While attempting to teach the importance of a well-balanced diet, sometimes even well-intentioned parents might accidentally encroach on food policing and weight shaming. Here are a few tips to help...
More than 25% of parents surveyed report that they were less than truthful about their children’s COVID-19 status or that they didn't follow the disease’s preventive guidelines during the pandemic...
Cold weather is no reason to hibernate until it warms up. Just make sure to dress accordingly. That means baby, too. This step-by-step guide shows you how to bundle your...
Las escenas de violencia y las amenazas han sido cada vez más frecuentes en los campus escolares de todo el país. Aquí se puede informar de cómo puede hablar con...
Scenes of violence and threats have been increasingly playing out on school campuses across the country.. Here's how you can talk to your children about school threats.
It's not unusual for adolescents to feel sad, anxious, confused, or distressed. When negative emotions become overwhelming, youth may start using self-injury as a way to cope with stress in...