Board Certification
American Board of AnesthesiologyAmerican Board of Anesthesiology (Sub: Pain Medicine)National Board of Medical ExaminersPatient Rating
4.8 /5( out of 84 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
December 18, 2024UTAH DIABETES CENTERDr Hagen takes the time to listen, understand and provide the best treatment available to her for my issues.
November 20, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERDr Hagn is not only a master knowledge about chronic pain syndromes, she is determined to not give up on you until you until you are at an acceptable level of pain. Her kindness and compassion are rare to find in a dr who is an expert in their field. Even if you have been to several places searching for help with your chronic pain, please see Dr Hagn and your hope will be restored that there is help and that a dr really cares about you and wants to help get your disease under control.
November 01, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERDr. Hagn listened to me carefully and we made treatment decisions together.
October 02, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERVery good doctor
October 02, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERDr Hagn has incredible expertise and unfathomable knowledge. Her bedside manner is very kind, caring, sympathetic and she has a vested interest in you and sincerely wants to help.
September 11, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERDr Hagn listens to me and doesn't make me feel like she's in a hurry to get in for my appointment and move on to the next one which in turn makes me feel like she cares about my success in treatments. I feel seen and heard in all my visits
July 31, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERDr. Hagn is a true professional in every aspect, kind and caring
July 26, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERVery professional in all aspects of care
July 17, 2024PAIN MANAGEMENT CENTERShe was very personable, super caring and completely thorough. She gave me some hope.
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Anesthesiology -Primary Board Certification American Board of AnesthesiologyAmerican Board of Anesthesiology (Sub: Pain Medicine)National Board of Medical ExaminersEducation history
Fellowship Chronic Pain Medicine - University of Utah Health Sciences Center Fellow Residency Anesthesiology - University of Utah Health Sciences Center Resident Internship Transitional Year - Sacred Heart Medical Center, University of Washington Intern Professional Medical Medicine - University of Utah M.D. Undergraduate Applied Mathematics, Graduation with Highest Distinction, Most Outstanding Applied Mathematics Graduate Award - University of Colorado College of Engineering B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- DiBlasi E, Kaufman EA, Webster S, Hagn EE, Shabalin AA, Chen D, Han S, Jawish R, Monson ET, Staley MJ, Keeshin BR, Docherty AR, Bakian AV, Okifuji A, Coon H (2024). Phenome-wide diagnostic comparison among suicide deaths and living individuals with chronic pain diagnoses. BMC Med, 22(1), 568. (Read full article)
- Nguyen L, Lee A, Jalbout Hastie M, Hagn E (2023). Leading Change and Managing Resistance for Equity, Diversity, and Inclusivity in Anesthesiology Departments. Anesth Analg, 137(4), 788-793. (Read full article)
- Iacob E, Hagn EE, Sindt J, Brogan, Tadler, Kennington KS, Hare BD, Bokat CE, Donaldson GW, Okifuji A, Junkins SR (June 2018). Tertiary Care Clinical Experience with Intravenous Lidocaine Infusions for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Pain Med, 19(6), 1245-1253.
Book Chapter
- Hagn E, Fine P (2021). Bleeding, Draining, Malodorous Lesions . In Perry Fine, MD (Eds.), The Hospice Companion - Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Care of Advanced Illness (Fourth, pp. 76-83). OXFORD University Press.
- Hagn E (2021). Pruritus. In Perry Fine, MD (Eds.), The Hospice Companion - Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Care of Advanced Illness (Fourth, pp. 173-176). OXFORD University Press.
- Hagn E (2021). Lidocaine Infusions for Refractory Neuropathic Pain. In Perry Fine, MD (Eds.), The Hospice Companion - Best Practices for Interdisciplinary Care of Advanced Illness (Fourth, pp. 211-213). OXFORD University Press.
- Okifuji, A, Hagn, E, Bokat, C amp Turk, DC In Fishman, SM, McCarron, R Eds (2017). Motivating chronic pain patients for behavioral change. In Bonica’s Management of Pain. Media, PA,Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
- Roussel D, Hagn EE (2015). Review of Cytochrome P450 1A2 Chapter. In Marcucci, C., Hutchens, M.P., Wittwer, E.D., Weingarten, T.N., Sprung, J., Nicholson, W.T., Lalwani, K., Metro, D.G., Dull, R.O., Swide, C.E., Seagull, F.J., Kirsch, J.R., Sandson, N.B. (Eds.) (Eds.), A Case Approach to Perioperative Drug-Drug Interactions (pp. 41-44). NY, NY: Springer Science and Media, LLC.
Conference Proceedings
- Emily Hagn, MD Smitha Warrier, MD Michelle Vo, MD Tawanda Owens, PhD Ebony Hilton Buchholz, MD (2020). "That's Not What I Meant!: Building a Culture of Inclusion Understanding Bias, Microaggressions and Cultural Competence" interactive tutorial. Presentation was chosen during American Society of Anesthesiology's (ASA) initial rigorous peer-reviewed planning process that accepted only 34% of submissions (subsequently excluded in only because of space limitations when meeting changed to virtual format due COVID 19 pandemic, American Society of Anesthesiologist Annual Meeting.
- Hagn, E, Warrier, S, Curtis, M, Drennan, E, Birgenheier, N (2019). “That’s not what I meant” - Building a Culture of Inclusion: Recognizing, Responding to, and Rewriting the Script of Microaggressions Peer-Reviewed. In peer-reviewed by Society of Education in Anesthesia Board (Ed.), Society of Education in Anesthesia National Meeting 2019, Denver, CO.
Book Review
- Hagn EE (2013). Book Review. [Review of the book Perioperative Pain Management]. Journal of Pain and Palliative Care Pharmacotherapy, 27:3, 305.
- Shonte McKenzie MD, Christina Bokat MD, Jill Sindt MD, Emily Hagn MD (2020). Impact of Ketamine Infusion on Refractory Neuropathic Pain and Mood Disturbance [Abstract]. 45(2), 167.
- Eli Iacob, PhD, Emily Hagn, MD, Jill Sindt, MD, Shane Brogan, MD, Scott Tadler, MD, Konrad Kennington, MD, Bradford Hare, MD, Christina Bokat, MD, Gary Donaldson, PhD, Akiko Okifuji, PhD, amp Scott Junkins, MD (2017). Tertiary care clinical experience with intravenous lidocaine infusions for the treatment of chronic pain [Abstract].
- Emily Hagn, MD (2023). Rise Up (2022): Using Art to Heal Through the Pandemic. ASA Monitor 2023; 87:22 doi: https://doi.org/10.1097/01.ASM.0000921988.94144.66 . American Society of Anesthesiologists.
- Emily Hagn, MD (2022). Poem published in RUBOR Magazine - Reflections on Medicine from the Wasatch Front https://rubor.med.utah.edu/voices/author/emily-e-hagn/. (10). Eccles Health Sciences Library.