Despite what you may hear about the “biological clock,” many women deliver healthy babies at age 35 and beyond. If you're planning to get pregnant later in life, it's not...
Some of your foods, drinks, and medications might look a little different in the coming years. Red Dye No. 3 has been banned in food products and ingestible drugs.
En esta época del año, los niños parecen estar constantemente enfermos. Pero, ¿qué síntomas de enfermedad les obligan a quedarse en casa? ¿Y qué síntomas pueden lidiar en sus escritorios?
Kids seem to have a constant string of illnesses. But which signs of being sick mean they should stay home? Here are some tips on assessing symptoms before sending them...
High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the leading cause of global mortality and cardiovascular disease. While there is no cure for high blood pressure, it can be prevented or managed...
La ansiedad es crónica puede resultar debilitante. Saber cómo afrontar la ansiedad puede ayudarle a controlarla en su vida cotidiana y proporcionarle alivio a largo plazo.
Feeling anxious from time to time is simply part of being a human. But when anxiety is chronic and feels like it has taken control, our quality of life, daily...
Tanto si comer más sano forma parte de sus propósitos de Año Nuevo como si sólo quiere renovarse, es importante fijarse objetivos relacionados con la salud que sean fáciles de...
It’s important to create health-related goals that are easy to maintain. Here are some simple switches you can make today that can have a big impact on your overall health.
Las lesiones nasales pueden ser desde leves, que pueden tratarse en casa, hasta más graves, que requieren tratamiento médico profesional. Saber cómo tratar adecuadamente una lesión nasal puede marcar una...
Nose and nasal injuries can range from minor ones that can be treated at home to more serious issues that require professional medical treatment. Understanding how to properly treat your...