A BEME scoping review protocol. Best Evidence Medical and Health Professional Education.


    1. Bowles TR, Asare EA (2021). Item writer for the TWIS Soft Tissue Neoplasm, Part 2 of 2 Quiz. The SCORE Portal.  [Web].
    2. Hyngstrom JR, Asare EA (2020). Hyngstrom JR, Asare EA. Item writer for the TWIS Soft Tissue Neoplasm, Part 1 of 2 Quiz. The SCORE Portal. [Web].
    3. Asare EA, Gershenwald JE (2018). Melanoma – Wide Excision [Web]. The SCORE Portal.
    4. Asare EA (2015). Invited by Medscape Medical News to comment on how a new study on microscopic extension will affect the future of AJCC Cancer Staging for papillary thyroid cancer. Microscopic Extension Does Not Up PTC Recurrence or Death, by Miriam E. Tucker [Web]. Medscape Medical News.