Board Certification
American Board of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationAmerican Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Sub: Sports Medicine)Patient Rating
4.8 /5( out of 146 reviews )The patient rating score is an average of all responses on our patient experience survey. The rating averages scores for all questions about care from our providers.
The scale on which responses are measured is 1 to 5 with 5 being the best score.
Patient Comments
Patient comments are gathered from our patient experience survey and displayed in their entirety. For the convenience of our visitors, some patient comments have been translated from their original language into English while preserving their original meaning as accurately as possible. Patients are de-identified for confidentiality and patient privacy.
January 17, 2025ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERDr. Hansen is great! Personable, informative, kind and helpful.
January 16, 2025ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERDr. Hansen seemed like a caring and compassionate individual and looked for additional ways to help me...such as suggesting a group experience for help with learning to manage chronic pain.
January 07, 2025ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERExcellent Doctor Excellent Care
December 22, 2024NEILSEN REHABILITATION HOSPITALI love that Dr Hansen makes the injections as comfortable as possible
December 12, 2024ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERDr. Hansen is very efficient, empathetic, and professional. She reviewed treatment options and gave her recommendation. She made sure the next step was scheduled promptly.
December 05, 2024ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERDoctor Hansen listened to all of my concerns. She was very thorough and explained everything.
November 21, 2024ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERSince my first visit in 2009 Dr Hansen has been terrific
October 30, 2024ORTHOPAEDICS CENTERExcellent Orthopedic and Pain doctor!
October 21, 2024NEILSEN REHABILITATION HOSPITALGreat care provider
Board Certification and Academic Information
Academic Departments Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation -Primary
Board Certification American Board of Physical Medicine & RehabilitationAmerican Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation (Sub: Sports Medicine)Education history
Fellowship Musculoskeletal and Spine Rehabilitation - University of Utah School of Medicine Fellow Chief Resident Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - University of Washington Chief Resident Residency Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation - University of Washington Resident Internship Internal Medicine - University of Utah School of Medicine Intern Professional Medical Medicine - Northwestern University Medical School M.D. Undergraduate Psychology - South Dakota State University B.S. Selected Publications
Journal Article
- Coletta AM, Haverbeck Simon L, Maslana K, Taylor S, Larson K, Hansen PA, Thomas VM, Ulrich CM, Kohli M, Chipman J, Swami U, Gupta S, Maughan BL, Agarwal N (2024). Creatine Supplementation and Resistance Training to Preserve Muscle Mass and Attenuate Cancer Progression (CREATINE-52): A Protocol for a Double-blind Randomized Controlled Trial. BMC Cancer, 24(1), 493.
- Dunston ER, Bai Y, Newton M, Podlog L, Walker D, Oza S, Zingg RW, Hansen PA, Coletta AM (2022). Clinical and Demographic Factors Associated with Follow-up in a Hospital-based Exercise Oncology Program. . Integr Cancer Ther, 21.
- Coletta AM, Playdon M, Baron KG, Wei M, Kelley K, Vaklavas C, Beck A, Buys SS, Chipman J, Ulrich CM, Walker D, White S, Oza S, Zingg RW, Hansen P (2021). The Association Between Time-of-day of Habitual Exercise Training and Changes in Relevant Cancer Health Outcomes Among Cancer Survivors. PLoS One, 16(10), e0258135.
- Hansen PA, English M, Willick SE (05/23/2012). Does Running Cause Osteoarthritis in the Hip or Knee? PM R, (4), S117-S121.
- Paidin M, Hansen PA, McFadden M, Kendall RW (11/01/2011). Contrast Dispersal Patterns as a Predictor of Clinical Outcome with Transforaminal Epidural Steroid Injection for Lumbar Radiculopathy. 3(11), 1022-1027.
- Daubs MD, Patel AA, Willick SE, Kendall RW, Hansen PA, Petron DJ, Brodke DS (11/12/2010). Clinical Impression Versus Standardized Questionnaire: The Spinal Surgeon's Ability to Assess Psychological Distress. J Bone Joint Surg Am, 92, 1-6.
- Willick SE, Hansen PA (07/01/2010). Running and Osteoarthritis. Clin Sports Med, 29(3), 417-428.
- Hansen PA, Dechet CB, Porucznik CA, LaStayo PC (11/01/2009). Comparing eccentric resistance exercise in prostate cancer survivors on and off hormone therapy: a pilot study. 1(11), 1019-24.
- Hansen PA, Micklesen P, Robinson LR (2004). Clinical utility of the flick maneuver in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 83(5), 363-7. (Read full article)
Book Chapter
- Hansen PA, Henrie AM, Deimel GW, Willick SE (08/20/2015). Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Lower Limb. In Braddom R, Cifu D (Eds.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Fifth). Philadelphia: Elsevier.
- Hansen PA, Willick SE (04/02/2014). Running and Osteoarthritis. In Wilder R, O'Conner F, Magrum Eric (Eds.), The Complete Textbook of Running Medicine (second, pp. 620-630). Monterey: Healthy Learning.
- Hansen, PA, Willick SE (01/01/2011). Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Lower Limb. In Braddom R (Ed.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Fourth, pp. 843-870). Philadelphia: Elsevier.
- Hansen PA, Willick SE (01/01/2007). Musculoskeletal Disorders of the Lower Limb. In Braddom R (Ed.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Third). Philadelphia: Elsevier.
- Hansen PA, Reed K (2006). Common musculoskeletal problems in the performing artist. In D. Dellapena (Ed.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics of North America (17). Salt Lake City: Elsevier.
- Lanpher A, Brady D, Mascoe J, Hansen P, Davies R, Stiel K, Armstrong A (2024). Wellness Initiatives within the PM&R Residency Program. Poster presented at the University of Utah Evidence Based Practice + Wellness Champions Poster Fair. [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
- Tran J, Kramer A, Hansen P (2024). Impact-PMR: Innovative Methods for Preceptor Advancement and Clinical Teaching in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Poster presented at the Education Scholarship Retreat. [Abstract]. (Epub ahead of print)
- Hansen PA, Zingg R, Coletta AM, Walker D, Rose N (2020). Preliminary Efficacy of a Hospital Based Exercise Oncology Program. Poster presentation at the 2020 American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Annual Assembly, San Diego, CA and The 24th Multidisciplinary Management of Cancers Conference. [Abstract]. 12(S1), suppl 1.
- Christiansen J, Capizzi A, Walker D, Fenger C, Bigelow B, Sandefur K, Trapp S, Hansen P (2020). How Does Mindfulness Added to a Structured Diet and Exercise Program in Cancer Patients Affect Long Term Health Benefits? Poster presentation at the International Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine World Congress and Association of Academic Physiatrists Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida. [Abstract]. 99(3), a187.
- Hansen, PA, Willick, SE, Kendall, R (2007). Pain reproduction and acute pain relief with transforaminal injections do not predict two-week or two-month pain or functional outcomes. [Abstract]. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 88.
- Hansen PA, Micklesen PJ, Robinson LR (2002). The utility of the flick maneuver in diagnosing carpal tunnel syndrome [Abstract]. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 83, 1641.
- Hansen PA, Kraft GH (2002). Successful early treatment and rehabilitation of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis [Abstract]. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 81, 539.
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