At any given time, eating disorders affect millions of people of every age, race, size, gender identity, sexual orientation, and background. Kristin Francis, MD, a psychiatrist at Huntsman Mental Health...
This season can offer an abundance of cheer, create positive memories, and bring families together. It can also increase our stress and raise expectations of our own and others’ time...
Kevin Curtis, Crisis Services Director at University of Utah Health Huntsman Mental Health Institute (HMHI) discusses what a mental breakdown is and what steps you can take to get help.
A medida que la transmisión de COVID-19 continúa en las comunidades, se está aprendiendo más sobre el virus. Siguen existiendo dudas sobre las nuevas variantes del virus COVID-19, la gripe...
Una vacuna de refuerzo no es algo exclusivo de COVID-19. De hecho, las vacunas de refuerzo son comunes para muchas de las vacunas que los médicos y funcionarios de salud...
Your 4-inch stilettos look great, but are they hazardous to your health? One-third of women who wear high heels have fallen while wearing them, but the danger doesn't stop there.
One in 60 people in the US lives with a traumatic brain injury related disability. Here, we discusses the long-term effects of living with brain injuries.
COVID-19 booster shots are authorized for everyone 6 months and older to help protect yourself and others from contracting the virus and becoming severely sick.
Is it true that you can become healthier and happier by practicing gratitude? Expressing feelings of appreciation to others and ourselves creates positive emotions and feelings of pleasure and contentment.
Todos estamos cansados de la pandemia, pero ahora no es el momento de bajar la guardia. Las dosis de refuerzo de las vacunas COVID están ahora autorizadas para cualquier persona...
Just like everyone else, older adults deserve to be able to safely enjoy spending time with those who matter most to them. Hear from our geriatricians on the importance of...
Venessa Lee, MD works with spinal cord injury patients at the Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital, the only Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) accredited Spinal Cord Specialty Program...
As with most complicated subjects, myths about vision and eye health abound. John A. Moran Eye Center optometrist Gabriel Hulewsky, OD, has heard them all, and he's here to debunk...
The workplace is a crucial area to address mental health and suicide prevention. When an individual is struggling with their mental health or thoughts of suicide, it will most likely...
Substance use disorders can affect many aspects of a person's life. Liz Wetmore, a Licensed Clinical Social Worker at at Huntsman Mental Health Institute's Addiction Recovery Services discusses the role...
Por lo tanto, la pregunta sigue siendo: ¿es necesario vacunarse si ya ha contraído el virus y recuperado de la enfermedad COVID-19? Los expertos en salud de la Universidad de...
Do you need to get vaccinated if you have already contracted and recovered from COVID-19? University of Utah Health experts, along with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, say...
El doctor Rodríguez , Profesor de Medicina Familiar y Preventiva, y Vicepresidente Asociado de Equidad Sanitaria, Diversidad e Inclusión de la Universidad de Utah responde a nuestras inquietudes sobre las...
Whether you're new to contact lenses or have been wearing them for a while, it's always good to double-check your hygiene practices. Wearing contact lenses may increase your chance of...
Researchers at University of Utah Health and around the world are continuing to investigate other ways that COVID-19 can impact patients long-term - namely, erectile dysfunction in men.